Author 134
The Stoics on cases, predicates, and the unity of the proposition, 1997
By: Gaskin, Richard , Sorabji, Richard (Ed.)
Title The Stoics on cases, predicates, and the unity of the proposition
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1997
Published in Aristotle and after
Pages 91-107
Categories no categories
Author(s) Gaskin, Richard
Editor(s) Sorabji, Richard
As far as traditional classifications go, the Stoics count as materialists. But it is notorious that there were four things in their world-view which do not fit this caracterization: time, place, the void and the so-called ‘sayables', or lekta (SE AM 10.218 = FDS 720). Lekta consist of three main kinds of quasi-linguistic item: centrally, simple propositions (as well as certain non-assertoric, but grammatically autonomous, items) are ‘complete’ lekta (DL 7 .6-8 = FDS 696, 874; SE AM 8.70-74). From these propositions, more complex ‘complete’ lekta maybe constructed, such as conditionals (DL 7.71) or syllogisms (DL 7.63). And within the structure of complete lekta, ‘incomplete’ lekta, such as predicates, maybe discerned. I call lekta quasi-linguistic, rather than linguistic, because, as we learn from an important passage in Sextus (AM 8.11-13 = FDS 67), the Stoics distinguished lekta both from language and from physical objects in the world. Hence linguistic items such as the verb (rhêma) ‘writes’ and the complete sentence (logos) ‘Socrates writes’ should be kept rigorously apart from their corresponding lekta - the predicate (katigorema) writes and the complete proposition (axidma) Socrates writes - which the linguistic expressions signify (semainein: SE AM 8.11 - 12, DL 7.56, 58, 65). In this paper I shall examine the Stoic treatment of the main constituents of the complete lekton: cases and predicates. I shall argue that cases are, like predicates, (incomplete) lekta, and that the verbal noun played a central role in Stoic thinking about lekta. In the light of these reflections, I shall conclude with some speculative remarks on the unity of the proposition. [Introduction, p. 91]

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But it is notorious that there were four things in their world-view which do not fit this caracterization: time, place, the void and the so-called \u2018sayables', or lekta (SE AM 10.218 = FDS 720). Lekta consist of three main kinds of quasi-linguistic item: centrally, simple propositions (as well as certain non-assertoric, but grammatically autonomous, items) are \u2018complete\u2019 lekta (DL 7 .6-8 = FDS 696, 874; SE AM 8.70-74). From these propositions, more complex \u2018complete\u2019 lekta maybe constructed, such as conditionals (DL 7.71) or syllogisms (DL 7.63). And within the structure of complete lekta, \u2018incomplete\u2019 lekta, such as predicates, maybe discerned. I call lekta quasi-linguistic, rather than linguistic, because, as we learn from an important passage in Sextus (AM 8.11-13 = FDS 67), the Stoics distinguished lekta both from language and from physical objects in the world. Hence linguistic items such as the verb (rh\u00eama) \u2018writes\u2019 and the complete sentence (logos) \u2018Socrates writes\u2019 should be kept rigorously apart from their corresponding lekta - the predicate (katigorema) writes and the complete proposition (axidma) Socrates writes - which the linguistic expressions signify (semainein: SE AM 8.11 - 12, DL 7.56, 58, 65). \r\nIn this paper I shall examine the Stoic treatment of the main constituents of the complete lekton: cases and predicates. I shall argue that cases are, like predicates, (incomplete) lekta, and that the verbal noun played a central role in Stoic thinking about lekta. In the light of these reflections, I shall conclude with some speculative remarks on the unity of the proposition. 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There is a strong concentration on stoicism with papers by: Michael Frede ( Euphrates of Tyre ); A. A. Long ( Property ownership and community ); Brad Inwood ( 'Why do fools fallin love?' ); Susanne Bobzein ( freedom and ethics ); Richard Gaskin ( cases, predicates and the unity of the proposition ); Richard Sorabji ( stoic philosophy and psychotherapy ); Bernard Williams ( reply to Richard Sorabji ). The other papers are by: Heinrich von Staden ( Galen and the 'Second Sophistic' ); Hans B. Gottschalk ( continuity and change in Aristotelianism ); Travis Butler ( the homonymy of signification in Aristotle ); Andrea Falcon ( Aristotle's theory of division ); Sylvia Berryman (Horror Vacui in the third century BC ); M. B. Trapp ( On the Tablet of Cebes ); Marwan Rashed ( a 'new' text of Alexander on the soul's motion ). [authors abstract]","republication_of":null,"online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/YmwXqTgEl5I3UF5","translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"is_catalog":0,"in_bibliography":0,"is_inactive":0,"notes":null,"doi_url":null,"book":{"id":199,"pubplace":"University of London","publisher":"Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study","series":"BICS (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies) Supplement","volume":"68","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null}}},"article":null},"sort":[1997]}

Aristote, «Physique», IV, 2, 1997
By: Brisson, Luc
Title Aristote, «Physique», IV, 2
Type Article
Language French
Date 1997
Journal Les Études philosophiques. Philosophie Ancienne
Volume 3
Pages 377-387
Categories no categories
Author(s) Brisson, Luc

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"768","_score":null,"_source":{"id":768,"authors_free":[{"id":1132,"entry_id":768,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":18,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Brisson, Luc ","free_first_name":"Luc","free_last_name":"Brisson","norm_person":{"id":18,"first_name":"Luc","last_name":"Brisson","full_name":"Brisson, Luc ","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/114433259","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Aristote, \u00abPhysique\u00bb, IV, 2","main_title":{"title":"Aristote, \u00abPhysique\u00bb, IV, 2"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1997","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/tI7koCi2kw6RY4u","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":18,"full_name":"Brisson, Luc ","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":768,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Les \u00c9tudes philosophiques. Philosophie Ancienne","volume":"3","issue":"","pages":"377-387"}},"sort":[1997]}

Simplicius, On Aristotles ‘Physics 5’, 1997
By: Simplicius, Cilicius
Title Simplicius, On Aristotles ‘Physics 5’
Type Monograph
Language English
Date 1997
Publication Place London
Publisher Bloomsbury
Series Ancient Commentators on Aristotle
Categories no categories
Author(s) Simplicius, Cilicius
Translator(s) Urmson, James O.(Urmson, James O.) ,
Simplicius, the greatest surviving ancient authority on Aristotle's Physics, lived in the sixth century A.D. He produced detailed commentaries on several of Aristotle's works. Those on the Physics, which alone come to over 1,300 pages in the original Greek, preserve a centuries-old tradition of ancient scholarship on Aristotle. In Physics Book 5 Aristotle lays down some of the principles of his dynamics and theory of change. What does not count as a change: change of relation? the flux of time? There is no change of change, yet acceleration is recognised. Aristotle defines 'continuous', 'contact', and 'next', and uses these definitions in discussing when we can claim that the same change or event is still going on. This volume is complemented by David Konstan's translation of Simplicius' commentary on Physics Book 6, which has already appeared in this series. It is Book 6 that gives spatial application to the terms defined in Book 5, and uses them to mount a celebrated attack on atomism. Simplicius' commentaries enrich our understanding of the Physics and of its interpretation in the ancient world.

