Simplicius on De Anima 407b23-408a29 , 2019
By: Sanchez, Liliana Carolina, Finamore, John F. (Ed.), Nejeschleba, Tomáš (Ed.)
Title Simplicius on De Anima 407b23-408a29
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 2019
Published in Platonism and Its Legacy: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies
Pages 141-158
Categories no categories
Author(s) Sanchez, Liliana Carolina
Editor(s) Finamore, John F. , Nejeschleba, Tomáš
In the following lines I aim to study one of those cases in which the exegetical labour of a Neoplatonic commentator is seen as carrying a doctrinal element that entails a certain distortion of Aristotle’s thought. The case that I propose to analyze is ‘Simplicius’’ commentary on the soul-harmony theory, for the commentator runs his interpretation with the aid of certain Neoplatonic theories that are alien to Aristotle’s thought. My aim is to track how the hermeneutical device that the commentator applies to the Aristotelian text is built up from the elements provided in the text itself, how the foreign doctrine is introduced, and how this elicits a global comprehension and a philosophical appropriation of the text. In order to do so, I will first present the passage and the alien theory that is being employed by ‘Simplicius’ to perform his exegesis; then I will show how the commentator chains two passages of the text and produce an explanation for the refutation of the soul harmony theory. Finally, I will describe what kind of interpretation is produced and how it serves to explain Aristotle’s challenge in using the hylomorphic model applied to psychology. By doing this I hope that I could explain how is that the commentator feels himself authorized to introduce the alien theory, how he builds up his exegesis around a problem that he needs to solve, and consequently what is the philosophical product of such an interpretation. [introduction]

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Simplicius on De Anima 407b23-408a29 , 2019
By: Sanchez, Liliana Carolina, Finamore, John F. (Ed.), Nejeschleba, Tomáš (Ed.)
Title Simplicius on De Anima 407b23-408a29
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 2019
Published in Platonism and Its Legacy: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies
Pages 141-158
Categories no categories
Author(s) Sanchez, Liliana Carolina
Editor(s) Finamore, John F. , Nejeschleba, Tomáš
In the following lines I aim to study one of those cases in which the exegetical labour of a Neoplatonic commentator is seen as carrying a doctrinal element that entails a certain distortion of Aristotle’s thought. The case that I propose to analyze is ‘Simplicius’’ commentary on the soul-harmony theory, for the commentator runs his interpretation with the aid of certain Neoplatonic theories that are alien to Aristotle’s thought. My aim is to track how the hermeneutical device that the commentator applies to the Aristotelian text is built up from the elements provided in the text itself, how the foreign doctrine is introduced, and how this elicits a global comprehension and a philosophical appropriation of the text. In order to do so, I will first present the passage and the alien theory that is being employed by ‘Simplicius’ to perform his exegesis; then I will show how the commentator chains two passages of the text and produce an explanation for the refutation of the soul harmony theory. Finally, I will describe what kind of interpretation is produced and how it serves to explain Aristotle’s challenge in using the hylomorphic model applied to psychology. By doing this I hope that I could explain how is that the commentator feels himself authorized to introduce the alien theory, how he builds up his exegesis around a problem that he needs to solve, and consequently what is the philosophical product of such an interpretation. [introduction]

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