Alexander on Physics 2.9, 2012
By: Sharples, Robert W.
Title Alexander on Physics 2.9
Type Article
Language English
Date 2012
Journal Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
Volume 55
Issue 1
Pages 19-30
Categories no categories
Author(s) Sharples, Robert W.
I want to draw your attention today to a report of Alexander in Simplicius’s Physics commentary which, as far as I can tell, has escaped the notice of everyone, myself included - and I have rather less excuse than most, for, as we shall see, the report connects directly with issues about which I have written in other contexts. That was concerned with On coming-to-be and passing-away [hereafter GC] 2.11, with Philoponus’s commentary thereon, and with Alexander’s discussion in some of the Quaestiones\ the present paper, with Simplicius’s help, extends the discussion to Physics 2.9; Alexander’s GC commentary, and the relevant part of his Physics commentary, are lost. [Introduction, p. 19]

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Habent sua fata libelli: Aristotle’s Categories in the First Century BC, 2008
By: Sharples, Robert W.
Title Habent sua fata libelli: Aristotle’s Categories in the First Century BC
Type Article
Language English
Date 2008
Journal Acta Antiqua
Volume 48
Issue 1-2
Pages 273-287
Categories no categories
Author(s) Sharples, Robert W.
A rc-cxaminalion of the question why, in the revival of interest, in the first century BC in Aristotle’s esoteric works, as opposed to his doctrines, the work Categories played so large a part. The answers suggested are that the work aroused interest just because it did not easily fit into the standard Hellenistic divisions of philosophy and their usual agendas, and that, inore than Aristotle's other works with the possible exception of the Metaphysics, it revealed aspects of Aristotle’s thought that had become unfamiliar during the Hellenistic period.

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Alexander on Physics 2.9, 2012
By: Sharples, Robert W.
Title Alexander on Physics 2.9
Type Article
Language English
Date 2012
Journal Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
Volume 55
Issue 1
Pages 19-30
Categories no categories
Author(s) Sharples, Robert W.
I  want  to  draw  your  attention  today  to  a  report  of  Alexander  in  Simplicius’s  Physics commentary which, as far as I can tell, has escaped the notice of everyone, myself included -  and  I  have rather less excuse than  most,  for,  as we shall  see, the report connects  directly with  issues  about  which  I  have  written  in  other  contexts.  That  was  concerned  with  On coming-to-be  and  passing-away  [hereafter  GC]  2.11,  with  Philoponus’s  commentary thereon,  and  with  Alexander’s  discussion  in  some  of the  Quaestiones\  the  present  paper, with Simplicius’s help, extends the discussion to Physics 2.9; Alexander’s GC commentary, 
and the relevant part of his Physics commentary, are lost. [Introduction, p. 19]

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Habent sua fata libelli: Aristotle’s Categories in the First Century BC, 2008
By: Sharples, Robert W.
Title Habent sua fata libelli: Aristotle’s Categories in the First Century BC
Type Article
Language English
Date 2008
Journal Acta Antiqua
Volume 48
Issue 1-2
Pages 273-287
Categories no categories
Author(s) Sharples, Robert W.
A rc-cxaminalion of the question why, in the revival of interest, in the first century BC  in Aristotle’s esoteric works, as opposed to his doctrines, the work Categories played so large a part. The answers suggested are that the work aroused interest  just because it did not easily fit into the standard Hellenistic divisions of philosophy and their usual agendas, and that, inore than Aristotle's other works with the possible exception of the Metaphysics, it revealed aspects of Aristotle’s thought that had become unfamiliar during the Hellenistic period.

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