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"89","_score":null,"_source":{"id":89,"authors_free":[{"id":102,"entry_id":89,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":435,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"},"free_name":"Urmson, James O.","free_first_name":"James O.","free_last_name":"Urmson","norm_person":{"id":435,"first_name":"James O.","last_name":"Urmson","full_name":"Urmson, James O.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/12972954X","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2291,"entry_id":89,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":62,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Simplicius, Cilicius","free_first_name":"Cilicius","free_last_name":"Simplicius","norm_person":{"id":62,"first_name":"Cilicius","last_name":"Simplicius ","full_name":"Simplicius Cilicius","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/118642421","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Simplicius, On Aristotles \u2018Physics 5\u2019","main_title":{"title":"Simplicius, On Aristotles \u2018Physics 5\u2019"},"abstract":"Simplicius, the greatest surviving ancient authority on Aristotle's Physics, lived in the sixth century A.D. He produced detailed commentaries on several of Aristotle's works. Those on the Physics, which alone come to over 1,300 pages in the original Greek, preserve a centuries-old tradition of ancient scholarship on Aristotle.\r\nIn Physics Book 5 Aristotle lays down some of the principles of his dynamics and theory of change. What does not count as a change: change of relation? the flux of time? There is no change of change, yet acceleration is recognised. Aristotle defines 'continuous', 'contact', and 'next', and uses these definitions in discussing when we can claim that the same change or event is still going on.\r\nThis volume is complemented by David Konstan's translation of Simplicius' commentary on Physics Book 6, which has already appeared in this series. It is Book 6 that gives spatial application to the terms defined in Book 5, and uses them to mount a celebrated attack on atomism. Simplicius' commentaries enrich our understanding of the Physics and of its interpretation in the ancient world.","btype":1,"date":"1997","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/p3xyHwwxMtdOBQm","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":435,"full_name":"Urmson, James O.","role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"}},{"id":62,"full_name":"Simplicius Cilicius","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":{"id":89,"pubplace":"London","publisher":"Bloomsbury","series":"Ancient Commentators on Aristotle","volume":"","edition_no":null,"valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":[1997]}

La Νοερὰ θεωρία di Giamblico, come Chiave di Lettura delle Categorie di Aristotele: alcuni esempi, 1997
By: Cardullo, R. Loredana
Title La Νοερὰ θεωρία di Giamblico, come Chiave di Lettura delle Categorie di Aristotele: alcuni esempi
Type Article
Language Italian
Date 1997
Journal Syllecta Classica
Volume 8
Pages 79-94
Categories no categories
Author(s) Cardullo, R. Loredana

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"938","_score":null,"_source":{"id":938,"authors_free":[{"id":1391,"entry_id":938,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":24,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Cardullo, R. Loredana ","free_first_name":"R. Loredana ","free_last_name":"Cardullo","norm_person":{"id":24,"first_name":"R. Loredana ","last_name":"Cardullo","full_name":"Cardullo, R. Loredana ","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/139800220","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"La \u039d\u03bf\u03b5\u03c1\u1f70 \u03b8\u03b5\u03c9\u03c1\u03af\u03b1 di Giamblico, come Chiave di Lettura delle Categorie di Aristotele: alcuni esempi","main_title":{"title":"La \u039d\u03bf\u03b5\u03c1\u1f70 \u03b8\u03b5\u03c9\u03c1\u03af\u03b1 di Giamblico, come Chiave di Lettura delle Categorie di Aristotele: alcuni esempi"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1997","language":"Italian","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/72ijDoM1QBWaxad","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":24,"full_name":"Cardullo, R. Loredana ","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":938,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Syllecta Classica","volume":"8","issue":"","pages":"79-94"}},"sort":[1997]}

Studies in Plato and the Platonic Tradition. Essays Presented to John Whittaker, 1997
By: Joyal, Mark (Ed.)
Title Studies in Plato and the Platonic Tradition. Essays Presented to John Whittaker
Type Edited Book
Language English
Date 1997
Publication Place London
Publisher Routledge (2017)
Categories no categories
Editor(s) Joyal, Mark
This book, which honours the career of a distinguished scholar, contains essays dealing with important problems in Plato, the Platonic tradition, and the texts and transmission of Plato and later Platonic writers. It ranges from the discussion of issues in individual Platonic dialogues to the examination of Platonism in the Middle Ages. The essays are written by leading scholars in the field and reflect the current state of knowledge on the various problems under discussion. The collection as a whole testifies to the importance of the Platonic writings for the history of ideas, and to the vitality that the study of these writings continues to possess.

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1470","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1470,"authors_free":[{"id":2545,"entry_id":1470,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":540,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Joyal, Mark","free_first_name":"Mark","free_last_name":"Joyal","norm_person":{"id":540,"first_name":"Mark","last_name":"Joyal","full_name":"Joyal, Mark","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1162514582","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Studies in Plato and the Platonic Tradition. Essays Presented to John Whittaker","main_title":{"title":"Studies in Plato and the Platonic Tradition. Essays Presented to John Whittaker"},"abstract":"This book, which honours the career of a distinguished scholar, contains essays dealing with important problems in Plato, the Platonic tradition, and the texts and transmission of Plato and later Platonic writers. It ranges from the discussion of issues in individual Platonic dialogues to the examination of Platonism in the Middle Ages. The essays are written by leading scholars in the field and reflect the current state of knowledge on the various problems under discussion. The collection as a whole testifies to the importance of the Platonic writings for the history of ideas, and to the vitality that the study of these writings continues to possess.","btype":4,"date":"1997","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/JhijSNjBEJlYa2C","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":540,"full_name":"Joyal, Mark","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":{"id":1470,"pubplace":"London","publisher":"Routledge (2017)","series":"","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":[1997]}

Philoponus and Simplicius on Tekmeriodic Proof, 1997
By: Morrison, Donald R., Keßler, Eckhard (Ed.), Di Liscia, Daniel A. (Ed.), Methuen, Charlotte (Ed.)
Title Philoponus and Simplicius on Tekmeriodic Proof
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1997
Published in Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature: The Aristotle Commentary Tradition
Pages 1-22
Categories no categories
Author(s) Morrison, Donald R.
Editor(s) Keßler, Eckhard , Di Liscia, Daniel A. , Methuen, Charlotte
In this paper I shall concentrate on a small but crucial episode in the development of one significant issue: the method by which the physicist acquires knowledge of the principles of physical things. n his commentary on the Physics, the sixth-century Neoplatonist philosopher Simplicius puts forward sign-inference as a general method for acquiring first principles in physics: “Clearly, the grasp (gnosis) of the principles [of physical things] is through necessary signs (tekmeriodes) rather than apodeictic (apodeiktike)."... [p. 1]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"834","_score":null,"_ignored":[""],"_source":{"id":834,"authors_free":[{"id":1238,"entry_id":834,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":266,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Morrison, Donald R.","free_first_name":"Donald R.","free_last_name":"Morisson","norm_person":{"id":266,"first_name":"Donald R.","last_name":"Morrison","full_name":"Morrison, Donald R.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/14341285X","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2116,"entry_id":834,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":267,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Ke\u00dfler, Eckhard","free_first_name":"Eckhard","free_last_name":"Ke\u00dfler","norm_person":{"id":267,"first_name":"Eckhard","last_name":"Ke\u00dfler","full_name":"Ke\u00dfler, Eckhard","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/117756431","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2117,"entry_id":834,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":268,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Di Liscia, Daniel A.","free_first_name":"Daniel A.","free_last_name":"Di Liscia","norm_person":{"id":268,"first_name":"Daniel A.","last_name":"Di Liscia","full_name":"Di Liscia, Daniel A.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/140744282","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2118,"entry_id":834,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":269,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Methuen, Charlotte","free_first_name":"Charlotte","free_last_name":"Methuen","norm_person":{"id":269,"first_name":"Charlotte","last_name":"Methuen","full_name":"Methuen, Charlotte","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/137191812","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Philoponus and Simplicius on Tekmeriodic Proof","main_title":{"title":"Philoponus and Simplicius on Tekmeriodic Proof"},"abstract":"In this paper I shall concentrate on a small but \r\ncrucial episode in the development of one significant issue: the method by \r\nwhich the physicist acquires knowledge of the principles of physical \r\nthings. n his commentary on the Physics, the sixth-century Neoplatonist \r\nphilosopher Simplicius puts forward sign-inference as a general method \r\nfor acquiring first principles in physics: \u201cClearly, the grasp (gnosis) of the \r\nprinciples [of physical things] is through necessary signs (tekmeriodes) \r\nrather than apodeictic (apodeiktike).\"... [p. 1]","btype":2,"date":"1997","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/QNAlabnyOPuOeYD","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":266,"full_name":"Morrison, Donald R.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}},{"id":267,"full_name":"Ke\u00dfler, Eckhard","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":268,"full_name":"Di Liscia, Daniel A.","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":269,"full_name":"Methuen, Charlotte","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":null,"booksection":{"id":834,"section_of":298,"pages":"1-22","is_catalog":null,"book":{"id":298,"bilderberg_idno":null,"dare_idno":null,"catalog_idno":null,"entry_type":null,"type":4,"language":"en","title":"Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature: The Aristotle Commentary Tradition","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","short_title":"Liscia1997","has_no_author":null,"volume":null,"date":"1997","edition_no":null,"free_date":"1997","abstract":"The volume results from a seminar sponsored by the \u2019Foundation for Intellectual History\u2019 at the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenb\u00fcttel, in 1992. Starting with the theory of regressus as displayed in its most developed form by William Wallace, these papers enter the vast field of the Renaissance discussion on method as such in its historical and systematical context. This is confined neither to the notion of method in the strict sense, nor to the Renaissance in its exact historical limits, nor yet to the Aristotelian tradition as a well defined philosophical school, but requires a new scholarly approach. Thus - besides Galileo, Zabarella and their circles, which are regarded as being crucial for the \u2019emergence of modern science\u2019 in the end of the 16th century - the contributors deal with the ancient and medieval origins as well as with the early modern continuity of the Renaissance concepts of method and with \u2019non-regressive\u2019 methodologies in the various approaches of Renaissance natural philosophy, including the Lutheran and Calvinist traditions.","republication_of":null,"online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/UYVQMPV7rKKzfRo","translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"is_catalog":0,"in_bibliography":0,"is_inactive":0,"notes":null,"doi_url":null,"book":{"id":298,"pubplace":"Hampshire - Brookfield","publisher":"Ashgate","series":"","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null}}},"article":null},"sort":[1997]}

