Empedocles Recycled, 1987
By: Osborne, Catherine
Title Empedocles Recycled
Type Article
Language English
Date 1987
Journal Classical Quarterly
Volume 37
Issue 1
Pages 24-50
Categories no categories
Author(s) Osborne, Catherine
It is no longer generally believed that Empedocles was the divided character portrayed by nineteenth-century scholars, a man whose scientific and religious views were incompatible but untouched by each other. Yet it is still widely held that, however unitary his thought, nevertheless he still wrote more than one poem, and that his poems can be clearly divided between those which do, and those which do not, concern 'religious matters'.1 Once this assumption can be shown to be shaky or actually false, the grounds for dividing the quotations of Empedocles into two poems by subject matter disappear; and without that division our interpretation of Empedocles stands in need of radical revision. This paper starts with the modest task of showing that Empedocles may have written only one philosophical poem and not two, and goes on to suggest some of the ways in which we have to rethink the whole story if he did. If all our material belongs to one poem we are bound to link the cycle of the daimones with that of the elements, and this has far-reaching consequences for our interpretation. [Introduction, p. 24]

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Empedocles Recycled, 1987
By: Osborne, Catherine
Title Empedocles Recycled
Type Article
Language English
Date 1987
Journal Classical Quarterly
Volume 37
Issue 1
Pages 24-50
Categories no categories
Author(s) Osborne, Catherine
It is no longer generally believed that Empedocles was the divided character portrayed by  nineteenth-century  scholars,  a  man  whose  scientific  and  religious  views  were incompatible but untouched  by each  other.  Yet  it  is  still widely held that,  however unitary his  thought,  nevertheless he  still  wrote  more  than  one  poem,  and  that  his poems can be clearly divided between those which do, and those which do not, concern 
'religious matters'.1 Once this assumption can be shown to be shaky or actually false, the  grounds  for  dividing the  quotations  of  Empedocles  into  two  poems  by  subject matter disappear; and without that division our interpretation of  Empedocles stands in  need of  radical revision. This paper starts with  the modest  task  of  showing  that Empedocles may have  written only  one  philosophical  poem  and  not  two,  and  goes on to suggest some of the ways in which we have to rethink the whole story if he did. If all our material belongs to one poem we are bound to link the cycle of the daimones with that of the elements, and this has far-reaching  consequences for our 
interpretation. [Introduction, p. 24]

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