Title | Aurore, Éros et Ananké autour des dieux Parménidiens (f. 12-f. 13) |
Type | Article |
Language | French |
Date | 1985 |
Journal | Les Études philosophiques |
Volume | 4 |
Pages | 459-470 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Frère, Jean |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/0inrahFj19jgTIa |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"593","_score":null,"_source":{"id":593,"authors_free":[{"id":844,"entry_id":593,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":101,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Fr\u00e8re, Jean","free_first_name":"Jean","free_last_name":"Fr\u00e8re","norm_person":{"id":101,"first_name":"Jean","last_name":"Fr\u00e8re","full_name":"Fr\u00e8re, Jean","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/130051187","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Aurore, \u00c9ros et Anank\u00e9 autour des dieux Parm\u00e9nidiens (f. 12-f. 13)","main_title":{"title":"Aurore, \u00c9ros et Anank\u00e9 autour des dieux Parm\u00e9nidiens (f. 12-f. 13)"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1985","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/0inrahFj19jgTIa","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":101,"full_name":"Fr\u00e8re, Jean","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":593,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Les \u00c9tudes philosophiques","volume":"4","issue":"","pages":" 459-470"}},"sort":[1985]}
Title | The End of Aristotle's on Prayer |
Type | Article |
Language | English |
Date | 1985 |
Journal | The American Journal of Philology |
Volume | 106 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 110-113 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Rist, John M. |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Jean Pepin recently devoted a lengthy study to Aristotle's On Prayer;' there is good reason to think that the work never existed. On Prayer is listed in Diogenes Laertius' catalogue of Aristotle's writings (5.22) and in the Vita Hesychii.2 The only other evidence for its exis- tence is a passage of Simplicius3 that tells us that at the end of On Prayer Aristotle says clearly that God is either mind or somehow beyond mind (6 Esoq ii voUq EaTiV Ti CrenCKEva TOU voU). The claim that God is be- yond mind is unique in an unemended Aristotelian text, but the notion would be acceptable to Simplicius both because, as a Neoplatonist, he would believe it to be true, and because as a Neoplatonic commentator on Aristotle he would be happy to find evidence of the basic philosophi- cal harmony of Aristotle and Plato. Our problem, therefore, is to see why Simplicius thought that Aristotle held this view... [pp. 110 f.] |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/6lThLMu5Mp64X1o |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"858","_score":null,"_source":{"id":858,"authors_free":[{"id":1262,"entry_id":858,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":303,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Rist, John M.","free_first_name":"John M.","free_last_name":"Rist","norm_person":{"id":303,"first_name":"John M.","last_name":"Rist","full_name":"Rist, John M.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/137060440","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"The End of Aristotle's on Prayer","main_title":{"title":"The End of Aristotle's on Prayer"},"abstract":"Jean Pepin recently devoted a lengthy study to Aristotle's On \r\nPrayer;' there is good reason to think that the work never existed. On \r\nPrayer is listed in Diogenes Laertius' catalogue of Aristotle's writings (5.22) and in the Vita Hesychii.2 The only other evidence for its exis- \r\ntence is a passage of Simplicius3 that tells us that at the end of On Prayer Aristotle says clearly that God is either mind or somehow beyond mind \r\n(6 Esoq ii voUq EaTiV Ti CrenCKEva TOU voU). The claim that God is be- \r\nyond mind is unique in an unemended Aristotelian text, but the notion \r\nwould be acceptable to Simplicius both because, as a Neoplatonist, he \r\nwould believe it to be true, and because as a Neoplatonic commentator \r\non Aristotle he would be happy to find evidence of the basic philosophi- cal harmony of Aristotle and Plato. Our problem, therefore, is to see \r\nwhy Simplicius thought that Aristotle held this view... [pp. 110 f.]","btype":3,"date":"1985","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/6lThLMu5Mp64X1o","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":303,"full_name":"Rist, John M.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":858,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"The American Journal of Philology","volume":"106","issue":"1","pages":"110-113"}},"sort":[1985]}
Title | Conférence de M. Philippe Hoffmann: Sens et dénomination. Homonymie, analogie, métaphore selon le commentaire de Simplicius sur les Catégories d'Aristote |
Type | Article |
Language | French |
Date | 1984 |
Journal | École pratique des hautes études, Section des sciences religieuses. Annuaire |
Volume | 93 |
Pages | 343-356 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Hoffmann, Philippe |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/EvdrK2W3nFfG88p |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"507","_score":null,"_source":{"id":507,"authors_free":[{"id":701,"entry_id":507,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":138,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Hoffmann, Philippe","free_first_name":"Philippe","free_last_name":"Hoffmann","norm_person":{"id":138,"first_name":"Philippe ","last_name":"Hoffmann","full_name":"Hoffmann, Philippe ","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/189361905","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Conf\u00e9rence de M. Philippe Hoffmann: Sens et d\u00e9nomination. Homonymie, analogie, m\u00e9taphore selon le commentaire de Simplicius sur les Cat\u00e9gories d'Aristote","main_title":{"title":"Conf\u00e9rence de M. Philippe Hoffmann: Sens et d\u00e9nomination. Homonymie, analogie, m\u00e9taphore selon le commentaire de Simplicius sur les Cat\u00e9gories d'Aristote"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1984","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/EvdrK2W3nFfG88p","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":138,"full_name":"Hoffmann, Philippe ","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":507,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":" \u00c9cole pratique des hautes \u00e9tudes, Section des sciences religieuses. Annuaire","volume":"93","issue":"","pages":"343-356"}},"sort":[1984]}
