‘Simplicius.’ On Aristotle, On the Soul 3.6–13, 2013
By: Simplicius
Title ‘Simplicius.’ On Aristotle, On the Soul 3.6–13
Type Edited Book
Language English
Date 2013
Publication Place Bristol - London
Publisher Bristol Classical Press
Series Ancient Commentators on Aristotle
Categories no categories
Author(s) Simplicius
Translator(s) Steel, Carlos(Steel, Carlos ) , Ritups, Arnis(Ritups, Arnis) ,
This is the fourth and last volume of the translation in this series of the commentary on Aristotle On the Soul, wrongly attributed to Simplicius. Its real author, most probably Priscian of Lydia, proves in this work to be an original philosopher who deserves to be studied, not only because of his detailed explanation of an often difficult Aristotelian text, but also because of his own psychological doctrines. In chapter six the author discusses the objects of the intellect. In chapters seven to eight he sees Aristotle as moving towards practical intellect, thus preparing the way for discussing what initiates movement in chapters nine to 11. His interpretation offers a brilliant investigation of practical reasoning and of the interaction between desire and cognition from the level of perception to the intellect. In the commentator's view, Aristotle in the last chapters (12-13) investigates the different type of organic bodies corresponding to the different forms of life (vegetative and sensory, from the most basic, touch, to the most complex).

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Platons Timaios als Grundtext der Kosmologie in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Renaissance - Plato's Timaeus and the Foundations of Cosmology in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 2005
By: Leinkauf, Thomas (Ed.), Steel, Carlos (Ed.)
Title Platons Timaios als Grundtext der Kosmologie in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Renaissance - Plato's Timaeus and the Foundations of Cosmology in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2005
Publication Place Leuven
Publisher Leuven University Press
Series Ancient and Medieval Philosophy de Wulf-Mansion Centre, Series 1
Volume 29
Categories no categories
Editor(s) Leinkauf, Thomas , Steel, Carlos
The particular focus of this volume is a study of the influence of Timaeus on the development of Western cosmology in three axial periods of European culture: Late Antiquity, Middle Ages and Renaissance. In each period, the Timaeus was read in a different context and from different perspectives. During the Middle Ages, scholars were mostly interested in reconciling the rational cosmology of the Timaeus with the Christian understanding of creation. In Late Antiquity, the concordance of Plato with Aristotle was considered the most important issue, whereas in early modern times, the confrontation with the new mathematical physics offered possibilities for a fresh assessment of Plato's explanation of the cosmos. The present volume has three sections corresponding to these three periods of interpreting the Timaeus, each sectionis introduced by a synthesis of the main issues at discussion. This 'epochal' approach gives this volume its particular character. [author's abstract]

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  • PAGE 1 OF 1
Platons Timaios als Grundtext der Kosmologie in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Renaissance - Plato's Timaeus and the Foundations of Cosmology in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 2005
By: Leinkauf, Thomas (Ed.), Steel, Carlos (Ed.)
Title Platons Timaios als Grundtext der Kosmologie in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Renaissance - Plato's Timaeus and the Foundations of Cosmology in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2005
Publication Place Leuven
Publisher Leuven University Press
Series Ancient and Medieval Philosophy de Wulf-Mansion Centre, Series 1
Volume 29
Categories no categories
Editor(s) Leinkauf, Thomas , Steel, Carlos
The particular focus of this volume is a study of the influence of Timaeus on the development of Western cosmology in three axial periods of European culture: Late Antiquity, Middle Ages and Renaissance. In each period, the Timaeus was read in a different context and from different perspectives. During the Middle Ages, scholars were mostly interested in reconciling the rational cosmology of the Timaeus with the Christian understanding of creation. In Late Antiquity, the concordance of Plato with Aristotle was considered the most important issue, whereas in early modern times, the confrontation with the new mathematical physics offered possibilities for a fresh assessment of Plato's explanation of the cosmos. The present volume has three sections corresponding to these three periods of interpreting the Timaeus, each sectionis introduced by a synthesis of the main issues at discussion. This 'epochal' approach gives this volume its particular character. [author's abstract]

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‘Simplicius.’ On Aristotle, On the Soul 3.6–13, 2013
By: Simplicius
Title ‘Simplicius.’ On Aristotle, On the Soul 3.6–13
Type Edited Book
Language English
Date 2013
Publication Place Bristol - London
Publisher Bristol Classical Press
Series Ancient Commentators on Aristotle
Categories no categories
Author(s) , Simplicius
Translator(s) Steel, Carlos(Steel, Carlos ) , Ritups, Arnis(Ritups, Arnis) ,
This is the fourth and last volume of the translation in this series of the commentary on Aristotle On the Soul, wrongly attributed to Simplicius. Its real author, most probably Priscian of Lydia, proves in this work to be an original philosopher who deserves to be studied, not only because of his detailed explanation of an often difficult Aristotelian text, but also because of his own psychological doctrines. In chapter six the author discusses the objects of the intellect. In chapters seven to eight he sees Aristotle as moving towards practical intellect, thus preparing the way for discussing what initiates movement in chapters nine to 11. His interpretation offers a brilliant investigation of practical reasoning and of the interaction between desire and cognition from the level of perception to the intellect. In the commentator's view, Aristotle in the last chapters (12-13) investigates the different type of organic bodies corresponding to the different forms of life (vegetative and sensory, from the most basic, touch, to the most complex).

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