Were Aristotle's Intentions in writing the De Anima Forgotten in Late Antiquity?, 1997
By: Blumenthal, Henry J.
Title Were Aristotle's Intentions in writing the De Anima Forgotten in Late Antiquity?
Type Article
Language English
Date 1997
Journal Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale
Volume 8
Pages 143–157
Categories no categories
Author(s) Blumenthal, Henry J.
In general we have to conclude that while the whole "Philoponus” commentary may include a number of explicit references to the biological writings, and while the real Philoponus may often refer to medical and scientific issues, there is no systematic bias towards explaining the contents of the De anima in terms of them. There is, however, just as in the Ps-Simplicius commentary, enough said about such matters, and enough reference made to other parts of the biological corpus, to show that the commentators were still aware of the original intentions of the work — or, at the very least, behaved as if they were — even if they did not always feel bound by them. That awareness was to survive into the Middle Ages as well. [Conclusion, p. 157]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"893","_score":null,"_source":{"id":893,"authors_free":[{"id":1316,"entry_id":893,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":108,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","free_first_name":"Henry J.","free_last_name":"Blumenthal","norm_person":{"id":108,"first_name":"Henry J.","last_name":"Blumenthal","full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1051543967","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Were Aristotle's Intentions in writing the De Anima Forgotten in Late Antiquity?","main_title":{"title":"Were Aristotle's Intentions in writing the De Anima Forgotten in Late Antiquity?"},"abstract":"In general we have to conclude that while the whole \"Philoponus\u201d commentary may include a number of explicit references to the biological writings, and while the real Philoponus may often refer to medical and scientific issues, there is no systematic bias towards explaining the contents of the De anima in terms of them. There is, however, just as in the Ps-Simplicius commentary, enough said about such matters, and \r\nenough reference made to other parts of the biological corpus, to show that the commentators were still aware of the original intentions of the work \u2014 or, at the very least, behaved as if they were \u2014 even if they did not always feel bound by them. That awareness was to survive into the Middle Ages as well. [Conclusion, p. 157]","btype":3,"date":"1997","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/qhZRe3zhqqbPUeO","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":108,"full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":893,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale","volume":"8","issue":"","pages":"143\u2013157"}},"sort":[1997]}

Iamblichus as a Commentator, 1997
By: Blumenthal, Henry J.
Title Iamblichus as a Commentator
Type Article
Language English
Date 1997
Journal Syllecta Classica
Volume 8
Pages 1–13
Categories no categories
Author(s) Blumenthal, Henry J.
Twenty two years ago, when tiiat growtii in interest in Neoplatonism which is a s??a?t??? of this conference was only just getting under way, two large booksappeared which will be famUiar to all who are interested in Iamblichus. I am referring,of course, to JM. Dillon's collection of die fragmentary remains of Iamblichus'commentaries on Plato's dialogues, supplied with an ample commentary to boot,1 andB. Dalsgaard Larsen's Jamblique de Chalets. Exégète et Philosophe, of which some240 pages are devoted to his role as exégète: a collection of exegetical fragmentsappeared as a 130 page appendix.2 Larsen's book covered the interpretation of bothPlato and Aristode, and pre-empted a second volume of Dillon's which was to dealwith Aristode. I mention these books because we are, inter alia, taking stock, and it isremarkable that not much attention has been paid since dien to Iamblichus' role as acommentator. Perhaps tiiey have had die same effect on die study of this aspect ofIamblichus as Proclus' work had on the interpretation of Plato at Alexandria.Be that as it may, I intend to look, not very originally, at Iamblichus' activitiesas a commentator on philosophical works— and so I shall say notiring about dietwenty-eight books or more of his lost commentary on die Chaldaean Oracles*— andalso to say sometiring, in die manner of core samples, about how his expositionscompare with those of the later commentators. Though the process can be traced back in part to Porphyry,4 I drink it is safe to say tiiat Iamblichus was the firstNeoplatonist, at least of those about whom we are reasonably well informed, to set outin a systematic way to write commentaries on the major works of both Plato and—inIamblichus' case to a lesser extent—Aristotle too. [pp. 1 ff.]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"895","_score":null,"_source":{"id":895,"authors_free":[{"id":1321,"entry_id":895,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":108,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","free_first_name":"Henry J.","free_last_name":"Blumenthal","norm_person":{"id":108,"first_name":"Henry J.","last_name":"Blumenthal","full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1051543967","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Iamblichus as a Commentator","main_title":{"title":"Iamblichus as a Commentator"},"abstract":"Twenty two years ago, when tiiat growtii in interest in Neoplatonism which is a\r\ns??a?t??? of this conference was only just getting under way, two large booksappeared which will be famUiar to all who are interested in Iamblichus. I am referring,of course, to JM. Dillon's collection of die fragmentary remains of Iamblichus'commentaries on Plato's dialogues, supplied with an ample commentary to boot,1 andB. Dalsgaard Larsen's Jamblique de Chalets. Ex\u00e9g\u00e8te et Philosophe, of which some240 pages are devoted to his role as ex\u00e9g\u00e8te: a collection of exegetical fragmentsappeared as a 130 page appendix.2 Larsen's book covered the interpretation of bothPlato and Aristode, and pre-empted a second volume of Dillon's which was to dealwith Aristode. I mention these books because we are, inter alia, taking stock, and it isremarkable that not much attention has been paid since dien to Iamblichus' role as acommentator. Perhaps tiiey have had die same effect on die study of this aspect ofIamblichus as Proclus' work had on the interpretation of Plato at Alexandria.Be that as it may, I intend to look, not very originally, at Iamblichus' activitiesas a commentator on philosophical works\u2014 and so I shall say notiring about dietwenty-eight books or more of his lost commentary on die Chaldaean Oracles*\u2014 andalso to say sometiring, in die manner of core samples, about how his expositionscompare with those of the later commentators. Though the process can be traced back in part to Porphyry,4 I drink it is safe to say tiiat Iamblichus was the firstNeoplatonist, at least of those about whom we are reasonably well informed, to set outin a systematic way to write commentaries on the major works of both Plato and\u2014inIamblichus' case to a lesser extent\u2014Aristotle too. [pp. 1 ff.]","btype":3,"date":"1997","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/uYBsFlDm7T54N7r","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":108,"full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":895,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Syllecta \tClassica","volume":"8","issue":"","pages":"1\u201313"}},"sort":[1997]}