Title | (Neo-) Platonica |
Type | Article |
Language | Dutch |
Date | 1984 |
Journal | Tijdschrift voor Filosofie |
Volume | 46 |
Issue | 2 |
Pages | 319-330 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Steel, Carlos |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/dzbV4GL1fW12mo2 |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"845","_score":null,"_source":{"id":845,"authors_free":[{"id":1249,"entry_id":845,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":14,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Steel, Carlos","free_first_name":"Carlos","free_last_name":"Steel","norm_person":{"id":14,"first_name":"Carlos ","last_name":"Steel","full_name":"Steel, Carlos ","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/122963083","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"(Neo-) Platonica","main_title":{"title":"(Neo-) Platonica"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1984","language":"Dutch","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/dzbV4GL1fW12mo2","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":14,"full_name":"Steel, Carlos ","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":845,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Tijdschrift voor Filosofie","volume":"46","issue":"2","pages":"319-330"}},"sort":[1984]}
Title | Empedocles B 96 (462 Bollack) and the Poetry of Adhesion |
Type | Article |
Language | English |
Date | 1984 |
Journal | Mnemosyne, Fourth Series |
Volume | 37 |
Issue | 1-2 |
Pages | 14-24 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Sider, David |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Notes on Empedocles B 96 |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/lRzi7I5P45Zw57Q |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1018","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1018,"authors_free":[{"id":1534,"entry_id":1018,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":320,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Sider, David","free_first_name":"David","free_last_name":"Sider","norm_person":{"id":320,"first_name":"David","last_name":"Sider","full_name":"Sider, David","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/1129478610","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Empedocles B 96 (462 Bollack) and the Poetry of Adhesion","main_title":{"title":"Empedocles B 96 (462 Bollack) and the Poetry of Adhesion"},"abstract":"Notes on Empedocles B 96","btype":3,"date":"1984","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/lRzi7I5P45Zw57Q","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":320,"full_name":"Sider, David","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1018,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Mnemosyne, Fourth Series","volume":"37","issue":"1-2","pages":"14-24"}},"sort":[1984]}
Title | Paratasis. De la description aspectuelle des verbes grecs à une définition du temps dans le néoplatonisme tardif |
Type | Article |
Language | French |
Date | 1983 |
Journal | Revue des Études Grecques |
Volume | 96 |
Issue | 455/459 |
Pages | 1-26 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Hoffmann, Philippe |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/vkSQEgocFkFlgbE |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"713","_score":null,"_source":{"id":713,"authors_free":[{"id":1063,"entry_id":713,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":138,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Hoffmann, Philippe","free_first_name":"Philippe","free_last_name":"Hoffmann","norm_person":{"id":138,"first_name":"Philippe ","last_name":"Hoffmann","full_name":"Hoffmann, Philippe ","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/189361905","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Paratasis. De la description aspectuelle des verbes grecs \u00e0 une d\u00e9finition du temps dans le n\u00e9oplatonisme tardif","main_title":{"title":"Paratasis. De la description aspectuelle des verbes grecs \u00e0 une d\u00e9finition du temps dans le n\u00e9oplatonisme tardif"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1983","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/vkSQEgocFkFlgbE","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":138,"full_name":"Hoffmann, Philippe ","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":713,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Revue des \u00c9tudes Grecques","volume":"96","issue":"455\/459","pages":"1-26"}},"sort":[1983]}
Title | La tradition manuscrite du commentaire de Simplicius sur le Manuel d'Épictète. Addenda et Corrigenda |
Type | Article |
Language | French |
Date | 1983 |
Journal | Revue d'histoire des textes |
Volume | 11 |
Pages | 387-395 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Hadot, Ilsetraut |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
