Author 552
Eudemus’ Unmoved Movers: Fragments 121-123b Wehrli, 2002
By: Bodnár, István M., Fortenbaugh, William. W. (Ed.), Bodnár, István M. (Ed.)
Title Eudemus’ Unmoved Movers: Fragments 121-123b Wehrli
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 2002
Published in Eudemus of Rhodes
Pages 171-189
Categories no categories
Author(s) Bodnár, István M.
Editor(s) Fortenbaugh, William. W. , Bodnár, István M.
[...] Aristotle not only establishes the existence of such supra-natural movers; in Physics 8 and Metaphysics 12 he will also argue for some salient characteristics of these entities. Among these, the two which crop up in the Eudemian fragments can be conveniently labelled rela­ tional. Both the question to what extent motion can be attributed to these entities in virtue of the motion of the entities they move, and the question where exactly these entities are located can be meaningfully asked only in relation to the physical entities, from which they are oth­ erwise carefully distinguished. [p. 171]

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Among these, the two which \r\ncrop up in the Eudemian fragments can be conveniently labelled rela\u00ad\r\ntional. Both the question to what extent motion can be attributed to \r\nthese entities in virtue of the motion of the entities they move, and the \r\nquestion where exactly these entities are located can be meaningfully \r\nasked only in relation to the physical entities, from which they are oth\u00ad\r\nerwise carefully distinguished. [p. 171]","btype":2,"date":"2002","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/q2KthSTnblkMCcE","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":6,"full_name":"Bodn\u00e1r, Istv\u00e1n M.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}},{"id":7,"full_name":"Fortenbaugh, William W. ","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":6,"full_name":"Bodn\u00e1r, Istv\u00e1n M.","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":null,"booksection":{"id":943,"section_of":287,"pages":"171-189","is_catalog":null,"book":{"id":287,"bilderberg_idno":null,"dare_idno":null,"catalog_idno":null,"entry_type":null,"type":4,"language":"en","title":"Eudemus of Rhodes","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","short_title":"Fortenbaugh2002","has_no_author":null,"volume":null,"date":"2002","edition_no":null,"free_date":"2002","abstract":"Eudemus of Rhodes was a pupil of Aristotle in the second half of the fourth century BCE. When Aristotle died, having chosen Theophrastus as his successor, Eudemus returned to Rhodes where it appears he founded his own school. His contributions to logic were significant: he took issue with Aristotle concerning the status of the existential \"is,\" and together with Theophrastus he made important contributions to hypothetical syllogistic and modal logic. He wrote at length on physics, largely following Aristotle, and took an interest in animal behavior. His histories of geometry, arithmetic, and astronomy were of great importance and are responsible for much of what we know of these subjects in earlier times.Volume 11 in the series Rutgers Studies in Classical Humanities is different in that it is composed entirely of articles that discuss Eudemus from a variety of viewpoints. Sixteen scholars representing seven nations have contributed essays to the volume. A special essay by Dimitri Gutas brings together for the first time the Arabic material relating to Eudemus. Other contributors and essays are: Hans B. Gottschalk, \"Eudemus and the Peripatos\"; Tiziano Dorandi, \"Quale aspetto controverso della biografia di Eudemo di Rodi\"; William W. Fortenbaugh, \"Eudemus' Work On Expression\"; Pamela M. Huby, \"Did Aristotle Reply to Eudemus and Theophrastus on Some Logical Issues?\"; Robert Sharples, \"Eudemus Physics: Change, Place and Time\"; Han Baltussen, \"Wehrli's Edition of Eudemus of Rhodes: The Physical Fragments from Simplicius' Commentary on Aristotle's Physics\"; Sylvia Berryman, \"Sumphues and Suneches: Continuity and Coherence in Early Peripatetic Texts\"; Istvbn Bodnbr, \"Eudemus' Unmoved Movers: Fragments 121-123b Wehrli\"; Deborah K. W. Modrak, \"Phantasia, Thought and Science in Eudemus\"; Stephen White, \"Eudemus the Naturalist\"; J orgen Mejer, \"Eudemus and the History of Science\"; Leonid Zhmud, \"Eudemus' History of Mathematics\"; Alan C. Bowen, \"Eudemus' History of Early Greek Astronomy: Two Hypotheses\"; Dmitri Panchenko, \"Eudemus Fr. 145 Wehrli and the Ancient Theories of Lunar Light\"; and Gbbor Betegh, \"On Eudemus Fr. 150 Wehrli.\"\"[Eudemus of Rhodes] marks a substantial progress in our knowledge of Eurdemus. For it enlarges the scope of the information available on this author, highlights the need of, and paves the way to, a new critical edition of the Greek fragments of his works, and provides a clearer view of his life, thought, sources and influence. In all these respects, it represents a necessary complement to Wehrli's edition of Eudemus' fragments.\" -Amos Bertolacci, The Classical BulletinIstvbn Bodnbr is a member of the philosophy department at the Eotvos University in Budapest, where he teaches and does research on ancient philosophy. He has been a junior fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies and most recently has been an Alexander von Humboldt Stipendiat in Berlin at the Max Plank Institut for Wissenschaftsgeschichte and at the Freie Universitot.William W. Fortenbaugh is professor of classics at Rutgers University. In addition to editing several books in this series, he has written Aristotle on Emotion and Quellen zur Ethik Theophrastus. New is his edition of Theophrastus's treatise On Sweat.","republication_of":null,"online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/Ej9J55UD4Czen6M","translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"is_catalog":0,"in_bibliography":0,"is_inactive":0,"notes":null,"doi_url":null,"book":{"id":287,"pubplace":"New Jersey","publisher":"Transaction Publisher","series":"Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities","volume":"11","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null}}},"article":null},"sort":[2002]}

What goes up: Proclus against Aristotle on the fifth element, 2002
By: Baltzly, Dirk
Title What goes up: Proclus against Aristotle on the fifth element
Type Article
Language English
Date 2002
Journal Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Volume 80
Issue 3
Pages 261-287
Categories no categories
Author(s) Baltzly, Dirk
In this paper, I consider Proclus’ arguments against Aristotle on the composition of the heavens from the fifth element, the aether. Proclus argues for the Platonic view (Timaeus 40a) that the heavenly bodies are composed of all four elements, with fire predominating. I think that his discussion exhibits all the methodological features that we find admirable in Aristotle’s largely a priori proto-science. Proclus’ treatment of the question in his commentary on Plato’s Timaeus also provides the fullest statement of a neoplatonic alternative to the Aristotelian theory of the elements. As such, it forms a significant part of a still largely underappreciated neoplatonic legacy to the history of science. [authors abstract]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"962","_score":null,"_source":{"id":962,"authors_free":[{"id":1444,"entry_id":962,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":107,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Baltzly, Dirk","free_first_name":"Dirk","free_last_name":"Baltzly","norm_person":{"id":107,"first_name":"Dirk","last_name":"Baltzly","full_name":"Baltzly, Dirk","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1150414960","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"What goes up: Proclus against Aristotle on the fifth element","main_title":{"title":"What goes up: Proclus against Aristotle on the fifth element"},"abstract":"In this paper, I consider Proclus\u2019 arguments against Aristotle on the composition of the \r\nheavens from the fifth element, the aether. Proclus argues for the Platonic view (Timaeus \r\n40a) that the heavenly bodies are composed of all four elements, with fire predominating. \r\nI think that his discussion exhibits all the methodological features that we find admirable \r\nin Aristotle\u2019s largely a priori proto-science. Proclus\u2019 treatment of the question in his \r\ncommentary on Plato\u2019s Timaeus also provides the fullest statement of a neoplatonic \r\nalternative to the Aristotelian theory of the elements. As such, it forms a significant part of \r\na still largely underappreciated neoplatonic legacy to the history of science. [authors abstract]","btype":3,"date":"2002","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/M34EGiOeJdMYBkH","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":107,"full_name":"Baltzly, Dirk","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":962,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Australasian Journal of Philosophy","volume":"80","issue":"3","pages":"261-287"}},"sort":[2002]}