Roman Aristotle, 1997
By: Barnes, Jonathan (Ed.), Griffin, Miriam (Ed.), Barnes, Jonathan
Title Roman Aristotle
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1997
Published in Philosophia togata II: Plato and Aristotle at Rome
Pages 1-69
Categories no categories
Author(s) Barnes, Jonathan
Editor(s) Barnes, Jonathan , Griffin, Miriam
hen Theophrastus died, his library, which included the library of Aristotle, was carried off to the Troad. His successors found nothing much to read; the Lyceum sank into a decline; and Peripatetic ideas had little influence on the course of Hellenistic philosophy. It was only with the rediscovery of the library that Aristotelianism revived— and it revived in Italy. For the library' went from the Troad to Athens— whence, as part of Sulla’s war-booty, to Rome. There Andronicus of Rhodes produced the ‘Roman edition’ of the corpus Aristotelicum. It was the first complete and systematic version of Aristotle’s works, the first publication in their full form of the technical treatises, the first genu­ inely critical edition of the text. Andronicus’ Roman edition caused a sensation. It revitalised the languishing Peripatetics. It set off an explosion of Aristotelian studies. It laid the foundation for all subse­ quent editions of Aristotle’s works, including our modern texts. When we read .Aristotle we should pour a libation to Andronicus— and to Sulla.That story is the main subject of the following pages. It is familiar enough; my argument will be laborious; I have nothing new to say about it; and my general conclusions are dispiritingly sceptical. But recent scholarship on the topic has taken to the bottle of phantasy and stumbled drunkenly from one dogmatism to the next. Another look at the pertinent texts may be for­ given— and in any event the story is a peach. [p. 1]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"961","_score":null,"_ignored":[""],"_source":{"id":961,"authors_free":[{"id":1442,"entry_id":961,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":416,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Barnes, Jonathan","free_first_name":"Jonathan","free_last_name":"Barnes","norm_person":{"id":416,"first_name":"Jonathan","last_name":"Barnes","full_name":"Barnes, Jonathan","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/134306627","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":1443,"entry_id":961,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":417,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Griffin, Miriam","free_first_name":"Miriam","free_last_name":"Griffin","norm_person":{"id":417,"first_name":"Miriam","last_name":"Griffin","full_name":"Griffin, Miriam","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/121037975","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2242,"entry_id":961,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":416,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Barnes, Jonathan","free_first_name":"Jonathan","free_last_name":"Barnes","norm_person":{"id":416,"first_name":"Jonathan","last_name":"Barnes","full_name":"Barnes, Jonathan","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/134306627","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Roman Aristotle","main_title":{"title":"Roman Aristotle"},"abstract":"hen Theophrastus died, his library, which included the library of \r\nAristotle, was carried off to the Troad. His successors found nothing \r\nmuch to read; the Lyceum sank into a decline; and Peripatetic ideas \r\nhad little influence on the course of Hellenistic philosophy. It was only \r\nwith the rediscovery of the library that Aristotelianism revived\u2014 and it \r\nrevived in Italy. For the library' went from the Troad to Athens\u2014 \r\nwhence, as part of Sulla\u2019s war-booty, to Rome. There Andronicus of \r\nRhodes produced the \u2018Roman edition\u2019 of the corpus Aristotelicum. It was \r\nthe first complete and systematic version of Aristotle\u2019s works, the first \r\npublication in their full form of the technical treatises, the first genu\u00ad\r\ninely critical edition of the text. Andronicus\u2019 Roman edition caused a \r\nsensation. It revitalised the languishing Peripatetics. It set off an \r\nexplosion of Aristotelian studies. It laid the foundation for all subse\u00ad\r\nquent editions of Aristotle\u2019s works, including our modern texts. When \r\nwe read .Aristotle we should pour a libation to Andronicus\u2014 and to \r\nSulla.That story is the main subject of the following pages. It is \r\nfamiliar enough; my argument will be laborious; I have nothing \r\nnew to say about it; and my general conclusions are dispiritingly \r\nsceptical. But recent scholarship on the topic has taken to the \r\nbottle of phantasy and stumbled drunkenly from one dogmatism \r\nto the next. Another look at the pertinent texts may be for\u00ad\r\ngiven\u2014 and in any event the story is a peach. [p. 1]","btype":2,"date":"1997","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/Dn4JOW7VW7YHbB5","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":416,"full_name":"Barnes, Jonathan","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":417,"full_name":"Griffin, Miriam","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":416,"full_name":"Barnes, Jonathan","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":{"id":961,"section_of":283,"pages":"1-69","is_catalog":null,"book":{"id":283,"bilderberg_idno":null,"dare_idno":null,"catalog_idno":null,"entry_type":null,"type":4,"language":"en","title":"Philosophia togata II: Plato and Aristotle at Rome","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","short_title":"Barnes\/Griffin1997","has_no_author":null,"volume":null,"date":"1997","edition_no":null,"free_date":"1997","abstract":"The mutual interaction of philosophy and Roman political and cultural life has aroused more and more interest in recent years among students of classical literature, Roman history, and ancient philosophy. In this volume, which gathers together some of the papers originally delivered at a series of seminars in the University of Oxford, scholars from all three disciplines explore the role of Platonism and Aristotelianism in Roman intellectual, cultural, and political life from the second century BC to the third century AD.","republication_of":null,"online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/6YTVy44avqjDZN1","translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"is_catalog":0,"in_bibliography":0,"is_inactive":0,"notes":null,"doi_url":null,"book":{"id":283,"pubplace":"Oxford","publisher":"Clarendon Press","series":"","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null}}},"article":null},"sort":[1997]}

A “New” Text of Alexander on the Soul’s Motion, 1997
By: Rashed, Marwan, Sorabji, Richard (Ed.)
Title A “New” Text of Alexander on the Soul’s Motion
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1997
Published in Aristotle and after
Pages 181-195
Categories no categories
Author(s) Rashed, Marwan
Editor(s) Sorabji, Richard
[Conclusion, pp. 181 f.]: To conclude, then, the historical evolution of the polemics may be summarised as follows: 1. ‘Aristotelian’ claim of the intellect from without; 2. Atticus attacks the intellect from without because of its inability to move; 3. Aristoteles of Mytilene (as reported by Alexander in Cl) defends the intellect from without by claiming its ubiquity; 4. Alexander (De intell., C2) criticises Aristoteles’ solution to Atticus’ criticisms and gives an alternative reply to Atticus by accounting for separation in terms of thought processes; 5. Alexander {In Phys.) attacks Atticus’ vehicle-theory on the grounds that it does not resolve the question at all and alludes indirectly to his previous solution. Thus, we may conclude that the De intellectu is an authentic work of Alexander, but an earlier one than the commentary on the Physics.

