Leucippus, Democritus and the οὐ μᾶλλον Principle: An Examination of Theophrastus Phys.Op. Fr. 8, 2002
By: Schofield, Malcom
Title Leucippus, Democritus and the οὐ μᾶλλον Principle: An Examination of Theophrastus Phys.Op. Fr. 8
Type Article
Language English
Date 2002
Journal Phronesis
Volume 47
Issue 3
Pages 253–263
Categories no categories
Author(s) Schofield, Malcom
This paper is a piece of detective work. Starting from an obvious excrescence inthe transmitted text of Simplicius's treatment of the foundations of Presocraticatomism near the beginning of his Physicscommentary, it excavates a Theophrasteancorrection to Aristotle's tendency to lump Leucippus and Democritus together: Theophrastus made application of the οὐ μᾶλλον principle in the sphere of ontol-ogy an innovation by Democritus. Along the way it shows Simplicius reorderinghis Theophrastean source in his efforts to nd material which will strengthen thecontrast between Leucippus's atomism and Eleatic metaphysics. And it arguesthat in doing so he all but obliterates TheophrastusÕs attempt to point up theDemocritean credentials of the οὐ μᾶλλον principle.

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Doxographica Anaxagorea, 1975
By: Schofield, Malcom
Title Doxographica Anaxagorea
Type Article
Language English
Date 1975
Journal Hermes
Volume 103
Issue 1
Pages 1-24
Categories no categories
Author(s) Schofield, Malcom
t is not my aim in this paper to decide between the opinions of JAEGER and LANZA. I want rather to try to settle a prior question posed by JAEGER'S argument in the extract from his Gifford Lectures printed above. He appeals principally to two texts in advancing his view of Anaxagoras's 'methodical point of departure': a scholium on Gregory of Nazianzus (DK 59 B io) and a bit of Simplicius's commentary on the Physics. Do these texts provide reliable evidence for an interest in nutrition and growth on Anaxagoras's part and for the decisive role of his thinking on these matters in his general theory of matter which JAEGER discerns ? [pp. 1 f.]

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Doxographica Anaxagorea, 1975
By: Schofield, Malcom
Title Doxographica Anaxagorea
Type Article
Language English
Date 1975
Journal Hermes
Volume 103
Issue 1
Pages 1-24
Categories no categories
Author(s) Schofield, Malcom
t  is  not  my  aim in  this  paper to  decide between  the  opinions of  JAEGER 
and LANZA.  I  want  rather to  try  to  settle  a prior question posed by  JAEGER'S 
argument in  the  extract  from his  Gifford Lectures printed above.  He  appeals 
principally  to  two  texts  in  advancing  his  view  of  Anaxagoras's  'methodical 
point  of departure': a scholium on Gregory of Nazianzus (DK  59 B  io)  and a 
bit  of Simplicius's commentary on the Physics.  Do  these texts  provide reliable evidence for an interest in nutrition and growth on Anaxagoras's part and for 
the  decisive  role  of  his  thinking  on  these  matters  in  his  general  theory  of 
matter which JAEGER discerns ? [pp. 1 f.]

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Leucippus, Democritus and the οὐ μᾶλλον Principle: An Examination of Theophrastus Phys.Op. Fr. 8, 2002
By: Schofield, Malcom
Title Leucippus, Democritus and the οὐ μᾶλλον Principle: An Examination of Theophrastus Phys.Op. Fr. 8
Type Article
Language English
Date 2002
Journal Phronesis
Volume 47
Issue 3
Pages 253–263
Categories no categories
Author(s) Schofield, Malcom
This paper is a   piece of detective work. Starting from an obvious excrescence inthe transmitted text of Simplicius's   treatment of the foundations of Presocraticatomism near the beginning of his Physicscommentary, it excavates a Theophrasteancorrection to Aristotle's   tendency to lump Leucippus and Democritus together: Theophrastus made application of the οὐ μᾶλλον principle in the sphere of ontol-ogy an innovation by Democritus. Along the way it  shows Simplicius reorderinghis Theophrastean source in his efforts to nd material which will strengthen thecontrast between Leucippus's   atomism and Eleatic metaphysics. And it  arguesthat in doing so he all but obliterates TheophrastusÕs   attempt to point up theDemocritean credentials of the οὐ μᾶλλον principle.

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