Philology or Philosophy? Simplicius on the Use of Quotations, 2002
By: Baltussen, Han, Foley, John Miles (Ed.), Worthington, Ian (Ed.)
Title Philology or Philosophy? Simplicius on the Use of Quotations
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 2002
Published in Epea and grammata : oral and written communication in ancient Greece
Pages 173-189
Categories no categories
Author(s) Baltussen, Han
Editor(s) Foley, John Miles , Worthington, Ian
This chapter will examine a small aspect of the scholarly method of the commentator Simplicius. It seems appropriate to start with some justification for dealing with an author from Late Antiquity on the theme of orality and literacy, as it is generally assumed that these terms refer to the ‘early’ stages of Greek culture when w'riting found its way into the intellectual activities of Greek society. As I shall dis­ cuss the methodology of a member of the Platonic school of around 530 AD, the briefest statement to qualify the terms for this period is to say that author belonged to a highly literate and tradition-con­ scious movement, which taught and studied philosophy building on previous attempts at exegesis. [p. 174]

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Review of Hadot, I.: Simplicius. Commentaire sur le Manuel d'Épictète, Tome I, 2002
By: Sheppard, Anne D.
Title Review of Hadot, I.: Simplicius. Commentaire sur le Manuel d'Épictète, Tome I
Type Article
Language French
Date 2002
Journal The Classical Review, New Series
Volume 52
Issue 2
Pages 377-378
Categories no categories
Author(s) Sheppard, Anne D.
Review of I. HADOT: Simplicius. Commentaire sur le Manuel d'Epictete. Tome I (Collection des Universites de France publiee sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Bude). Pp. clxxii + 184. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2001. Cased, frs. 380. ISBN: 2-251-004

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1020","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1020,"authors_free":[{"id":1536,"entry_id":1020,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":43,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Sheppard, Anne D.","free_first_name":"Anne D.","free_last_name":"Sheppard","norm_person":{"id":43,"first_name":"Anne D.","last_name":"Sheppard","full_name":"Sheppard, Anne D.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1158024592","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Review of Hadot, I.: Simplicius. Commentaire sur le Manuel d'\u00c9pict\u00e8te, Tome I","main_title":{"title":"Review of Hadot, I.: Simplicius. Commentaire sur le Manuel d'\u00c9pict\u00e8te, Tome I"},"abstract":"Review of I. HADOT: Simplicius. Commentaire sur le Manuel d'Epictete. Tome I \r\n(Collection des Universites de France publiee sous le patronage de \r\nl'Association Guillaume Bude). Pp. clxxii + 184. Paris: Les Belles \r\nLettres, 2001. Cased, frs. 380. ISBN: 2-251-004","btype":3,"date":"2002","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/agUfNiIzUvFvS5Y","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":43,"full_name":"Sheppard, Anne D.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1020,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"The Classical Review, New Series","volume":"52","issue":"2","pages":"377-378"}},"sort":[2002]}

Eudemus' Physics: Change, Place and Time, 2002
By: Sharples, Robert W., Bodnár, István M. (Ed.), Fortenbaugh, William W. (Ed.)
Title Eudemus' Physics: Change, Place and Time
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 2002
Published in Eudemus of Rhodes
Pages 107-126
Categories no categories
Author(s) Sharples, Robert W.
Editor(s) Bodnár, István M. , Fortenbaugh, William W.
Eduard Zeller suggested2 that Eudemus’ Physics was an abridgement of the Aristotelian treatise, compiled by Eudemus for his own lectures when he left the Lyceum and set up his own school in Rhodes. We can­ not I think prove this; but it seems plausible enough. It is clear that Eudemus followed the sequence of Aristotle’s discussion closely; Simplicius used Eudemus’ order of treatment to argue that the sixth book of Aristotle’s Physics was rightly regarded as following on the fifth (Eud. fr. 98W). [Introduction, p. 107]

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When Aristotle died, having chosen Theophrastus as his successor, Eudemus returned to Rhodes where it appears he founded his own school. His contributions to logic were significant: he took issue with Aristotle concerning the status of the existential \"is,\" and together with Theophrastus he made important contributions to hypothetical syllogistic and modal logic. He wrote at length on physics, largely following Aristotle, and took an interest in animal behavior. His histories of geometry, arithmetic, and astronomy were of great importance and are responsible for much of what we know of these subjects in earlier times.Volume 11 in the series Rutgers Studies in Classical Humanities is different in that it is composed entirely of articles that discuss Eudemus from a variety of viewpoints. Sixteen scholars representing seven nations have contributed essays to the volume. A special essay by Dimitri Gutas brings together for the first time the Arabic material relating to Eudemus. Other contributors and essays are: Hans B. Gottschalk, \"Eudemus and the Peripatos\"; Tiziano Dorandi, \"Quale aspetto controverso della biografia di Eudemo di Rodi\"; William W. Fortenbaugh, \"Eudemus' Work On Expression\"; Pamela M. Huby, \"Did Aristotle Reply to Eudemus and Theophrastus on Some Logical Issues?\"; Robert Sharples, \"Eudemus Physics: Change, Place and Time\"; Han Baltussen, \"Wehrli's Edition of Eudemus of Rhodes: The Physical Fragments from Simplicius' Commentary on Aristotle's Physics\"; Sylvia Berryman, \"Sumphues and Suneches: Continuity and Coherence in Early Peripatetic Texts\"; Istvbn Bodnbr, \"Eudemus' Unmoved Movers: Fragments 121-123b Wehrli\"; Deborah K. W. Modrak, \"Phantasia, Thought and Science in Eudemus\"; Stephen White, \"Eudemus the Naturalist\"; J orgen Mejer, \"Eudemus and the History of Science\"; Leonid Zhmud, \"Eudemus' History of Mathematics\"; Alan C. Bowen, \"Eudemus' History of Early Greek Astronomy: Two Hypotheses\"; Dmitri Panchenko, \"Eudemus Fr. 145 Wehrli and the Ancient Theories of Lunar Light\"; and Gbbor Betegh, \"On Eudemus Fr. 150 Wehrli.\"\"[Eudemus of Rhodes] marks a substantial progress in our knowledge of Eurdemus. For it enlarges the scope of the information available on this author, highlights the need of, and paves the way to, a new critical edition of the Greek fragments of his works, and provides a clearer view of his life, thought, sources and influence. In all these respects, it represents a necessary complement to Wehrli's edition of Eudemus' fragments.\" -Amos Bertolacci, The Classical BulletinIstvbn Bodnbr is a member of the philosophy department at the Eotvos University in Budapest, where he teaches and does research on ancient philosophy. He has been a junior fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies and most recently has been an Alexander von Humboldt Stipendiat in Berlin at the Max Plank Institut for Wissenschaftsgeschichte and at the Freie Universitot.William W. Fortenbaugh is professor of classics at Rutgers University. In addition to editing several books in this series, he has written Aristotle on Emotion and Quellen zur Ethik Theophrastus. New is his edition of Theophrastus's treatise On Sweat.","republication_of":null,"online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/Ej9J55UD4Czen6M","translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"is_catalog":0,"in_bibliography":0,"is_inactive":0,"notes":null,"doi_url":null,"book":{"id":287,"pubplace":"New Jersey","publisher":"Transaction Publisher","series":"Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities","volume":"11","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null}}},"article":null},"sort":[2002]}