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1061","_score":null,"_ignored":[""],"_source":{"id":1061,"authors_free":[{"id":1610,"entry_id":1061,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":194,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Rashed, Marwan","free_first_name":"Marwan","free_last_name":"Rashed","norm_person":{"id":194,"first_name":"Marwan","last_name":"Rashed","full_name":"Rashed, Marwan","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1054568634","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":1611,"entry_id":1061,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":133,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Sorabji, Richard","free_first_name":"Richard","free_last_name":"Sorabji","norm_person":{"id":133,"first_name":"Richard","last_name":"Sorabji","full_name":"Sorabji, Richard","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/130064165","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"A \u201cNew\u201d Text of Alexander on the Soul\u2019s Motion","main_title":{"title":"A \u201cNew\u201d Text of Alexander on the Soul\u2019s Motion"},"abstract":"[Conclusion, pp. 181 f.]: To conclude, then, the historical evolution of the polemics \r\nmay be summarised as follows:\r\n1. \u2018Aristotelian\u2019 claim of the intellect from without;\r\n2. Atticus attacks the intellect from without because of its inability to move;\r\n3. Aristoteles of Mytilene (as reported by Alexander in Cl) defends the intellect from \r\nwithout by claiming its ubiquity;\r\n4. Alexander (De intell., C2) criticises Aristoteles\u2019 solution to Atticus\u2019 criticisms and \r\ngives an alternative reply to Atticus by accounting for separation in terms of thought \r\nprocesses;\r\n5. Alexander {In Phys.) attacks Atticus\u2019 vehicle-theory on the grounds that it does not \r\nresolve the question at all and alludes indirectly to his previous solution.\r\nThus, we may conclude that the De intellectu is an authentic work of Alexander, but an \r\nearlier one than the commentary on the Physics.","btype":2,"date":"1997","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/uG5k4khKdCtgMTb","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":194,"full_name":"Rashed, Marwan","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}},{"id":133,"full_name":"Sorabji, Richard","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":null,"booksection":{"id":1061,"section_of":199,"pages":"181-195","is_catalog":null,"book":{"id":199,"bilderberg_idno":null,"dare_idno":null,"catalog_idno":null,"entry_type":null,"type":4,"language":"en","title":"Aristotle and after","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","short_title":"Sorabji1997a","has_no_author":null,"volume":null,"date":"1997","edition_no":null,"free_date":"1997","abstract":"A selection of papers given at the Institute of Classical Studies during 1996. They cover a variety of new work on the 900 years of philosophy from Aristotle to Simplicius. There is a strong concentration on stoicism with papers by: Michael Frede ( Euphrates of Tyre ); A. A. Long ( Property ownership and community ); Brad Inwood ( 'Why do fools fallin love?' ); Susanne Bobzein ( freedom and ethics ); Richard Gaskin ( cases, predicates and the unity of the proposition ); Richard Sorabji ( stoic philosophy and psychotherapy ); Bernard Williams ( reply to Richard Sorabji ). The other papers are by: Heinrich von Staden ( Galen and the 'Second Sophistic' ); Hans B. Gottschalk ( continuity and change in Aristotelianism ); Travis Butler ( the homonymy of signification in Aristotle ); Andrea Falcon ( Aristotle's theory of division ); Sylvia Berryman (Horror Vacui in the third century BC ); M. B. Trapp ( On the Tablet of Cebes ); Marwan Rashed ( a 'new' text of Alexander on the soul's motion ). [authors abstract]","republication_of":null,"online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/YmwXqTgEl5I3UF5","translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"is_catalog":0,"in_bibliography":0,"is_inactive":0,"notes":null,"doi_url":null,"book":{"id":199,"pubplace":"University of London","publisher":"Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study","series":"BICS (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies) Supplement","volume":"68","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null}}},"article":null},"sort":[1997]}

  • PAGE 8 OF 17
Metacommentary, 1992
By: Barnes, Jonathan, Annas, Julia (Ed.)
Title Metacommentary
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1992
Published in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy
Pages 267-281
Categories no categories
Author(s) Barnes, Jonathan
Editor(s) Annas, Julia
[Conclusion, pp. 281 f.]: Simplicius is in the scholarly news;27 the Neoplatonists are making a 
comeback; and the Greek commentaries on Aristotle are submitting to 
renewed  scholarly  scrutiny  and  enjoying  some  little  publicity.28 
Students of Greek philosophy have always referred to Simplicius and 
his fellows;  but they have usually read  a page here  and  a paragraph there, and their primary interest in the works has been in their value as 
sources for earlier thought (for the Presocratics, for the Stoics). This 
approach to a text has its dangers; and it is an unqualified good that 
Simplicius’ works are now being studied hard for themselves and as 
wholes. The French metacommentary may be regarded, and should 
be welcomed, as a part of this enterprise. But I am, I suspect, not alone 
in hoping that the next nine fascicles may prove a touch more sprightly 
and a touch more lithe.

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"646","_score":null,"_source":{"id":646,"authors_free":[{"id":924,"entry_id":646,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":416,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Barnes, Jonathan","free_first_name":"Jonathan","free_last_name":"Barnes","norm_person":{"id":416,"first_name":"Jonathan","last_name":"Barnes","full_name":"Barnes, Jonathan","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/134306627","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":925,"entry_id":646,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":415,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Annas, Julia","free_first_name":"Julia","free_last_name":"Annas","norm_person":{"id":415,"first_name":"Julia","last_name":"Annas","full_name":"Annas, Julia","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/112065120","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Metacommentary","main_title":{"title":"Metacommentary"},"abstract":"[Conclusion, pp. 281 f.]: Simplicius is in the scholarly news;27 the Neoplatonists are making a \r\ncomeback; and the Greek commentaries on Aristotle are submitting to \r\nrenewed scholarly scrutiny and enjoying some little publicity.28 \r\nStudents of Greek philosophy have always referred to Simplicius and \r\nhis fellows; but they have usually read a page here and a paragraph there, and their primary interest in the works has been in their value as \r\nsources for earlier thought (for the Presocratics, for the Stoics). This \r\napproach to a text has its dangers; and it is an unqualified good that \r\nSimplicius\u2019 works are now being studied hard for themselves and as \r\nwholes. The French metacommentary may be regarded, and should \r\nbe welcomed, as a part of this enterprise. But I am, I suspect, not alone \r\nin hoping that the next nine fascicles may prove a touch more sprightly \r\nand a touch more lithe.","btype":2,"date":"1992","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/n1H4zCNUKsZGBoC","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":416,"full_name":"Barnes, Jonathan","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}},{"id":415,"full_name":"Annas, Julia","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":null,"booksection":{"id":646,"section_of":285,"pages":"267-281","is_catalog":null,"book":{"id":285,"bilderberg_idno":null,"dare_idno":null,"catalog_idno":null,"entry_type":null,"type":4,"language":"en","title":"Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","short_title":"Annas1992","has_no_author":null,"volume":null,"date":"1992","edition_no":null,"free_date":"1992","abstract":"","republication_of":null,"online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/McNZQQDOEYD4Ihz","translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"is_catalog":0,"in_bibliography":0,"is_inactive":0,"notes":null,"doi_url":null,"book":{"id":285,"pubplace":"Oxford","publisher":"Clarendon Press","series":"","volume":"X","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null}}},"article":null},"sort":["Metacommentary"]}

Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature: The Aristotle Commentary Tradition, 1997
By: Di Liscia, Daniel A. (Ed.), Keßler, Eckhard (Ed.), Methuen, Charlotte (Ed.)
Title Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature: The Aristotle Commentary Tradition
Type Edited Book
Language English
Date 1997
Publication Place Hampshire - Brookfield
Publisher Ashgate
Categories no categories
Editor(s) Di Liscia, Daniel A. , Keßler, Eckhard , Methuen, Charlotte
The volume results from a seminar sponsored by the ’Foundation for Intellectual History’ at the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, in 1992. Starting with the theory of regressus as displayed in its most developed form by William Wallace, these papers enter the vast field of the Renaissance discussion on method as such in its historical and systematical context. This is confined neither to the notion of method in the strict sense, nor to the Renaissance in its exact historical limits, nor yet to the Aristotelian tradition as a well defined philosophical school, but requires a new scholarly approach. Thus - besides Galileo, Zabarella and their circles, which are regarded as being crucial for the ’emergence of modern science’ in the end of the 16th century - the contributors deal with the ancient and medieval origins as well as with the early modern continuity of the Renaissance concepts of method and with ’non-regressive’ methodologies in the various approaches of Renaissance natural philosophy, including the Lutheran and Calvinist traditions.