The present study, as the title indicates, brings some supplementary information and minor corrections to my article on La tradition manuscrite du commentaire de Simplicius sur le « Manuel » d'Épictète, which appeared in volume VIII (1978) if the Revue d'Histoire des Textes (pp. 1-108). As part of these addenda, I have identified two new Greek texts, contained in the Neapolitans III. B. 12 : one fragment of Aristotle's Metaphysics, and another fragment of the commentary by Simplicius on Aristotle's De caelo ; each of these fragments is the length of a quaternion. |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/pk6WLUE59XD9d37 |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1496","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1496,"authors_free":[{"id":2596,"entry_id":1496,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":4,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Hadot, Ilsetraut","free_first_name":"Ilsetraut","free_last_name":"Hadot","norm_person":{"id":4,"first_name":"Ilsetraut","last_name":"Hadot","full_name":"Hadot, Ilsetraut","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/107415011","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"La tradition manuscrite du commentaire de Simplicius sur le Manuel d'\u00c9pict\u00e8te. Addenda et Corrigenda","main_title":{"title":"La tradition manuscrite du commentaire de Simplicius sur le Manuel d'\u00c9pict\u00e8te. Addenda et Corrigenda"},"abstract":"The present study, as the title indicates, brings some supplementary information and minor corrections to my article on La tradition manuscrite du commentaire de Simplicius sur le \u00ab Manuel \u00bb d'\u00c9pict\u00e8te, which appeared in volume VIII (1978) if\r\nthe Revue d'Histoire des Textes (pp. 1-108). As part of these addenda, I have identified two new Greek texts, contained in the Neapolitans III. B. 12 : one fragment of Aristotle's Metaphysics, and another fragment of the commentary by Simplicius on Aristotle's De caelo ; each of these fragments is the length of a quaternion.","btype":3,"date":"1983","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/pk6WLUE59XD9d37","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":4,"full_name":"Hadot, Ilsetraut","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1496,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Revue d'histoire des textes","volume":"11","issue":"","pages":"387-395"}},"sort":[1983]}
Title | Review of Erwin Sonderegger: Simplikios: Über die Zeit |
Type | Article |
Language | English |
Date | 1983 |
Journal | The Classical Review, New Series |
Volume | 33 |
Issue | 2 |
Pages | 337-338 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Blumenthal, Henry J. |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Review of Erwin Sonderegger: Simplikios. Über die Zeit. Ein Kommentar zum Corollarium de tempore. (Hypomnemata, 70.) Pp. 197. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1982 |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/F7RO5jlE7YIQ3Pl |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"770","_score":null,"_source":{"id":770,"authors_free":[{"id":1134,"entry_id":770,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":108,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","free_first_name":"Henry J.","free_last_name":"Blumenthal","norm_person":{"id":108,"first_name":"Henry J.","last_name":"Blumenthal","full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/1051543967","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Review of Erwin Sonderegger: Simplikios: \u00dcber die Zeit","main_title":{"title":"Review of Erwin Sonderegger: Simplikios: \u00dcber die Zeit"},"abstract":"Review of Erwin Sonderegger: Simplikios. \u00dcber die Zeit. Ein Kommentar zum Corollarium de tempore. (Hypomnemata, 70.) Pp. 197. G\u00f6ttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1982","btype":3,"date":"1983","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/F7RO5jlE7YIQ3Pl","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":108,"full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":770,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"The Classical Review, New Series","volume":"33","issue":"2","pages":"337-338"}},"sort":[1983]}
Title | On Some Epicurean and Lucretian Arguments for the Infinity of the Universe |
Type | Article |
Language | English |
Date | 1983 |
Journal | The Classical Quarterly |
Volume | 33 |
Issue | 2 |
Pages | 421-427 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Avotins, Ivars |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
As is well known, Epicurus and his followers held that the universe was infinite and that its two primary components, void and atoms, were each infinite. The void was infinite in extension, the atoms were infinite in number and their total was infinite also in extension.' The chief Epicurean proofs of these infinities are found in Epicurus, Ad Herod. 41-2, and in Lucretius 1. 951-1020. As far as I can see, both the commentators to these works and writers on Epicurean physics in general have neglected to take into account some material pertinent to these proofs, material found in Aristotle and especially in his commentators Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius, Simplicius, and Philoponus.2 In this article I wish to compare this neglected information with the proofs of infinity found in Epicurus and Lucretius and to discuss their authorship. [p. 421] |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/lBKy8DcHoAeCp8g |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1001","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1001,"authors_free":[{"id":1506,"entry_id":1001,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":38,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Avotins, Ivars","free_first_name":"Ivars","free_last_name":"Avotins","norm_person":{"id":38,"first_name":"Ivars","last_name":"Avotins","full_name":"Avotins, Ivars","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"On Some Epicurean and Lucretian Arguments for the Infinity of the Universe","main_title":{"title":"On Some Epicurean and Lucretian Arguments for the Infinity of the Universe"},"abstract":"As is well known, Epicurus and his followers held that the universe was infinite and \r\nthat its two primary components, void and atoms, were each infinite. The void was \r\ninfinite in extension, the atoms were infinite in number and their total was infinite also \r\nin extension.' The chief Epicurean proofs of these infinities are found in Epicurus, Ad \r\nHerod. 41-2, and in Lucretius 1. 951-1020. As far as I can see, both the commentators \r\nto these works and writers on Epicurean physics in general have neglected to take into \r\naccount some material pertinent to these proofs, material found in Aristotle and \r\nespecially in his commentators Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius, Simplicius, and \r\nPhiloponus.2 In this article I wish to compare this neglected information with the \r\nproofs of infinity found in Epicurus and Lucretius and to discuss their authorship. [p. 421]","btype":3,"date":"1983","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/lBKy8DcHoAeCp8g","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":38,"full_name":"Avotins, Ivars","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1001,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"The Classical Quarterly","volume":"33","issue":"2","pages":"421-427"}},"sort":[1983]}
