A New Role for the Hippopede of Eudoxus, 2001
By: Yavetz, Ido
Title A New Role for the Hippopede of Eudoxus
Type Article
Language English
Date 2001
Journal Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Volume 56
Issue 1
Pages 69-93
Categories no categories
Author(s) Yavetz, Ido
The geometry of the alternative reconstruction of Eudoxan planetary theory is studied. It is shown that in this framework the hippopede acquires an analytical role, consolidating the theory's geometrical underpinnings. This removes the main point of incompatibility between the alternative reconstruction and Simplicius's account of Eudoxan planetary astronomy. The analysis also suggests a compass and straight-edge procedure for drawing a point by point outline of the retrograde loop created by any given arrangement of the three inner spheres. [Author’s abstract]

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A New Role for the Hippopede of Eudoxus, 2001
By: Yavetz, Ido
Title A New Role for the Hippopede of Eudoxus
Type Article
Language English
Date 2001
Journal Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Volume 56
Issue 1
Pages 69-93
Categories no categories
Author(s) Yavetz, Ido
The geometry of the alternative reconstruction of Eudoxan planetary theory is studied. It is 
shown that in this framework the hippopede acquires an analytical role, consolidating the theory's geometrical underpinnings. This removes the main point of incompatibility between the alternative reconstruction and Simplicius's account of Eudoxan planetary astronomy. The analysis also suggests a compass and straight-edge procedure for drawing a point by point outline of the retrograde loop created by any given arrangement of the three inner spheres. [Author’s abstract]

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