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"298","_score":null,"_source":{"id":298,"authors_free":[{"id":368,"entry_id":298,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":268,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Di Liscia, Daniel A.","free_first_name":"Daniel A.","free_last_name":"Di Liscia","norm_person":{"id":268,"first_name":"Daniel A.","last_name":"Di Liscia","full_name":"Di Liscia, Daniel A.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/140744282","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":369,"entry_id":298,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":267,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Ke\u00dfler, Eckhard","free_first_name":"Eckhard","free_last_name":"Ke\u00dfler","norm_person":{"id":267,"first_name":"Eckhard","last_name":"Ke\u00dfler","full_name":"Ke\u00dfler, Eckhard","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/117756431","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":370,"entry_id":298,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":269,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Methuen, Charlotte","free_first_name":"Charlotte","free_last_name":"Methuen","norm_person":{"id":269,"first_name":"Charlotte","last_name":"Methuen","full_name":"Methuen, Charlotte","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/137191812","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature: The Aristotle Commentary Tradition","main_title":{"title":"Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature: The Aristotle Commentary Tradition"},"abstract":"The volume results from a seminar sponsored by the \u2019Foundation for Intellectual History\u2019 at the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenb\u00fcttel, in 1992. Starting with the theory of regressus as displayed in its most developed form by William Wallace, these papers enter the vast field of the Renaissance discussion on method as such in its historical and systematical context. This is confined neither to the notion of method in the strict sense, nor to the Renaissance in its exact historical limits, nor yet to the Aristotelian tradition as a well defined philosophical school, but requires a new scholarly approach. Thus - besides Galileo, Zabarella and their circles, which are regarded as being crucial for the \u2019emergence of modern science\u2019 in the end of the 16th century - the contributors deal with the ancient and medieval origins as well as with the early modern continuity of the Renaissance concepts of method and with \u2019non-regressive\u2019 methodologies in the various approaches of Renaissance natural philosophy, including the Lutheran and Calvinist traditions.","btype":4,"date":"1997","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/UYVQMPV7rKKzfRo","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":268,"full_name":"Di Liscia, Daniel A.","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":267,"full_name":"Ke\u00dfler, Eckhard","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":269,"full_name":"Methuen, Charlotte","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":{"id":298,"pubplace":"Hampshire - Brookfield","publisher":"Ashgate","series":"","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":["Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature: The Aristotle Commentary Tradition"]}

Nous pathêtikos in later Greek philosophy, 1991
By: Blumenthal, Henry J., Blumenthal, Henry J. (Ed.), Robinson, Howard (Ed.)
Title Nous pathêtikos in later Greek philosophy
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1991
Published in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Supplementary volume: Aristotle and the Later Tradition
Pages 191-205
Categories no categories
Author(s) Blumenthal, Henry J.
Editor(s) Blumenthal, Henry J. , Robinson, Howard
In 1911  H.  Kurfess  obtained  a  doctorate  from  the  University  of 
Tübingen with a dissertation on the history of the interpretation of nous 
poietikos and  nous pathetikos} Notoriously the expression  nous poietikos 
never occurs in the text of Aristotle, but its derivation from De mim. 
430*11-12 is an easy step, and when philosophers and commentators 
subsequently discuss it, we know what it is that they are talking about, 
even  if its  nature  and  status  remained,  and  remain,  controversial. 
Similarly nouspathetikos, or rather ho pathetikos nous, occurs only once in 
the  pages  of Aristotle,  but appears often, if less  frequently  than  nous 
poietikos,  in  the  texts  of his  successors  and  interpreters.  In  its  case, 
however,  though  the  expression  occurs  in  Aristotle’s  De anima,  its 
reference is unclear. To aggravate matters,  nous pathetikos quite often 
appears in his successors in contexts which seem to have nothing to do 
with the intellect. Yet while nous poietikos has generated an enormous 
literature  from  the  ancient  world  up  until  today,  the  phrase  nous 
pathetikos  has  received  nothing like the attention of its partner. This 
paper will examine some of its uses in both commentators and Neo- 
platonist  philosophers  in  the  hope of explaining its  appearance and 
clarifying its meaning. [Introduction, p. 191]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"894","_score":null,"_source":{"id":894,"authors_free":[{"id":1317,"entry_id":894,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":108,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","free_first_name":"Henry J.","free_last_name":"Blumenthal","norm_person":{"id":108,"first_name":"Henry J.","last_name":"Blumenthal","full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1051543967","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":1319,"entry_id":894,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":108,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","free_first_name":"Henry J.","free_last_name":"Blumenthal","norm_person":{"id":108,"first_name":"Henry J.","last_name":"Blumenthal","full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1051543967","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":1320,"entry_id":894,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":139,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Robinson, Howard","free_first_name":"Howard","free_last_name":"Robinson","norm_person":{"id":139,"first_name":"Robinson","last_name":"Howard ","full_name":"Robinson, Howard ","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/172347122","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Nous path\u00eatikos in later Greek philosophy","main_title":{"title":"Nous path\u00eatikos in later Greek philosophy"},"abstract":"In 1911 H. Kurfess obtained a doctorate from the University of \r\nT\u00fcbingen with a dissertation on the history of the interpretation of nous \r\npoietikos and nous pathetikos} Notoriously the expression nous poietikos \r\nnever occurs in the text of Aristotle, but its derivation from De mim. \r\n430*11-12 is an easy step, and when philosophers and commentators \r\nsubsequently discuss it, we know what it is that they are talking about, \r\neven if its nature and status remained, and remain, controversial. \r\nSimilarly nouspathetikos, or rather ho pathetikos nous, occurs only once in \r\nthe pages of Aristotle, but appears often, if less frequently than nous \r\npoietikos, in the texts of his successors and interpreters. In its case, \r\nhowever, though the expression occurs in Aristotle\u2019s De anima, its \r\nreference is unclear. To aggravate matters, nous pathetikos quite often \r\nappears in his successors in contexts which seem to have nothing to do \r\nwith the intellect. Yet while nous poietikos has generated an enormous \r\nliterature from the ancient world up until today, the phrase nous \r\npathetikos has received nothing like the attention of its partner. This \r\npaper will examine some of its uses in both commentators and Neo- \r\nplatonist philosophers in the hope of explaining its appearance and \r\nclarifying its meaning. [Introduction, p. 191]","btype":2,"date":"1991","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/PSQSiQsqV3rsx6F","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":108,"full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}},{"id":108,"full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":139,"full_name":"Robinson, Howard ","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":null,"booksection":{"id":894,"section_of":354,"pages":"191-205","is_catalog":null,"book":{"id":354,"bilderberg_idno":null,"dare_idno":null,"catalog_idno":null,"entry_type":null,"type":4,"language":"en","title":"Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Supplementary volume: Aristotle and the Later Tradition","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","short_title":"Blumenthal\/Robinson1991","has_no_author":null,"volume":null,"date":"1991","edition_no":null,"free_date":"1991","abstract":"","republication_of":null,"online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/anTH9fx9QKBfykf","translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"is_catalog":0,"in_bibliography":0,"is_inactive":0,"notes":null,"doi_url":null,"book":{"id":354,"pubplace":"Oxford","publisher":"Clarendon Press","series":"Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null}}},"article":null},"sort":["Nous path\u00eatikos in later Greek philosophy"]}

On Aristotle's Categories 7-8, 1997
By: Simplicius
Title On Aristotle's Categories 7-8
Type Monograph
Language English
Date 1997
Publication Place London
Publisher Duckworth
Series Ancient Commentators on Aristotle
Categories no categories
Author(s) , Simplicius
Translator(s) Fleet, Barrie(Fleet, Barrie) ,
In "Categories" chapters 7 and 8 Aristotle considers his third and fourth categories - those of Relative and Quality. Critics of Aristotle had suggested for each of the non-substance categories that they could really be reduced to relatives, so it is important how the category of Relative is defined. Arisotle offers two definitons, and the second, stricter, one is often cited by his defenders in order to rule out objections. The second definition of relative involves the idea of something changing its relationship through a change undergone by its correlate, not by itself. There were disagreements as to whether this was genuine change, and Plotinus discussed whether relatives exist only in the mind, without being real. The terms used by Aristotle for such relationships was 'being disposed relatively to something', a term later borrowed by the Stoics for their fourth category, and perhaps originating in Plato's Academy. In his discussion of Quality, Aristotle reports a debate on whether justice admits of degrees, or whether only the possession of justice does so.
Simplicius reports the further development of this controversy in terms of whether justice admits a range or latitude (platos). This debate helped to inspire the medieval idea of latitude of forms, which goes back much further than is commonly recognised - at least to Plato and Aristotle. [offical abstract]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"113","_score":null,"_source":{"id":113,"authors_free":[{"id":135,"entry_id":113,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":117,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"},"free_name":"Fleet, Barrie","free_first_name":"Barrie","free_last_name":"Fleet","norm_person":{"id":117,"first_name":"Barrie","last_name":"Fleet","full_name":"Fleet, Barrie","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/172866235","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2254,"entry_id":113,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":62,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Simplicius","free_first_name":"","free_last_name":"","norm_person":{"id":62,"first_name":"Cilicius","last_name":"Simplicius ","full_name":"Simplicius Cilicius","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/118642421","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"On Aristotle's Categories 7-8","main_title":{"title":"On Aristotle's Categories 7-8"},"abstract":"In \"Categories\" chapters 7 and 8 Aristotle considers his third and fourth categories - those of Relative and Quality. Critics of Aristotle had suggested for each of the non-substance categories that they could really be reduced to relatives, so it is important how the category of Relative is defined. Arisotle offers two definitons, and the second, stricter, one is often cited by his defenders in order to rule out objections. The second definition of relative involves the idea of something changing its relationship through a change undergone by its correlate, not by itself. There were disagreements as to whether this was genuine change, and Plotinus discussed whether relatives exist only in the mind, without being real. The terms used by Aristotle for such relationships was 'being disposed relatively to something', a term later borrowed by the Stoics for their fourth category, and perhaps originating in Plato's Academy. In his discussion of Quality, Aristotle reports a debate on whether justice admits of degrees, or whether only the possession of justice does so.\r\nSimplicius reports the further development of this controversy in terms of whether justice admits a range or latitude (platos). This debate helped to inspire the medieval idea of latitude of forms, which goes back much further than is commonly recognised - at least to Plato and Aristotle. [offical abstract]","btype":1,"date":"1997","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/cC4JNSLyBnAfgAn","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":117,"full_name":"Fleet, Barrie","role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"}},{"id":62,"full_name":"Simplicius Cilicius","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":{"id":113,"pubplace":"London","publisher":"Duckworth","series":"Ancient Commentators on Aristotle","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":["On Aristotle's Categories 7-8"]}