Title | La teoria della relazione nei commentatori neoplatonici delle "Categorie" di Aristotele |
Type | Article |
Language | Italian |
Date | 1983 |
Journal | Rivista critica di storia della filosofia |
Volume | 38 |
Issue | 3 |
Pages | 259-283 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Conti, Alessandro D. |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/XF1SQuHznlJNEW1 |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1275","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1275,"authors_free":[{"id":1864,"entry_id":1275,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":52,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Conti, Alessandro D.","free_first_name":"Alessandro D.","free_last_name":"Conti","norm_person":{"id":52,"first_name":"Alessandro D.","last_name":"Conti","full_name":"Conti, Alessandro D.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/1047115123","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"La teoria della relazione nei commentatori neoplatonici delle \"Categorie\" di Aristotele","main_title":{"title":"La teoria della relazione nei commentatori neoplatonici delle \"Categorie\" di Aristotele"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1983","language":"Italian","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/XF1SQuHznlJNEW1","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":52,"full_name":"Conti, Alessandro D.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1275,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Rivista critica di storia della filosofia","volume":"38","issue":"3","pages":"259-283"}},"sort":[1983]}
Title | Empedocles Recycled |
Type | Article |
Language | English |
Date | 1987 |
Journal | Classical Quarterly |
Volume | 37 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 24-50 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Osborne, Catherine |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
It is no longer generally believed that Empedocles was the divided character portrayed by nineteenth-century scholars, a man whose scientific and religious views were incompatible but untouched by each other. Yet it is still widely held that, however unitary his thought, nevertheless he still wrote more than one poem, and that his poems can be clearly divided between those which do, and those which do not, concern 'religious matters'.1 Once this assumption can be shown to be shaky or actually false, the grounds for dividing the quotations of Empedocles into two poems by subject matter disappear; and without that division our interpretation of Empedocles stands in need of radical revision. This paper starts with the modest task of showing that Empedocles may have written only one philosophical poem and not two, and goes on to suggest some of the ways in which we have to rethink the whole story if he did. If all our material belongs to one poem we are bound to link the cycle of the daimones with that of the elements, and this has far-reaching consequences for our interpretation. [Introduction, p. 24] |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/Y9rPwUd0LSdJlgn |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1092","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1092,"authors_free":[{"id":1650,"entry_id":1092,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":280,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Osborne, Catherine","free_first_name":"Catherine","free_last_name":"Osborne","norm_person":{"id":280,"first_name":"Catherine","last_name":"Rowett","full_name":"Rowett, Catherine","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/142220116","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Empedocles Recycled","main_title":{"title":"Empedocles Recycled"},"abstract":"It is no longer generally believed that Empedocles was the divided character portrayed by nineteenth-century scholars, a man whose scientific and religious views were incompatible but untouched by each other. Yet it is still widely held that, however unitary his thought, nevertheless he still wrote more than one poem, and that his poems can be clearly divided between those which do, and those which do not, concern \r\n'religious matters'.1 Once this assumption can be shown to be shaky or actually false, the grounds for dividing the quotations of Empedocles into two poems by subject matter disappear; and without that division our interpretation of Empedocles stands in need of radical revision. This paper starts with the modest task of showing that Empedocles may have written only one philosophical poem and not two, and goes on to suggest some of the ways in which we have to rethink the whole story if he did. If all our material belongs to one poem we are bound to link the cycle of the daimones with that of the elements, and this has far-reaching consequences for our \r\ninterpretation. [Introduction, p. 24]","btype":3,"date":"1987","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/Y9rPwUd0LSdJlgn","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":280,"full_name":"Rowett, Catherine","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1092,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Classical Quarterly","volume":"37","issue":"1","pages":"24-50"}},"sort":["Empedocles Recycled"]}