Simplicius and the Early History of Greek Planetary Theory , 2002
By: Bowen, Alan C.
Title Simplicius and the Early History of Greek Planetary Theory
Type Article
Language English
Date 2002
Journal Perspectives on Science
Volume 10
Issue 2
Pages 155–167
Categories no categories
Author(s) Bowen, Alan C.
n earlier work, Bernard R. Goldstein and the present author have intro- duced a procedural rule for historical inquiry, which requires that one take pains to establish the credibility of any citation of ancient thought by later writers in antiquity through a process of veriªcation. In this paper, I shall apply what I call the Rule of Ancient Citations to Simplicius’ interpretation of Aristotle’s remarks in Meta . 8, which is the primary point of departure for the modern understanding of Greek planetary theory. I ªrst sketch several lines of argument that lead me to conclude that Simplicius’ interpretation should not be accepted because it assumes a concern with planetary phenomena unknown to the Greeks before the late 2nd and early 1st centuries bc. Then, after showing that there is a fairly well deªned range of readings of Aris- totle’s remarks more in keeping with what we actually know of astronomy in the 5th and 4th centuries bc, I conclude that neither Aristotle’s report about the Eudoxan and Callippan accounts of the celestial motions nor Simplicius’ interpretation of this report is a good starting point for our understanding of early Greek planetary theory. [author's abstract]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1073","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1073,"authors_free":[{"id":1627,"entry_id":1073,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":16,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Bowen, Alan C. ","free_first_name":"Alan C. ","free_last_name":"Bowen","norm_person":{"id":16,"first_name":"Bowen C.","last_name":"Bowen","full_name":"Bowen, Alan C. ","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/140052720","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Simplicius and the Early History of Greek Planetary Theory ","main_title":{"title":"Simplicius and the Early History of Greek Planetary Theory "},"abstract":"n earlier work, Bernard R. Goldstein and the present author have intro-\r\nduced a procedural rule for historical inquiry, which requires that one take\r\npains to establish the credibility of any citation of ancient thought by later\r\nwriters in antiquity through a process of veri\u00aacation. In this paper, I shall\r\napply what I call the Rule of Ancient Citations to Simplicius\u2019 interpretation\r\nof Aristotle\u2019s remarks in Meta \u0001. 8, which is the primary point of departure\r\nfor the modern understanding of Greek planetary theory. I \u00aarst sketch several\r\nlines of argument that lead me to conclude that Simplicius\u2019 interpretation\r\nshould not be accepted because it assumes a concern with planetary phenomena\r\nunknown to the Greeks before the late 2nd and early 1st centuries bc. Then,\r\nafter showing that there is a fairly well de\u00aaned range of readings of Aris-\r\ntotle\u2019s remarks more in keeping with what we actually know of astronomy in\r\nthe 5th and 4th centuries bc, I conclude that neither Aristotle\u2019s report about\r\nthe Eudoxan and Callippan accounts of the celestial motions nor Simplicius\u2019\r\ninterpretation of this report is a good starting point for our understanding of\r\nearly Greek planetary theory. [author's abstract]","btype":3,"date":"2002","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/lJ4EoQlGmsAbp75","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":16,"full_name":"Bowen, Alan C. ","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1073,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Perspectives on Science","volume":"10","issue":"2","pages":"155\u2013167"}},"sort":[2002]}

Much Ado About 'Nothing': μηδέν and τὸ μὴ ἐόν in Parmenides, 2002
By: Sanders, Katie R.
Title Much Ado About 'Nothing': μηδέν and τὸ μὴ ἐόν in Parmenides
Type Article
Language English
Date 2002
Journal Apeiron
Volume 35
Issue 2
Pages 87–104
Categories no categories
Author(s) Sanders, Katie R.
Much Ado About 'Nothing":μηδέν and το μη έόν in ParmenidesK.R. SandersIt is, to my knowledge, a universally accepted assumption among con-temporary commentators that μηδέν, 'nothing', and το μη έόν, 'what-is-not', function as synonyms in Parmenides' poem.1 In this paper, I focus primarily on the central role this supposed semantic equivalence playsin arguments supporting an emendation in line 12 of fragment B8. Despite this scholarly unanimity regarding the synonymy of these two Greek terms and the popularity of the emendation, I contend that we canmake the best sense of Parmenides' argument in this and the surround-ing lines precisely by retaining the manuscript reading and recognizingthe difference in meaning between 'nothing' and 'what-is-not'. This claim, of course, also has broader implications for the interpretation of Parmenides' poem generally.

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1050","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1050,"authors_free":[{"id":1595,"entry_id":1050,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":309,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Sanders, Katie R.","free_first_name":"Katie R.","free_last_name":"Sanders","norm_person":{"id":309,"first_name":"Katie R.","last_name":"Sanders","full_name":"Sanders, Katie R.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Much Ado About 'Nothing': \u03bc\u03b7\u03b4\u03ad\u03bd and \u03c4\u1f78 \u03bc\u1f74 \u1f10\u03cc\u03bd in Parmenides","main_title":{"title":"Much Ado About 'Nothing': \u03bc\u03b7\u03b4\u03ad\u03bd and \u03c4\u1f78 \u03bc\u1f74 \u1f10\u03cc\u03bd in Parmenides"},"abstract":"Much Ado About 'Nothing\":\u03bc\u03b7\u03b4\u03ad\u03bd and \u03c4\u03bf \u03bc\u03b7 \u03ad\u03cc\u03bd in ParmenidesK.R. SandersIt is, to my knowledge, a universally accepted assumption among con-temporary commentators that \u03bc\u03b7\u03b4\u03ad\u03bd, 'nothing', and \u03c4\u03bf \u03bc\u03b7 \u03ad\u03cc\u03bd, 'what-is-not', function as synonyms in Parmenides' poem.1 In this paper, I focus primarily on the central role this supposed semantic equivalence playsin arguments supporting an emendation in line 12 of fragment B8. Despite this scholarly unanimity regarding the synonymy of these two Greek terms and the popularity of the emendation, I contend that we canmake the best sense of Parmenides' argument in this and the surround-ing lines precisely by retaining the manuscript reading and recognizingthe difference in meaning between 'nothing' and 'what-is-not'. This claim, of course, also has broader implications for the interpretation of Parmenides' poem generally.","btype":3,"date":"2002","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/vaSb8CZU0UDW9qx","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":309,"full_name":"Sanders, Katie R.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1050,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Apeiron","volume":"35","issue":"2","pages":"87\u2013104"}},"sort":[2002]}