On the Homocentric Spheres of Eudoxus, 1998
By: Yavetz, Ido
Title On the Homocentric Spheres of Eudoxus
Type Article
Language English
Date 1998
Journal Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Volume 52
Issue 3
Pages 221-278
Categories no categories
Author(s) Yavetz, Ido
In 1877, Schiaparelli published a classic essay on the homocentric spheres of Eu- 
doxus. In the years that followed, it became the standard, definitive historical reconstruc- 
tion of Eudoxian planetary theory. The purpose of this paper is to show that the two texts 
on which Schiaparelli based his reconstruction do not lead in an unequivocal way to 
this interpretation, and that they actually accommodate alternative and equally plausible 
interpretations that possess a clear astronomical superiority compared to Schiaparelli's. One should not mistake all of this for a call to reject Schiaparelli's interpretation in favor 
of the new one. In particular, the alternative interpretation does not recommend itself as a 
historically more plausible basis for reconstructing Eudoxus's and Callippus's planetary theories merely because of its astronomical advantages. It does, however, suggest that 
the exclusivity traditionally awarded to Schiaparelli's reconstruction can no longer be 
maintained, and that the little historical evidence we do possess does not enable us to 
make a justifiable choice between the available alternatives. [Introduction, p. 221]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"838","_score":null,"_source":{"id":838,"authors_free":[{"id":1242,"entry_id":838,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":366,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Yavetz, Ido","free_first_name":"Ido","free_last_name":"Yavetz","norm_person":{"id":366,"first_name":" Ido","last_name":"Yavetz","full_name":"Yavetz, Ido","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1156978416","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"On the Homocentric Spheres of Eudoxus","main_title":{"title":"On the Homocentric Spheres of Eudoxus"},"abstract":"In 1877, Schiaparelli published a classic essay on the homocentric spheres of Eu- \r\ndoxus. In the years that followed, it became the standard, definitive historical reconstruc- \r\ntion of Eudoxian planetary theory. The purpose of this paper is to show that the two texts \r\non which Schiaparelli based his reconstruction do not lead in an unequivocal way to \r\nthis interpretation, and that they actually accommodate alternative and equally plausible \r\ninterpretations that possess a clear astronomical superiority compared to Schiaparelli's. One should not mistake all of this for a call to reject Schiaparelli's interpretation in favor \r\nof the new one. In particular, the alternative interpretation does not recommend itself as a \r\nhistorically more plausible basis for reconstructing Eudoxus's and Callippus's planetary theories merely because of its astronomical advantages. It does, however, suggest that \r\nthe exclusivity traditionally awarded to Schiaparelli's reconstruction can no longer be \r\nmaintained, and that the little historical evidence we do possess does not enable us to \r\nmake a justifiable choice between the available alternatives. [Introduction, p. 221]","btype":3,"date":"1998","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/gcPN7eWrurXkTM9","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":366,"full_name":"Yavetz, Ido","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":838,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Archive for History of Exact Sciences","volume":"52","issue":"3","pages":"221-278"}},"sort":["On the Homocentric Spheres of Eudoxus"]}

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 1992
By: Annas, Julia (Ed.)
Title Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy
Type Edited Book
Language English
Date 1992
Publication Place Oxford
Publisher Clarendon Press
Volume X
Categories no categories
Editor(s) Annas, Julia
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy is an annual publication which includes original articles on a wide range of topics in ancient philosophy, and review articles of major books. In this supplementary volume, a number of renowned scholars of Plato reflect upon their interpretative methods. Topics covered include the use of ancient authorities in interpreting Plato's dialogues, Plato's literary and rhetorical style, his arguments and characters, and his use of the dialogue form. The collection is not intended as a comprehensive survey of methodological approaches; rather it offers a number of different perspectives and clearly articulated interpretations by leading scholars in the field. [offical abstract]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"285","_score":null,"_source":{"id":285,"authors_free":[{"id":2239,"entry_id":285,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":415,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Annas, Julia","free_first_name":"Julia","free_last_name":"Annas","norm_person":{"id":415,"first_name":"Julia","last_name":"Annas","full_name":"Annas, Julia","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/112065120","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy","main_title":{"title":"Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy"},"abstract":"Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy is an annual publication which includes original articles on a wide range of topics in ancient philosophy, and review articles of major books. In this supplementary volume, a number of renowned scholars of Plato reflect upon their interpretative methods. Topics covered include the use of ancient authorities in interpreting Plato's dialogues, Plato's literary and rhetorical style, his arguments and characters, and his use of the dialogue form. The collection is not intended as a comprehensive survey of methodological approaches; rather it offers a number of different perspectives and clearly articulated interpretations by leading scholars in the field. [offical abstract]","btype":4,"date":"1992","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/McNZQQDOEYD4Ihz","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":415,"full_name":"Annas, Julia","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":{"id":285,"pubplace":"Oxford","publisher":"Clarendon Press","series":"","volume":"X","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":["Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy"]}

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Supplementary volume: Aristotle and the Later Tradition, 1991
By: Blumenthal, Henry J. (Ed.), Robinson, Howard (Ed.)
Title Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Supplementary volume: Aristotle and the Later Tradition
Type Edited Book
Language English
Date 1991
Publication Place Oxford
Publisher Clarendon Press
Series Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy
Categories no categories
Editor(s) Blumenthal, Henry J. , Robinson, Howard

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"354","_score":null,"_source":{"id":354,"authors_free":[{"id":460,"entry_id":354,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":108,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","free_first_name":"Henry J.","free_last_name":"Blumenthal","norm_person":{"id":108,"first_name":"Henry J.","last_name":"Blumenthal","full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1051543967","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":461,"entry_id":354,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":139,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Robinson, Howard","free_first_name":"Howard","free_last_name":"Robinson","norm_person":{"id":139,"first_name":"Robinson","last_name":"Howard ","full_name":"Robinson, Howard ","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/172347122","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Supplementary volume: Aristotle and the Later Tradition","main_title":{"title":"Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Supplementary volume: Aristotle and the Later Tradition"},"abstract":"","btype":4,"date":"1991","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/anTH9fx9QKBfykf","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":108,"full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":139,"full_name":"Robinson, Howard ","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":{"id":354,"pubplace":"Oxford","publisher":"Clarendon Press","series":"Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":["Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Supplementary volume: Aristotle and the Later Tradition"]}