Title | Ficino's Lecture on the Good? |
Type | Article |
Language | English |
Date | 1977 |
Journal | Renaissance Quarterly |
Volume | 30 |
Issue | 2 |
Pages | 160-171 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Allen, Michael J. B. |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
This article discusses Plato's Lecture on the Good, the only lecture attributed to Plato by ancient sources. The lecture was attended by Aristotle and other students of Plato and was described as a blend of formal exposition, digressions, and asides. Although it was not a public success, the Lecture became famous in the ancient world for what the Neoplatonists presumed was its Pythagorean content. The Lecture played a role in the history of fifteenth-century Florentine Platonism under its chief architect, Marsilio Ficino, who was interested in reviving Neoplatonism and wedding it to Christianity while also dreaming of revitalizing the day-to-day life of the ancient Athenian Academy. [introduction/conclusion] |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/WEuuGEi4LFtExM8 |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1261","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1261,"authors_free":[{"id":1847,"entry_id":1261,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":33,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Allen, Michael J. B.","free_first_name":"Michael J. B.","free_last_name":"Allen","norm_person":{"id":33,"first_name":"Michael J. B. ","last_name":"Allen","full_name":"Allen, Michael J. B. ","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/12310405X","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Ficino's Lecture on the Good?","main_title":{"title":"Ficino's Lecture on the Good?"},"abstract":"This article discusses Plato's Lecture on the Good, the only lecture attributed to Plato by ancient sources. The lecture was attended by Aristotle and other students of Plato and was described as a blend of formal exposition, digressions, and asides. Although it was not a public success, the Lecture became famous in the ancient world for what the Neoplatonists presumed was its Pythagorean content. The Lecture played a role in the history of fifteenth-century Florentine Platonism under its chief architect, Marsilio Ficino, who was interested in reviving Neoplatonism and wedding it to Christianity while also dreaming of revitalizing the day-to-day life of the ancient Athenian Academy. [introduction\/conclusion]","btype":3,"date":"1977","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/WEuuGEi4LFtExM8","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":33,"full_name":"Allen, Michael J. B. ","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1261,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Renaissance Quarterly ","volume":"30","issue":"2","pages":"160-171"}},"sort":["Ficino's Lecture on the Good?"]}
Title | Jamblique exégète du pythagoricien Archytas: trois originalités d’une doctrine du temps |
Type | Article |
Language | French |
Date | 1980 |
Journal | Les Études philosophiques |
Volume | 3 |
Pages | 307-323 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Hoffmann, Philippe |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/BdUTvNxs8OsToKM |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"686","_score":null,"_source":{"id":686,"authors_free":[{"id":1019,"entry_id":686,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":138,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Hoffmann, Philippe","free_first_name":"Philippe","free_last_name":"Hoffmann","norm_person":{"id":138,"first_name":"Philippe ","last_name":"Hoffmann","full_name":"Hoffmann, Philippe ","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/189361905","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"Jamblique ex\u00e9g\u00e8te du pythagoricien Archytas: trois originalit\u00e9s d\u2019une doctrine du temps","main_title":{"title":"Jamblique ex\u00e9g\u00e8te du pythagoricien Archytas: trois originalit\u00e9s d\u2019une doctrine du temps"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1980","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/BdUTvNxs8OsToKM","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":138,"full_name":"Hoffmann, Philippe ","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":686,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Les \u00c9tudes philosophiques","volume":"3","issue":"","pages":"307-323"}},"sort":["Jamblique ex\u00e9g\u00e8te du pythagoricien Archytas: trois originalit\u00e9s d\u2019une doctrine du temps"]}
Title | John Philoponus: Alexandrian Platonist? |
Type | Article |
Language | English |
Date | 1986 |
Journal | Hermes |
Volume | 114 |
Pages | 314–335 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Blumenthal, Henry J. |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
What, in the end, can we say about Philoponus’ position as a Platonist, bearing in mind that our conclusions must still in some respects be provisional? That he was a Neoplatonist is indisputable. Since, however, few if any, of his differences with other Neoplatonists seem to arise from the adoption of a specifically Alexandrian philosophical point of view, we must attribute them to his own philosophical - and theological - orientation. It turns out that, in his case, »Alexandrian Platonist« may mean little more than a man whose philosophy was Neoplatonic, and who worked at Alexandria, though one might observe that there would not have been a warm welcome at Athens for a Christian Neoplatonist, however closely his views might conform to those codified by Proclus and developed by Damascius. One could go on to say that, apart from the concentration on Aristotle, his differences from other Alexandrians were greater than theirs from the Athenians. In this connection we should notice Philoponus’ frequent appeals to Plato against Aristotle in the passages Simplicius singles out for complaint, and his relatively frequent reservations about the agreement, symphônia, of Plato and Aristotle, which most others