Simplicius, On Epictetus’ Handbook 1–26, 2002
By: Brennan, Tad (Ed.), Brittain, Charles (Ed.), Simplicius
Title Simplicius, On Epictetus’ Handbook 1–26
Type Monograph
Language English
Date 2002
Publication Place London
Publisher Duckworth
Series Ancient Commentators on Aristotle
Categories no categories
Author(s) Simplicius
Editor(s) Brennan, Tad , Brittain, Charles
Translator(s) Brennan, Tad(Brennan, Tad) , Brittain, Charles(Brittain, Charles) ,
[Simplicius'] moral interpretation of Epictetus is preserved in the library of nations, as a classic book, most excellently adapted to direct the will, to purify the heart, and to confirm the understanding, by a just confidence in the nature both of God and man.' Edward Gibbon 'This book, written by a "pagan" philosopher, makes the most Christian impression conceivable. The betrayal of all reality through morality is here present in its fullest splendour - pitiful psychology, the philosopher is reduced to a country parson. And Plato is to blame for all of it! He remains Europe's greatest misfortune!' Fredrich Nietzsche Of these two rival reactions the favourable one was most common. Epictetus' Handbook on ethics was used in Christian monasteries, and Simplicius' commentary on it was widely available up to the nineteenth century. The commentary gives us a fascinating chance to see how a pagan Neoplatonist transformed Stoic ideas, adding Neoplatonist accounts of theology, theodicy, providence, free will and the problem of evil. This translation of the Commentary on the Handbook is published in two volumes. This is the first, covering chapters 1-26; the second covers chapters 27-53. [offical abstact]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"119","_score":null,"_source":{"id":119,"authors_free":[{"id":141,"entry_id":119,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":427,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"},"free_name":"Brennan, Tad","free_first_name":"Tad","free_last_name":"Brennan","norm_person":{"id":427,"first_name":"Tad","last_name":"Brennan","full_name":"Brennan, Tad","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1091588333","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":142,"entry_id":119,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":428,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"},"free_name":"Brittain, Charles","free_first_name":"Charles","free_last_name":"Brittain","norm_person":{"id":428,"first_name":"Charles","last_name":"Brittain","full_name":"Brittain, Charles","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1095495127","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2266,"entry_id":119,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":427,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Brennan, Tad","free_first_name":"Tad","free_last_name":"Brennan","norm_person":{"id":427,"first_name":"Tad","last_name":"Brennan","full_name":"Brennan, Tad","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1091588333","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2267,"entry_id":119,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":428,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Brittain, Charles","free_first_name":"Charles","free_last_name":"Brittain","norm_person":{"id":428,"first_name":"Charles","last_name":"Brittain","full_name":"Brittain, Charles","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1095495127","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2323,"entry_id":119,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":62,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Simplicius ","free_first_name":"","free_last_name":"","norm_person":{"id":62,"first_name":"Cilicius","last_name":"Simplicius ","full_name":"Simplicius Cilicius","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/118642421","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Simplicius, On Epictetus\u2019 Handbook 1\u201326","main_title":{"title":"Simplicius, On Epictetus\u2019 Handbook 1\u201326"},"abstract":"[Simplicius'] moral interpretation of Epictetus is preserved in the library of nations, as a classic book, most excellently adapted to direct the will, to purify the heart, and to confirm the understanding, by a just confidence in the nature both of God and man.'\r\nEdward Gibbon\r\n\r\n'This book, written by a \"pagan\" philosopher, makes the most Christian impression conceivable. The betrayal of all reality through morality is here present in its fullest splendour - pitiful psychology, the philosopher is reduced to a country parson. And Plato is to blame for all of it! He remains Europe's greatest misfortune!'\r\nFredrich Nietzsche\r\n\r\nOf these two rival reactions the favourable one was most common. Epictetus' Handbook on ethics was used in Christian monasteries, and Simplicius' commentary on it was widely available up to the nineteenth century.\r\nThe commentary gives us a fascinating chance to see how a pagan Neoplatonist transformed Stoic ideas, adding Neoplatonist accounts of theology, theodicy, providence, free will and the problem of evil.\r\nThis translation of the Commentary on the Handbook is published in two volumes. This is the first, covering chapters 1-26; the second covers chapters 27-53. [offical abstact]","btype":1,"date":"2002","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/cMwWGgd4gyrQGsd","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":427,"full_name":"Brennan, Tad","role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"}},{"id":428,"full_name":"Brittain, Charles","role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"}},{"id":427,"full_name":"Brennan, Tad","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":428,"full_name":"Brittain, Charles","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":62,"full_name":"Simplicius Cilicius","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":{"id":119,"pubplace":"London","publisher":"Duckworth","series":"Ancient Commentators on Aristotle","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":[2002]}

