Title | Proclus on Corporeal Space |
Type | Article |
Language | English |
Date | 1994 |
Journal | Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie |
Volume | 76 |
Pages | 151 –167 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Schrenk, Lawrence P. |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
In his survey of ancient theories of space1 the Aristotelian commen- tator Simplicius considers the rather peculiar account offered by the Neoplatonic philosopher, Proclus.2 This philosopher's analysis of space3 is unique in that it contains the unusual claim that space is corporeal.4 In this paper, I shall explore this claim and argue that it is by no means as absurd as might at first appear. It results from a rea- soned attempt to develop a theory of space which meets the needs of Proclus' ontology of emanation. We shall begin by seeking a precise understanding of the assertion that space is a body (through an analysis of two detailed proofs Proclus offers in its support5) and then investi- gate the philosophical motives compelling him to make the claim by inquiring about the function of space in his comprehensive ontology. [Introduction, p. 151-152] |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/es6VRskBGAHA2p5 |
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Title | Proclus on Corporeal Space |
Type | Article |
Language | English |
Date | 1994 |
Journal | Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie |
Volume | 76 |
Pages | 151 –167 |
Categories | no categories |
Author(s) | Schrenk, Lawrence P. |
Editor(s) | |
Translator(s) |
In his survey of ancient theories of space1 the Aristotelian commen- tator Simplicius considers the rather peculiar account offered by the Neoplatonic philosopher, Proclus.2 This philosopher's analysis of space3 is unique in that it contains the unusual claim that space is corporeal.4 In this paper, I shall explore this claim and argue that it is by no means as absurd as might at first appear. It results from a rea- soned attempt to develop a theory of space which meets the needs of Proclus' ontology of emanation. We shall begin by seeking a precise understanding of the assertion that space is a body (through an analysis of two detailed proofs Proclus offers in its support5) and then investi- gate the philosophical motives compelling him to make the claim by inquiring about the function of space in his comprehensive ontology. [Introduction, p. 151-152] |
Online Resources | https://uni-koeln.sciebo.de/s/es6VRskBGAHA2p5 |
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