eagerly sought to demonstrate. And since we started with a critique of P r a e c h t e r , who did so much to initiate the serious study of the Aristotelian commentators, it might be appropriate to end with his characteri sation of Philoponus in the De aeternitate mundi: »es ist der gelehrte Platoniker der spricht«. [conclusion, p. 334-335] |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/Il5meIvwCfrHOJU |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"628","_score":null,"_source":{"id":628,"authors_free":[{"id":888,"entry_id":628,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":108,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","free_first_name":"Henry J.","free_last_name":"Blumenthal","norm_person":{"id":108,"first_name":"Henry J.","last_name":"Blumenthal","full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/1051543967","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"John Philoponus: Alexandrian Platonist?","main_title":{"title":"John Philoponus: Alexandrian Platonist?"},"abstract":"What, in the end, can we say about Philoponus\u2019 position as a Platonist, bearing in mind that our conclusions must still in some respects be provision\u00adal? That he was a Neoplatonist is indisputable. Since, however, few if any, of \r\nhis differences with other Neoplatonists seem to arise from the adoption of a specifically Alexandrian philosophical point of view, we must attribute them to his own philosophical - and theological - orientation. It turns out that, in \r\nhis case, \u00bbAlexandrian Platonist\u00ab may mean little more than a man whose philosophy was Neoplatonic, and who worked at Alexandria, though one might observe that there would not have been a warm welcome at Athens for a \r\nChristian Neoplatonist, however closely his views might conform to those codified by Proclus and developed by Damascius. One could go on to say \r\nthat, apart from the concentration on Aristotle, his differences from other Alexandrians were greater than theirs from the Athenians. In this connection \r\nwe should notice Philoponus\u2019 frequent appeals to Plato against Aristotle in the passages Simplicius singles out for complaint, and his relatively frequent reservations about the agreement, symph\u00f4nia, of Plato and Aristotle, which \r\nmost others eagerly sought to demonstrate. And since we started with a critique of P r a e c h t e r , who did so much to initiate the serious study of the \r\nAristotelian commentators, it might be appropriate to end with his characteri\u00ad\r\nsation of Philoponus in the De aeternitate mundi: \u00bbes ist der gelehrte Platoniker der spricht\u00ab. [conclusion, p. 334-335]\r\n","btype":3,"date":"1986","language":"English","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/Il5meIvwCfrHOJU","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":108,"full_name":"Blumenthal, Henry J.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":628,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Hermes","volume":"114","issue":"","pages":"314\u2013335"}},"sort":["John Philoponus: Alexandrian Platonist?"]}
Title | L'homonymie entre Aristote et ses commentateurs néo-platoniciens |
Type | Article |
Language | French |
Date | 1981 |
Journal | Les Études philosophiques |
Volume | 1 |
Pages | 35-52 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Narcy, Michel |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
This text discusses the expression of Neoplatonism after Plotinus, which was primarily in the form of commentary on earlier works. However, this method can lead to errors and departures from the original ideas. The article examines how this applies to interpretations of homonymy in Aristotle's Categories, which are inconsistent among commentators. The author suggests that by examining how homonymy is used to resolve specific problems, one can better understand its meaning and transformation from Aristotle to Neoplatonism. The discussion centers on a passage in Simplicius's commentary on Categories in which he comments on Aristotle's remarks about the paronymous naming of beings defined by their quality. The author compares Simplicius's comments to Aristotle's original text, and argues that the former intentionally misrepresents the latter. [introduction] |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/AoM5UWrWuuKVRnM |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1104","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1104,"authors_free":[{"id":1667,"entry_id":1104,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":277,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Narcy, Michel","free_first_name":"Michel","free_last_name":"Narcy","norm_person":{"id":277,"first_name":"Michel","last_name":"Narcy","full_name":"Narcy, Michel","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/129449512","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"L'homonymie entre Aristote et ses commentateurs n\u00e9o-platoniciens","main_title":{"title":"L'homonymie entre Aristote et ses commentateurs n\u00e9o-platoniciens"},"abstract":"This text discusses the expression of Neoplatonism after Plotinus, which was primarily in the form of commentary on earlier works. However, this method can lead to errors and departures from the original ideas. The article examines how this applies to interpretations of homonymy in Aristotle's Categories, which are inconsistent among commentators. The author suggests that by examining how homonymy is used to resolve specific problems, one can better understand its meaning and transformation from Aristotle to Neoplatonism. The discussion centers on a passage in Simplicius's commentary on Categories in which he comments on Aristotle's remarks about the paronymous naming of beings defined by their quality. The author compares Simplicius's comments to Aristotle's original text, and argues that the former intentionally misrepresents the latter. [introduction]","btype":3,"date":"1981","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/AoM5UWrWuuKVRnM","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":277,"full_name":"Narcy, Michel","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1104,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Les \u00c9tudes philosophiques","volume":"1","issue":"","pages":"35-52"}},"sort":["L'homonymie entre Aristote et ses commentateurs n\u00e9o-platoniciens"]}