Simplicius, On Epictetus’ Handbook 27–53, 2002
By: Brennan, Tad (Ed.), Brittain, Charles (Ed.), Simplicius
Title Simplicius, On Epictetus’ Handbook 27–53
Type Monograph
Language English
Date 2002
Publication Place London
Publisher Duckworth
Series Ancient Commentators on Aristotle
Categories no categories
Author(s) Simplicius
Editor(s) Brennan, Tad , Brittain, Charles
Translator(s) Brennan, Tad(Brennan, Tad) , Brittain, Charles(Brittain, Charles) ,
The Enchiridion or Handbook of the first-century Ad Stoic Epictetus was used as an ethical treatise both in Christian monasteries and by the sixth-century pagan Neoplatonist Simplicius. Simplicius chose it for beginners, rather than Aristotle's Ethics, because it presupposed no knowledge of logic. We thus get a fascinating chance to see how a pagan Neoplatonist transformed Stoic ideas. The text was relevant to Simplicius because he too, like Epictetus, was teaching beginners how to take the first steps towards eradicating emotion, although he is unlike Epictetus in thinking that they should give up public life rather than acquiesce, if public office is denied them. Simplicius starts from a Platonic definition of the person as rational soul, not body, ignoring Epictetus' further whittling down of himself to just his will or policy decisions. He selects certain topics for special attention in chapters 1, 8, 27 and 31. Things are up to us, despite Fate. Our sufferings are not evil, but providential attempts to turn us from the body. Evil is found only in the human soul. But evil is parasitic (Proclus' term) on good. The gods exist, are provident, and cannot be bought off.With nearly all of this the Stoics would agree, but for quite different reasons, and their own distinctions and definitions are to a large extent ignored. This translation of the Handbook is published in two volumes. This is the second volume, covering chapters 27-53; the first covers chapters 1-26. [offical abstact]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"120","_score":null,"_source":{"id":120,"authors_free":[{"id":143,"entry_id":120,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":427,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"},"free_name":"Brennan, Tad","free_first_name":"Tad","free_last_name":"Brennan","norm_person":{"id":427,"first_name":"Tad","last_name":"Brennan","full_name":"Brennan, Tad","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1091588333","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":144,"entry_id":120,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":428,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"},"free_name":"Brittain, Charles","free_first_name":"Charles","free_last_name":"Brittain","norm_person":{"id":428,"first_name":"Charles","last_name":"Brittain","full_name":"Brittain, Charles","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1095495127","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2264,"entry_id":120,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":427,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Brennan, Tad","free_first_name":"Tad","free_last_name":"Brennan","norm_person":{"id":427,"first_name":"Tad","last_name":"Brennan","full_name":"Brennan, Tad","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1091588333","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2265,"entry_id":120,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":428,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Brittain, Charles","free_first_name":"Charles","free_last_name":"Brittain","norm_person":{"id":428,"first_name":"Charles","last_name":"Brittain","full_name":"Brittain, Charles","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1095495127","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2324,"entry_id":120,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":62,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Simplicius ","free_first_name":"","free_last_name":"","norm_person":{"id":62,"first_name":"Cilicius","last_name":"Simplicius ","full_name":"Simplicius Cilicius","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/118642421","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Simplicius, On Epictetus\u2019 Handbook 27\u201353","main_title":{"title":"Simplicius, On Epictetus\u2019 Handbook 27\u201353"},"abstract":"The Enchiridion or Handbook of the first-century Ad Stoic Epictetus was used as an ethical treatise both in Christian monasteries and by the sixth-century pagan Neoplatonist Simplicius. Simplicius chose it for beginners, rather than Aristotle's Ethics, because it presupposed no knowledge of logic. We thus get a fascinating chance to see how a pagan Neoplatonist transformed Stoic ideas. The text was relevant to Simplicius because he too, like Epictetus, was teaching beginners how to take the first steps towards eradicating emotion, although he is unlike Epictetus in thinking that they should give up public life rather than acquiesce, if public office is denied them. Simplicius starts from a Platonic definition of the person as rational soul, not body, ignoring Epictetus' further whittling down of himself to just his will or policy decisions. He selects certain topics for special attention in chapters 1, 8, 27 and 31. Things are up to us, despite Fate. Our sufferings are not evil, but providential attempts to turn us from the body. Evil is found only in the human soul. But evil is parasitic (Proclus' term) on good. The gods exist, are provident, and cannot be bought off.With nearly all of this the Stoics would agree, but for quite different reasons, and their own distinctions and definitions are to a large extent ignored. This translation of the Handbook is published in two volumes. This is the second volume, covering chapters 27-53; the first covers chapters 1-26. [offical abstact]","btype":1,"date":"2002","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/vFlDcSCC76vW4hX","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":427,"full_name":"Brennan, Tad","role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"}},{"id":428,"full_name":"Brittain, Charles","role":{"id":3,"role_name":"translator"}},{"id":427,"full_name":"Brennan, Tad","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":428,"full_name":"Brittain, Charles","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":62,"full_name":"Simplicius Cilicius","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":{"id":120,"pubplace":"London","publisher":"Duckworth","series":"Ancient Commentators on Aristotle","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":[2002]}

Xenarchus, Alexander, and Simplicius on Simple Motions, Bodies and Magnitudes, 2002
By: Hankinson, Robert J.
Title Xenarchus, Alexander, and Simplicius on Simple Motions, Bodies and Magnitudes
Type Article
Language English
Date 2002
Journal Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
Volume 46
Pages 19-42
Categories no categories
Author(s) Hankinson, Robert J.
Aristotle accounted for the fundamental dynamics of the cosmos in terms of the tendencies of the various elements to distinct types of natural motions, and (in the case of the sublunary elements) to rest in their natural places. In so doing, he introduced a fifth element, the ether, with a natural and unceasing tendency to revolve, as the matter for the heavenly bodies. This paper deals with some of the objections raised to this model, and to its conceptual underpinnings, raised by Xenarchus of Seleuceia, an unorthodox Peripatetic of the 1 st century BC, and of the attempts of later philosophers to rebut them. In so doing it casts light on a little-known, but historically important and interesting, episode in the development of physical dynamics. [Author's abstract]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"576","_score":null,"_source":{"id":576,"authors_free":[{"id":818,"entry_id":576,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":168,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Hankinson, Robert J.","free_first_name":"Robert J.","free_last_name":"Hankinson","norm_person":{"id":168,"first_name":"Robert J.","last_name":"Hankinson","full_name":"Hankinson, Robert J.","short_ident":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/129477370","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Xenarchus, Alexander, and Simplicius on Simple Motions, Bodies and Magnitudes","main_title":{"title":"Xenarchus, Alexander, and Simplicius on Simple Motions, Bodies and Magnitudes"},"abstract":"Aristotle accounted for the fundamental dynamics of the cosmos in terms of the tendencies of the various elements to distinct types of natural motions, and (in the case of the sublunary elements) to rest in their natural places. In so doing, he introduced a fifth element, the ether, with a natural and unceasing tendency to revolve, as the matter for the heavenly bodies. This paper deals with some of the objections raised to this model, and to its conceptual underpinnings, raised by Xenarchus of Seleuceia, an unorthodox Peripatetic of the 1 st century BC, and of the attempts of later philosophers to rebut them. In so doing it casts light on a little-known, but historically important and interesting, episode in the development of physical dynamics. [Author's abstract]","btype":3,"date":"2002","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/RSvLdEVU9fp7UMM","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":168,"full_name":"Hankinson, Robert J.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":576,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies","volume":"46","issue":"","pages":"19-42"}},"sort":[2002]}

  • PAGE 43 OF 93
Much Ado About 'Nothing': μηδέν and τὸ μὴ ἐόν in Parmenides, 2002
By: Sanders, Katie R.
Title Much Ado About 'Nothing': μηδέν and τὸ μὴ ἐόν in Parmenides
Type Article
Language English
Date 2002
Journal Apeiron
Volume 35
Issue 2
Pages 87–104
Categories no categories
Author(s) Sanders, Katie R.
Much Ado About  'Nothing":μηδέν and το μη  έόν in ParmenidesK.R. SandersIt is, to my knowledge, a universally  accepted assumption among con-temporary commentators that μηδέν, 'nothing', and το μη  έόν, 'what-is-not',  function  as synonyms in Parmenides' poem.1 In this paper, I focus primarily  on the central  role this supposed semantic equivalence playsin  arguments  supporting  an  emendation  in  line  12  of  fragment  B8. Despite this scholarly unanimity regarding the synonymy of these two Greek terms and the popularity of the emendation, I contend that we canmake the best sense of Parmenides' argument in this and  the surround-ing lines precisely by retaining the manuscript reading and recognizingthe difference   in meaning between 'nothing' and 'what-is-not'. This claim, of  course, also  has  broader implications for  the  interpretation of Parmenides' poem generally.