Persecution and Response in Late Paganism: The Evidence of Damascius, 1993
By: Athanasiadē, Polymnia Nik.
Title Persecution and Response in Late Paganism: The Evidence of Damascius
Type Article
Language English
Date 1993
Journal The Journal of Hellenic Studies
Volume 113
Pages 1-29
Categories no categories
Author(s) Athanasiadē, Polymnia Nik.
The theme of this paper is intolerance: its manifestation in late antiquity towards the pagans
 of the Eastern Mediterranean, and the immediate reactions and long-term attitudes that it
 provoked in them. The reasons why, in spite of copious evidence, the persecution of the
 traditional cults and of their adepts in the Roman empire has never been viewed as such are
 obvious: on the one hand no pagan church emerged out of the turmoil to canonise its dead and
 expound a theology of martyrdom, and on the other, whatever their conscious religious beliefs,
 late antique scholars in their overwhelming majority were formed in societies whose ethical
 foundations and logic are irreversibly Christian. Admittedly a few facets of this complex subject,
 such as the closing of the Athenian Academy and the demolition of temples or their conversion
 into churches, have occasionally been touched upon;' but pagan persecution in itself, in all its
 physical, artistic, social, political, intellectual and psychological dimensions, has not as yet
 formed the object of scholarly research. [Introduction, p. 1]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1002","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1002,"authors_free":[{"id":1507,"entry_id":1002,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":520,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Athanasiad\u0113, Polymnia Nik.","free_first_name":"Polymnia Nik.","free_last_name":"Athanasiad\u0113","norm_person":{"id":520,"first_name":"Polymnia Nik.","last_name":"Athanasiad\u0113","full_name":"Athanasiad\u0113, Polymnia Nik.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/131721933","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Persecution and Response in Late Paganism: The Evidence of Damascius","main_title":{"title":"Persecution and Response in Late Paganism: The Evidence of Damascius"},"abstract":"The theme of this paper is intolerance: its manifestation in late antiquity towards the pagans\r\n of the Eastern Mediterranean, and the immediate reactions and long-term attitudes that it\r\n provoked in them. The reasons why, in spite of copious evidence, the persecution of the\r\n traditional cults and of their adepts in the Roman empire has never been viewed as such are\r\n obvious: on the one hand no pagan church emerged out of the turmoil to canonise its dead and\r\n expound a theology of martyrdom, and on the other, whatever their conscious religious beliefs,\r\n late antique scholars in their overwhelming majority were formed in societies whose ethical\r\n foundations and logic are irreversibly Christian. Admittedly a few facets of this complex subject,\r\n such as the closing of the Athenian Academy and the demolition of temples or their conversion\r\n into churches, have occasionally been touched upon;' but pagan persecution in itself, in all its\r\n physical, artistic, social, political, intellectual and psychological dimensions, has not as yet\r\n formed the object of scholarly research. [Introduction, p. 1]","btype":3,"date":"1993","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/mXGv9inyCKfn393","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":520,"full_name":"Athanasiad\u0113, Polymnia Nik.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1002,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"The Journal of Hellenic Studies","volume":"113","issue":"","pages":"1-29"}},"sort":["Persecution and Response in Late Paganism: The Evidence of Damascius"]}

Phantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De Anima, 3.3, 1991
By: Sheppard, Anne D., Blumenthal, Henry J. (Ed.), Robinson, Howard (Ed.)
Title Phantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De Anima, 3.3
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1991
Published in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Supplementary volume: Aristotle and the Later Tradition
Pages 165-173
Categories no categories
Author(s) Sheppard, Anne D.
Editor(s) Blumenthal, Henry J. , Robinson, Howard
Aristotle’s treatment  of  phantasia  in  De  anitna,  3 . 3 ,   is  both 
suggestive and tantalizing: suggestive because Aristotle there seems to 
be trying to describe a capacity of the mind which cannot be identified 
either  with  sense-perception  or  with  rational  thought,  a  capacity 
which, if it is not the same as what we call ‘imagination’, at least has a 
good deal in common with it; but tantalizing because the chapter flits 
from  one  point  to  another  and  is  hard  to  interpret  as  a  consistent 
whole. There have been a number of recent attempts to make sense of 
the  chapter and relate it to Aristotle’s other remarks about phantasia 
elsewhere.1  I shall briefly discuss three of these, which all make some 
use  of modern  discussions  of imagination; in  all  three cases the way 
they see Aristotle’s position is affected by the account of imagination 
which  they  themselves  favour. [p. 165]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1021","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1021,"authors_free":[{"id":1537,"entry_id":1021,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":43,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Sheppard, Anne D.","free_first_name":"Anne D.","free_last_name":"Sheppard","norm_person":{"id":43,"first_name":"Anne D.","last_name":"Sheppard","full_name":"Sheppard, Anne D.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1158024592","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":1538,"entry_id":1021,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":108,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J. ","free_first_name":"Henry J.","free_last_name":"Blumenthal","norm_person":{"id":108,"first_name":"Henry J.","last_name":"Blumenthal","full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1051543967","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":1539,"entry_id":1021,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":139,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Robinson, Howard","free_first_name":"Howard","free_last_name":"Robinson","norm_person":{"id":139,"first_name":"Robinson","last_name":"Howard ","full_name":"Robinson, Howard ","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/172347122","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Phantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De Anima, 3.3","main_title":{"title":"Phantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De Anima, 3.3"},"abstract":"Aristotle\u2019s treatment of phantasia in De anitna, 3 . 3 , is both \r\nsuggestive and tantalizing: suggestive because Aristotle there seems to \r\nbe trying to describe a capacity of the mind which cannot be identified \r\neither with sense-perception or with rational thought, a capacity \r\nwhich, if it is not the same as what we call \u2018imagination\u2019, at least has a \r\ngood deal in common with it; but tantalizing because the chapter flits \r\nfrom one point to another and is hard to interpret as a consistent \r\nwhole. There have been a number of recent attempts to make sense of \r\nthe chapter and relate it to Aristotle\u2019s other remarks about phantasia \r\nelsewhere.1 I shall briefly discuss three of these, which all make some \r\nuse of modern discussions of imagination; in all three cases the way \r\nthey see Aristotle\u2019s position is affected by the account of imagination \r\nwhich they themselves favour. [p. 165]","btype":2,"date":"1991","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/6y9e2bG9M7snije","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":43,"full_name":"Sheppard, Anne D.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}},{"id":108,"full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":139,"full_name":"Robinson, Howard ","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":null,"booksection":{"id":1021,"section_of":354,"pages":"165-173","is_catalog":null,"book":{"id":354,"bilderberg_idno":null,"dare_idno":null,"catalog_idno":null,"entry_type":null,"type":4,"language":"en","title":"Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Supplementary volume: Aristotle and the Later Tradition","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","short_title":"Blumenthal\/Robinson1991","has_no_author":null,"volume":null,"date":"1991","edition_no":null,"free_date":"1991","abstract":"","republication_of":null,"online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/anTH9fx9QKBfykf","translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"is_catalog":0,"in_bibliography":0,"is_inactive":0,"notes":null,"doi_url":null,"book":{"id":354,"pubplace":"Oxford","publisher":"Clarendon Press","series":"Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null}}},"article":null},"sort":["Phantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De Anima, 3.3"]}

Philology and philosophy in the margins of early printed editions of the ancient Greek commentators on Aristotle, with special reference to copies held in the Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milan, 1999
By: Fazzo, Silvia, Blackwell, Constance (Ed.), Kusukawa, Sachiko (Ed.)
Title Philology and philosophy in the margins of early printed editions of the ancient Greek commentators on Aristotle, with special reference to copies held in the Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milan
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1999
Published in Philosophy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Conversations with Aristotle
Pages 48-75
Categories no categories
Author(s) Fazzo, Silvia
Editor(s) Blackwell, Constance , Kusukawa, Sachiko
My aim in this  paper  is to discuss some examples of the  problems  Renaissance 
scholars encountered in this regard [i.e. he great advantage of having Greek texts  available in print]. In this first section, I will be concerned with 
a few sixteenth-century scholars and the close attention which they paid to the 
first Greek printed edition of the Quaestiones of Alexander of Aphrodisias. [p. 49]

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