Title | La Physique d’Empédocle selon Simplicius |
Type | Article |
Language | French |
Date | 1989 |
Journal | Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire |
Volume | 67 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 65-74 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Stevens, Annick |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/jEsE6hea4eBbW3A |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"480","_score":null,"_source":{"id":480,"authors_free":[{"id":650,"entry_id":480,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":323,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Stevens, Annick","free_first_name":"Annick","free_last_name":"Stevens","norm_person":{"id":323,"first_name":" Annick","last_name":"Stevens","full_name":"Stevens, Annick","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/1195240120","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"La Physique d\u2019Emp\u00e9docle selon Simplicius","main_title":{"title":"La Physique d\u2019Emp\u00e9docle selon Simplicius"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1989","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/jEsE6hea4eBbW3A","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":323,"full_name":"Stevens, Annick","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":480,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire","volume":"67","issue":"1","pages":"65-74"}},"sort":["La Physique d\u2019Emp\u00e9docle selon Simplicius"]}
Title | La Récupération d'Anaxagore |
Type | Article |
Language | French |
Date | 1980 |
Journal | Archives de Philosophie |
Volume | 43 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 75-98 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Ramnoux, Clémence |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
The author meant to «recuperate» the Fragments of Anaxagoras, most of which are transmitted in the Commentary of Simplicius on Aristotle's Physics I, 4, without severing them from their context. While doing so he was interested in the neo-platonicist presentation itself, and also in the modern interpretations proceeding from it, enhancing an interpretative tradition. The first article inquires into the presentation of doctrines by dichotomic confrontation and into the problem of contrary couples. Following on the recuperation of the Fragments of Anaxagoras in a neo-platonic context, the second article presents the doctrine of the Spirit as agent both of thinking discrimination and of mechanical separation which starts from the original gathering, and which is both thought and subtantial. It examines subsequently how far a doctrine of the plurality of worlds can be attributed to Anaxagoras. [Author's abstract] |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/qPrScoZOXyBdsV0 |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1063","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1063,"authors_free":[{"id":1613,"entry_id":1063,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":295,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Ramnoux, Cl\u00e9mence","free_first_name":"Cl\u00e9mence","free_last_name":"Ramnoux","norm_person":{"id":295,"first_name":"Cl\u00e9mence","last_name":"Ramnoux","full_name":"Ramnoux, Cl\u00e9mence","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/1219538949","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"La R\u00e9cup\u00e9ration d'Anaxagore","main_title":{"title":"La R\u00e9cup\u00e9ration d'Anaxagore"},"abstract":"The author meant to \u00abrecuperate\u00bb the Fragments of Anaxagoras, most of which are transmitted in the Commentary of Simplicius on Aristotle's Physics I, 4, without severing them from their context. While doing so he was interested in the neo-platonicist presentation itself, and also in the modern interpretations proceeding from it, enhancing an interpretative tradition. The first article inquires into the presentation of doctrines by dichotomic confrontation and into the problem of contrary couples. Following on the recuperation of the Fragments of Anaxagoras in a neo-platonic context, the second article presents the doctrine of the Spirit as agent both of thinking discrimination and of mechanical separation which starts from the original gathering, and which is both thought and subtantial. It examines subsequently how far a doctrine of the plurality of worlds can be attributed to Anaxagoras. [Author's abstract]","btype":3,"date":"1980","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/qPrScoZOXyBdsV0","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":295,"full_name":"Ramnoux, Cl\u00e9mence","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1063,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Archives de Philosophie","volume":"43","issue":"1","pages":"75-98"}},"sort":["La R\u00e9cup\u00e9ration d'Anaxagore"]}
Title | La Récupération d'Anaxagore II |
Type | Article |
Language | French |
Date | 1980 |
Journal | Archives de Philosophie |
Volume | 43 |
Pages | 279-297 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Ramnoux, Clémence |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