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1050","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1050,"authors_free":[{"id":1595,"entry_id":1050,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":309,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Sanders, Katie R.","free_first_name":"Katie R.","free_last_name":"Sanders","norm_person":{"id":309,"first_name":"Katie R.","last_name":"Sanders","full_name":"Sanders, Katie R.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Much Ado About 'Nothing': \u03bc\u03b7\u03b4\u03ad\u03bd and \u03c4\u1f78 \u03bc\u1f74 \u1f10\u03cc\u03bd in Parmenides","main_title":{"title":"Much Ado About 'Nothing': \u03bc\u03b7\u03b4\u03ad\u03bd and \u03c4\u1f78 \u03bc\u1f74 \u1f10\u03cc\u03bd in Parmenides"},"abstract":"Much Ado About 'Nothing\":\u03bc\u03b7\u03b4\u03ad\u03bd and \u03c4\u03bf \u03bc\u03b7 \u03ad\u03cc\u03bd in ParmenidesK.R. SandersIt is, to my knowledge, a universally accepted assumption among con-temporary commentators that \u03bc\u03b7\u03b4\u03ad\u03bd, 'nothing', and \u03c4\u03bf \u03bc\u03b7 \u03ad\u03cc\u03bd, 'what-is-not', function as synonyms in Parmenides' poem.1 In this paper, I focus primarily on the central role this supposed semantic equivalence playsin arguments supporting an emendation in line 12 of fragment B8. Despite this scholarly unanimity regarding the synonymy of these two Greek terms and the popularity of the emendation, I contend that we canmake the best sense of Parmenides' argument in this and the surround-ing lines precisely by retaining the manuscript reading and recognizingthe difference in meaning between 'nothing' and 'what-is-not'. This claim, of course, also has broader implications for the interpretation of Parmenides' poem generally.","btype":3,"date":"2002","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/vaSb8CZU0UDW9qx","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":309,"full_name":"Sanders, Katie R.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1050,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Apeiron","volume":"35","issue":"2","pages":"87\u2013104"}},"sort":["Much Ado About 'Nothing': \u03bc\u03b7\u03b4\u03ad\u03bd and \u03c4\u1f78 \u03bc\u1f74 \u1f10\u03cc\u03bd in Parmenides"]}

Musonius and Simplicius, 1903
By: Mayor, John E.B.
Title Musonius and Simplicius
Type Article
Language English
Date 1903
Journal The Classical Review
Volume 17
Issue 1
Pages 23-24
Categories no categories
Author(s) Mayor, John E.B.
Notes about Musonius and Simplicius

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"988","_score":null,"_source":{"id":988,"authors_free":[{"id":1489,"entry_id":988,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":242,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Mayor, John E.B.","free_first_name":"John E.B.","free_last_name":"Mayor","norm_person":{"id":242,"first_name":"John E. B.","last_name":"Mayor","full_name":"Mayor, John E. B.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/129593915","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Musonius and Simplicius","main_title":{"title":"Musonius and Simplicius"},"abstract":"Notes about Musonius and Simplicius","btype":3,"date":"1903","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/rOykf8wpSM6TmcD","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":242,"full_name":"Mayor, John E. B.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":988,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"The Classical Review","volume":"17","issue":"1","pages":"23-24"}},"sort":["Musonius and Simplicius"]}

Mélanges Gilbert Dagron, 2002
By: Déroche, Vincent (Ed.)
Title Mélanges Gilbert Dagron
Type Edited Book
Language French
Date 2002
Publication Place Paris
Publisher Association des Amis du Centre d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance
Series Travaux et mémoires / Collège de France, Centre de Recherche d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance
Volume 14
Categories no categories
Editor(s) Déroche, Vincent

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"280","_score":null,"_source":{"id":280,"authors_free":[{"id":350,"entry_id":280,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":504,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"D\u00e9roche, Vincent","free_first_name":"Vincent","free_last_name":"D\u00e9roche","norm_person":{"id":504,"first_name":"Vincent","last_name":"D\u00e9roche","full_name":"D\u00e9roche, Vincent","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1033332305","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"M\u00e9langes Gilbert Dagron","main_title":{"title":"M\u00e9langes Gilbert Dagron"},"abstract":"","btype":4,"date":"2002","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/d3igors0KKxjGuv","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":504,"full_name":"D\u00e9roche, Vincent","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":{"id":280,"pubplace":"Paris","publisher":"Association des Amis du Centre d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance","series":"Travaux et m\u00e9moires \/ Coll\u00e8ge de France, Centre de Recherche d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance","volume":"14","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":["M\u00e9langes Gilbert Dagron"]}

Necessity, Chance, and Freedom in the Early Atomists, 1972
By: Edmunds, Lowell
Title Necessity, Chance, and Freedom in the Early Atomists
Type Article
Language English
Date 1972
Journal Phoenix
Volume 26
Issue 4
Pages 342-357
Categories no categories
Author(s) Edmunds, Lowell
Fortune, which Democritus so disparaged, had the last laugh on the 
laughing philosopher when through the fragmentation of his work it 
obscured a cardinal principle of the atomist system, necessity. Or would 
Democritus have called this the fatum libellorum? At any rate, the 
obscurity of this principle is immediately apparent, both in the ancient 
doxographical tradition and in modern scholarship. Without endorsing 
any of the views which variously identify necessity with some one 
characteristic of the atoms, their weight or aboriginal motion, or with the 
void they move in,x one can yet attempt to undo the identification of 
necessity with the famous "whirl" of the atoms2 and to see necessity as a 
single concept of which the causal operation in the system is uniform. 
Even Zeus was subject to necessity, and one might think of Democritus as 
refining and systematizing an ancient belief, in the same way that in 
making r6 'povev  physical he subscribed, says Theophrastus, to a "most 
antique opinion," to which all the poets and sages adhered... [p. 342]

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Neo-Platonic Modes of Concordism versus Definitions of Difference: Simplicius, Augustinus Steuco and Ralph Cudworth versus Marco Antonio Zimara and Benedictus Pererius, 2011
By: Blackwell, Constance, Clucas, Stephen (Ed.), Forshaw, Peter J. (Ed.), Rees, Valery (Ed.)
Title Neo-Platonic Modes of Concordism versus Definitions of Difference: Simplicius, Augustinus Steuco and Ralph Cudworth versus Marco Antonio Zimara and Benedictus Pererius
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 2011
Published in Laus Platonici Philosophi. Marsilio Ficino and his Influence
Pages 317–342
Categories no categories
Author(s) Blackwell, Constance
Editor(s) Clucas, Stephen , Forshaw, Peter J. , Rees, Valery
A  few  years  before  her  death,  Frances  Yates  began  her  lecture  to  a 
meeting  of  the  Society  for  Renaissance  Studies  with  the  emotional 
announcement that knowledge of the Neo-Platonic and  Hermetic tra­
ditions  had  been  suppressed.  While  some  took  her  seriously,  I  was 
sceptical.  Yet  there  is  textual  evidence  that  she  was  not  wrong  after 
all.  The suppression  began  almost immediately among those opposed 
to  the concordism1  of Ficino  or  Pico,  but  in this essay I will focus on 
reactions to this tradition  in the second half of the  sixteenth century. [p.317]

