A “New” Text of Alexander on the Soul’s Motion, 1997
By: Rashed, Marwan, Sorabji, Richard (Ed.)
Title A “New” Text of Alexander on the Soul’s Motion
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1997
Published in Aristotle and after
Pages 181-195
Categories no categories
Author(s) Rashed, Marwan
Editor(s) Sorabji, Richard
[Conclusion, pp. 181 f.]: To conclude, then, the historical evolution of the polemics may be summarised as follows: 1. ‘Aristotelian’ claim of the intellect from without; 2. Atticus attacks the intellect from without because of its inability to move; 3. Aristoteles of Mytilene (as reported by Alexander in Cl) defends the intellect from without by claiming its ubiquity; 4. Alexander (De intell., C2) criticises Aristoteles’ solution to Atticus’ criticisms and gives an alternative reply to Atticus by accounting for separation in terms of thought processes; 5. Alexander {In Phys.) attacks Atticus’ vehicle-theory on the grounds that it does not resolve the question at all and alludes indirectly to his previous solution. Thus, we may conclude that the De intellectu is an authentic work of Alexander, but an earlier one than the commentary on the Physics.

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A “New” Text of Alexander on the Soul’s Motion, 1997
By: Rashed, Marwan, Sorabji, Richard (Ed.)
Title A “New” Text of Alexander on the Soul’s Motion
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1997
Published in Aristotle and after
Pages 181-195
Categories no categories
Author(s) Rashed, Marwan
Editor(s) Sorabji, Richard
[Conclusion, pp. 181 f.]: To  conclude,  then,  the  historical  evolution  of  the  polemics 
may be summarised as follows:
1.  ‘Aristotelian’  claim of the intellect from without;
2. Atticus attacks the intellect from without because of its inability to move;
3.  Aristoteles  of Mytilene  (as  reported by  Alexander  in  Cl)  defends  the  intellect from 
without by claiming its ubiquity;
4.  Alexander  (De intell.,  C2)  criticises  Aristoteles’  solution  to  Atticus’  criticisms  and 
gives  an  alternative  reply  to  Atticus  by  accounting  for  separation  in  terms  of  thought 
5.  Alexander {In Phys.)  attacks Atticus’  vehicle-theory  on  the grounds that it does  not 
resolve the question at all and alludes indirectly to his previous solution.
Thus, we may conclude that the De intellectu is an authentic work of Alexander, but an 
earlier one than the commentary on the Physics.

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