The text discusses the concept of the mind and plurality of worlds in Anaxagoras' philosophy. It focuses on a fragment that is the longest and most extensive in relation to the mind. The author explores the vocabulary used by Anaxagoras to articulate his doctrine and how it uses oppositions such as one and multiple, similar and different, light and dark, hot and cold, dry and wet to categorize things. The author also discusses Anaxagoras' use of the concept of infinity in relation to both numbers and spatial dimensions. The text also highlights the attributes of the mind, such as its spatial greatness, lightness, and purity, which allow for quick movement and perception. The author concludes that Anaxagoras' conception of the mind is not divine, but rather characterized by its separation from everything else. [introduction] |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/KmHwcrR9pPkX73m |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1379","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1379,"authors_free":[{"id":2123,"entry_id":1379,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":295,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Ramnoux, Cl\u00e9mence","free_first_name":"Cl\u00e9mence","free_last_name":"Ramnoux","norm_person":{"id":295,"first_name":"Cl\u00e9mence","last_name":"Ramnoux","full_name":"Ramnoux, Cl\u00e9mence","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/1219538949","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"La R\u00e9cup\u00e9ration d'Anaxagore II","main_title":{"title":"La R\u00e9cup\u00e9ration d'Anaxagore II"},"abstract":"The text discusses the concept of the mind and plurality of worlds in Anaxagoras' philosophy. It focuses on a fragment that is the longest and most extensive in relation to the mind. The author explores the vocabulary used by Anaxagoras to articulate his doctrine and how it uses oppositions such as one and multiple, similar and different, light and dark, hot and cold, dry and wet to categorize things. The author also discusses Anaxagoras' use of the concept of infinity in relation to both numbers and spatial dimensions. The text also highlights the attributes of the mind, such as its spatial greatness, lightness, and purity, which allow for quick movement and perception. The author concludes that Anaxagoras' conception of the mind is not divine, but rather characterized by its separation from everything else. [introduction]","btype":3,"date":"1980","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/KmHwcrR9pPkX73m","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":295,"full_name":"Ramnoux, Cl\u00e9mence","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1379,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Archives de Philosophie","volume":"43","issue":"","pages":"279-297"}},"sort":["La R\u00e9cup\u00e9ration d'Anaxagore II"]}
Title | La taille et la forme des atomes dans les systèmes de Démocrite et d'Épicure («Préjugé» et «présupposé» en histoire de la philosophie) |
Type | Article |
Language | French |
Date | 1982 |
Journal | Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Étranger |
Volume | 172 |
Issue | 2 |
Pages | 187-203 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | O'Brien, Denis |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/wZQBfyk5YTiyIPh |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1101","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1101,"authors_free":[{"id":1664,"entry_id":1101,"agent_type":null,"is_normalised":null,"person_id":144,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"O'Brien, Denis","free_first_name":"Denis","free_last_name":"O'Brien","norm_person":{"id":144,"first_name":"Denis","last_name":"O'Brien","full_name":"O'Brien, Denis","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/134134079","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"La taille et la forme des atomes dans les syst\u00e8mes de D\u00e9mocrite et d'\u00c9picure (\u00abPr\u00e9jug\u00e9\u00bb et \u00abpr\u00e9suppos\u00e9\u00bb en histoire de la philosophie)","main_title":{"title":"La taille et la forme des atomes dans les syst\u00e8mes de D\u00e9mocrite et d'\u00c9picure (\u00abPr\u00e9jug\u00e9\u00bb et \u00abpr\u00e9suppos\u00e9\u00bb en histoire de la philosophie)"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1982","language":"French","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/wZQBfyk5YTiyIPh","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":144,"full_name":"O'Brien, Denis","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1101,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'\u00c9tranger","volume":"172","issue":"2","pages":"187-203"}},"sort":["La taille et la forme des atomes dans les syst\u00e8mes de D\u00e9mocrite et d'\u00c9picure (\u00abPr\u00e9jug\u00e9\u00bb et \u00abpr\u00e9suppos\u00e9\u00bb en histoire de la philosophie)"]}
Title | La teoria della relazione nei commentatori neoplatonici delle "Categorie" di Aristotele |
Type | Article |
Language | Italian |
Date | 1983 |
Journal | Rivista critica di storia della filosofia |
Volume | 38 |
Issue | 3 |
Pages | 259-283 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Conti, Alessandro D. |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/XF1SQuHznlJNEW1 |
{"_index":"sire","_type":"_doc","_id":"1275","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1275,"authors_free":[{"id":1864,"entry_id":1275,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":52,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Conti, Alessandro D.","free_first_name":"Alessandro D.","free_last_name":"Conti","norm_person":{"id":52,"first_name":"Alessandro D.","last_name":"Conti","full_name":"Conti, Alessandro D.","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/1047115123","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null}}],"entry_title":"La teoria della relazione nei commentatori neoplatonici delle \"Categorie\" di Aristotele","main_title":{"title":"La teoria della relazione nei commentatori neoplatonici delle \"Categorie\" di Aristotele"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1983","language":"Italian","online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/XF1SQuHznlJNEW1","doi_url":null,"categories":[],"authors":[{"id":52,"full_name":"Conti, Alessandro D.","role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"}}],"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1275,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Rivista critica di storia della filosofia","volume":"38","issue":"3","pages":"259-283"}},"sort":["La teoria della relazione nei commentatori neoplatonici delle \"Categorie\" di Aristotele"]}