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While some took her seriously, I was \r\nsceptical. Yet there is textual evidence that she was not wrong after \r\nall. The suppression began almost immediately among those opposed \r\nto the concordism1 of Ficino or Pico, but in this essay I will focus on \r\nreactions to this tradition in the second half of the sixteenth century. [p.317]","btype":2,"date":"2011","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/xVNl98DGDop96LN","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":78,"full_name":"Blackwell, Constance","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}},{"id":400,"full_name":"Clucas, Stephen","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":401,"full_name":"Forshaw, Peter J.","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":402,"full_name":"Rees, Valery","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":null,"booksection":{"id":614,"section_of":613,"pages":"317\u2013342","is_catalog":null,"book":{"id":613,"bilderberg_idno":null,"dare_idno":null,"catalog_idno":null,"entry_type":null,"type":4,"language":"en","title":"Laus Platonici Philosophi. Marsilio Ficino and his Influence","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","short_title":"Clucas2011","has_no_author":null,"volume":null,"date":"2011","edition_no":null,"free_date":"2011","abstract":"This collection of essays honours Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) as a Platonic philosopher. Ficino was not the first translator of Plato in the Renaissance, but he was the first to translate the entire corpus of Platonic works, and to emphasise their relevance for contemporary readers. The present work is divided into two sections: the first explores aspects of Ficino\u2019s own thought and the sources which he used. The second section follows aspects of his influence in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The papers presented here deepen and enrich our understanding of Ficino, and of the philosophical tradition in which he was working, and they offer a new platform for future studies on Ficino and his legacy in Renaissance philosophy. [Author's abstract]","republication_of":null,"online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/CfamRWvXxf8MSqg","translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"is_catalog":0,"in_bibliography":0,"is_inactive":0,"notes":null,"doi_url":null,"book":{"id":613,"pubplace":"Leiden","publisher":"Brill","series":"Brill's Studies in Intellectual History","volume":"198","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null}}},"article":null},"sort":["Neo-Platonic Modes of Concordism versus Definitions of Difference: Simplicius, Augustinus Steuco and Ralph Cudworth versus Marco Antonio Zimara and Benedictus Pererius"]}

Neoplatonic Elements in the "de Anima" Commentaries, 1976
By: Blumenthal, Henry J.
Title Neoplatonic Elements in the "de Anima" Commentaries
Type Article
Language English
Date 1976
Journal Phronesis
Volume 21
Issue 1
Pages 64-87
Categories no categories
Author(s) Blumenthal, Henry J.
Most scholars who refer to the Greek commentators for help in the 
understanding of  difficult  Aristotelian texts  seem  to  expect 
straightforward scholarly treatment  of  their problems.2 Not 
infrequently they are disappointed and complain about the irrelevance 
of the  commentary they  read, or inveigh against the incompetence of 
the  commentators.3 Only  Alexander is  generally exempt  from such 
censure,  and  that  in  itself  is  significant.  For  he  is  the  only  major 
commentator whose work survives in  any  considerable quantity who 
wrote before Neoplatonism. Shortly after Alexander the kind of thought 
that  is  conveniently described by  this label came to  dominate Greek 
philosophy, and nearly all pagan philosophy and philosophical 
scholarship was  pursued  under  its influence,  if not  by  its active 
adherents. It  is the purpose of this paper to argue that  these facts are 
not  trivial  items  of  background interest,  but  are  fundamental to  a 
proper assessment of  the  later  commentators' opinions on  points  of 
Aristotelian scholarship. [p. 64]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"612","_score":null,"_source":{"id":612,"authors_free":[{"id":867,"entry_id":612,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":108,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","free_first_name":"Henry J.","free_last_name":"Blumenthal","norm_person":{"id":108,"first_name":"Henry J.","last_name":"Blumenthal","full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1051543967","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Neoplatonic Elements in the \"de Anima\" Commentaries","main_title":{"title":"Neoplatonic Elements in the \"de Anima\" Commentaries"},"abstract":"Most scholars who refer to the Greek commentators for help in the \r\nunderstanding of difficult Aristotelian texts seem to expect \r\nstraightforward scholarly treatment of their problems.2 Not \r\ninfrequently they are disappointed and complain about the irrelevance \r\nof the commentary they read, or inveigh against the incompetence of \r\nthe commentators.3 Only Alexander is generally exempt from such \r\ncensure, and that in itself is significant. For he is the only major \r\ncommentator whose work survives in any considerable quantity who \r\nwrote before Neoplatonism. Shortly after Alexander the kind of thought \r\nthat is conveniently described by this label came to dominate Greek \r\nphilosophy, and nearly all pagan philosophy and philosophical \r\nscholarship was pursued under its influence, if not by its active \r\nadherents. It is the purpose of this paper to argue that these facts are \r\nnot trivial items of background interest, but are fundamental to a \r\nproper assessment of the later commentators' opinions on points of \r\nAristotelian scholarship. [p. 64]","btype":3,"date":"1976","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/7wpRahl6Ref0nE0","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":108,"full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":612,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Phronesis","volume":"21","issue":"1","pages":"64-87"}},"sort":["Neoplatonic Elements in the \"de Anima\" Commentaries"]}

