On the Homocentric Spheres of Eudoxus, 1998
By: Yavetz, Ido
Title On the Homocentric Spheres of Eudoxus
Type Article
Language English
Date 1998
Journal Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Volume 52
Issue 3
Pages 221-278
Categories no categories
Author(s) Yavetz, Ido
In 1877, Schiaparelli published a classic essay on the homocentric spheres of Eu- doxus. In the years that followed, it became the standard, definitive historical reconstruc- tion of Eudoxian planetary theory. The purpose of this paper is to show that the two texts on which Schiaparelli based his reconstruction do not lead in an unequivocal way to this interpretation, and that they actually accommodate alternative and equally plausible interpretations that possess a clear astronomical superiority compared to Schiaparelli's. One should not mistake all of this for a call to reject Schiaparelli's interpretation in favor of the new one. In particular, the alternative interpretation does not recommend itself as a historically more plausible basis for reconstructing Eudoxus's and Callippus's planetary theories merely because of its astronomical advantages. It does, however, suggest that the exclusivity traditionally awarded to Schiaparelli's reconstruction can no longer be maintained, and that the little historical evidence we do possess does not enable us to make a justifiable choice between the available alternatives. [Introduction, p. 221]

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On the Homocentric Spheres of Eudoxus, 1998
By: Yavetz, Ido
Title On the Homocentric Spheres of Eudoxus
Type Article
Language English
Date 1998
Journal Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Volume 52
Issue 3
Pages 221-278
Categories no categories
Author(s) Yavetz, Ido
In 1877, Schiaparelli published a classic essay on the homocentric spheres of Eu- 
doxus. In the years that followed, it became the standard, definitive historical reconstruc- 
tion of Eudoxian planetary theory. The purpose of this paper is to show that the two texts 
on which Schiaparelli based his reconstruction do not lead in an unequivocal way to 
this interpretation, and that they actually accommodate alternative and equally plausible 
interpretations that possess a clear astronomical superiority compared to Schiaparelli's. One should not mistake all of this for a call to reject Schiaparelli's interpretation in favor 
of the new one. In particular, the alternative interpretation does not recommend itself as a 
historically more plausible basis for reconstructing Eudoxus's and Callippus's planetary theories merely because of its astronomical advantages. It does, however, suggest that 
the exclusivity traditionally awarded to Schiaparelli's reconstruction can no longer be 
maintained, and that the little historical evidence we do possess does not enable us to 
make a justifiable choice between the available alternatives. [Introduction, p. 221]

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