Neoplatonic Interpretations of Aristotle on "Phantasia", 1977
By: Blumenthal, Henry J.
Title Neoplatonic Interpretations of Aristotle on "Phantasia"
Type Article
Language English
Date 1977
Journal The Review of Metaphysics
Volume 31
Issue 2
Pages 242-257
Categories no categories
Author(s) Blumenthal, Henry J.
The  ancient commentaries on Aristotle have for the most part 
remained in that strange kind of no-man's land between Classical 
and Medieval studies that even now holds so  many of the productions 
of  later  antiquity. On  the whole it would be  true  to  say  that  students 
of  Neoplatonism?for the commentators were usually Neoplatonists 
?prefer to occupy themselves with openly Neoplatonic writings. 
Modern Aristotelian scholars, on the other hand, tend to take very 
little account of the opinions of their ancient predecessors. In this 
way they differ from the Medie  vals, both Christian and Moslem: as 
is well known, Aquinas instigated the translation of many of these 
commentaries by his fellow Dominican, William of Moerbeke, while a 
century before, Averroes, the greatest of the Arabic commentators, 
had made ample use of at least the earlier Greek expositions. [Introduction, p. 242]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"877","_score":null,"_source":{"id":877,"authors_free":[{"id":1288,"entry_id":877,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":108,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","free_first_name":"Henry J.","free_last_name":"Blumenthal","norm_person":{"id":108,"first_name":"Henry J.","last_name":"Blumenthal","full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1051543967","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Neoplatonic Interpretations of Aristotle on \"Phantasia\"","main_title":{"title":"Neoplatonic Interpretations of Aristotle on \"Phantasia\""},"abstract":"The ancient commentaries on Aristotle have for the most part \r\nremained in that strange kind of no-man's land between Classical \r\nand Medieval studies that even now holds so many of the productions \r\nof later antiquity. On the whole it would be true to say that students \r\nof Neoplatonism?for the commentators were usually Neoplatonists \r\n?prefer to occupy themselves with openly Neoplatonic writings. \r\nModern Aristotelian scholars, on the other hand, tend to take very \r\nlittle account of the opinions of their ancient predecessors. In this \r\nway they differ from the Medie vals, both Christian and Moslem: as \r\nis well known, Aquinas instigated the translation of many of these \r\ncommentaries by his fellow Dominican, William of Moerbeke, while a \r\ncentury before, Averroes, the greatest of the Arabic commentators, \r\nhad made ample use of at least the earlier Greek expositions. [Introduction, p. 242]","btype":3,"date":"1977","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/i27gyBgOk88OE3n","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":108,"full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":877,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"The Review of Metaphysics","volume":"31","issue":"2","pages":"242-257"}},"sort":["Neoplatonic Interpretations of Aristotle on \"Phantasia\""]}

Neoplatonism and Christian thought, 1982
By: O'Meara, Dominic, J. (Ed.)
Title Neoplatonism and Christian thought
Type Edited Book
Language English
Date 1982
Publication Place Albany
Publisher State University of New York Press
Series Studies in Neoplatonism: Ancient and Modern
Volume 3
Categories no categories
Editor(s) O'Meara, Dominic, J.
In this volume, the relationships between two of the most vital currents in Western thought are examined by a group of nineteen internationally known specialists in a variety of disciplines—classics, patristics, philosophy, theology, history of ideas, literature. The contributing scholars discuss Neoplatonic theories about God, creation, man, and salvation, in relation to the ways in which they were adopted, adapted, or rejected by major Christian thinkers of five periods: Patristic, Later Greek and Byzantine, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern. [a.a]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"12","_score":null,"_source":{"id":12,"authors_free":[{"id":2390,"entry_id":12,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":279,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"O'Meara, Dominic, J.","free_first_name":"Dominic J.","free_last_name":"O'Meara","norm_person":{"id":279,"first_name":"Dominic J.","last_name":"O'Meara","full_name":"O'Meara, Dominic J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/11180664X","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Neoplatonism and Christian thought","main_title":{"title":"Neoplatonism and Christian thought"},"abstract":"In this volume, the relationships between two of the most vital currents in Western thought are examined by a group of nineteen internationally known specialists in a variety of disciplines\u2014classics, patristics, philosophy, theology, history of ideas, literature. The contributing scholars discuss Neoplatonic theories about God, creation, man, and salvation, in relation to the ways in which they were adopted, adapted, or rejected by major Christian thinkers of five periods: Patristic, Later Greek and Byzantine, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern. [a.a]","btype":4,"date":"1982","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/Ac3A1EM6jBIz64K","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":279,"full_name":"O'Meara, Dominic J.","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":{"id":12,"pubplace":"Albany","publisher":"State University of New York Press","series":"Studies in Neoplatonism: Ancient and Modern","volume":"3","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":["Neoplatonism and Christian thought"]}

Neoplatonism and early Christian thought: Essays in honour of A.H. Armstrong, 1981
By: Blumenthal, Henry J. (Ed.), Markus, R. A. (Ed.)
Title Neoplatonism and early Christian thought: Essays in honour of A.H. Armstrong
Type Edited Book
Language English
Date 1981
Publication Place London
Publisher Variorum
Categories no categories
Editor(s) Blumenthal, Henry J. , Markus, R. A.
The studies collected in this book are all concerned with aspects of the Platonic tradition, either in its own internal development in the Hellenistic age and the period of the Roman Empire, or with the influence of Platonism, in one or other of its forms, on other spiritual traditions, especially that of Christianity. [offical abstract]

{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"131","_score":null,"_source":{"id":131,"authors_free":[{"id":162,"entry_id":131,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":108,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","free_first_name":"Henry J.","free_last_name":"Blumenthal","norm_person":{"id":108,"first_name":"Henry J.","last_name":"Blumenthal","full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1051543967","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}},{"id":2228,"entry_id":131,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":403,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Markus, R. A.","free_first_name":"R. A.","free_last_name":"Markus","norm_person":{"id":403,"first_name":"R. A.","last_name":"Markus","full_name":"Markus, R. A.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/121838862","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Neoplatonism and early Christian thought: Essays in honour of A.H. Armstrong","main_title":{"title":"Neoplatonism and early Christian thought: Essays in honour of A.H. Armstrong"},"abstract":"The studies collected in this book are all concerned with aspects of the Platonic tradition, either in its own internal development in the Hellenistic age and the period of the Roman Empire, or with the influence of Platonism, in one or other of its forms, on other spiritual traditions, especially that of Christianity. [offical abstract]","btype":4,"date":"1981","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/\/s\/nuplWyD3w3eywGW","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":108,"full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}},{"id":403,"full_name":"Markus, R. A.","role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"}}],"book":{"id":131,"pubplace":"London","publisher":"Variorum","series":"","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":["Neoplatonism and early Christian thought: Essays in honour of A.H. Armstrong"]}

Neoplatonism and the Philosophy of Nature, 2012
By: Horn, Christoph (Ed.), Wilberding, James (Ed.)
Title Neoplatonism and the Philosophy of Nature
Type Edited Book
Language English
Date 2012
Publication Place Oxford
Publisher Oxford University Press
Categories no categories
Editor(s) Horn, Christoph , Wilberding, James
Despite Platonism’s unquestioned claim to being one of the most influential movements in the history of philosophy, for a long time the conventional wisdom was that Platonists of late antiquity—or Neoplatonists—were so focused on other-worldly metaphysics that they simply neglected any serious study of the sensible world, which after all is ‘merely’ an image of the intelligible world, and only recently has this conventional wisdom begun to be dispelled. In fact, precisely because these thinkers did see the sensible world as an image of the intelligible world, they devoted much time and energy to understanding its inner workings. Thus we find Neoplatonists writing on embryology, physiology, meteorology, astronomy, and much else. This volume collects essays by leading international scholars in the field that shed new light on how these thinkers sought to understand and explain nature and natural phenomena. It is thematically divided into two parts, with the first part—‘The general metaphysics of Nature’—directed at the explication of central Neoplatonic metaphysical doctrines and their relation to the natural world, and the second part—’Platonic approaches to individual sciences’—showing how these same doctrines play out in individual natural sciences such as elemental physics, geography, and biology. Together these essays show that a serious examination of Neoplatonic natural philosophy has far-reaching consequences for our general understanding of the metaphysics of Platonism, as well as for our evaluation of their place in the history of science.

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