L'homonymie entre Aristote et ses commentateurs néo-platoniciens, 1981
By: Narcy, Michel
Title L'homonymie entre Aristote et ses commentateurs néo-platoniciens
Type Article
Language French
Date 1981
Journal Les Études philosophiques
Volume 1
Pages 35-52
Categories no categories
Author(s) Narcy, Michel
This text discusses the expression of Neoplatonism after Plotinus, which was primarily in the form of commentary on earlier works. However, this method can lead to errors and departures from the original ideas. The article examines how this applies to interpretations of homonymy in Aristotle's Categories, which are inconsistent among commentators. The author suggests that by examining how homonymy is used to resolve specific problems, one can better understand its meaning and transformation from Aristotle to Neoplatonism. The discussion centers on a passage in Simplicius's commentary on Categories in which he comments on Aristotle's remarks about the paronymous naming of beings defined by their quality. The author compares Simplicius's comments to Aristotle's original text, and argues that the former intentionally misrepresents the latter. [introduction]

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L'homonymie entre Aristote et ses commentateurs néo-platoniciens, 1981
By: Narcy, Michel
Title L'homonymie entre Aristote et ses commentateurs néo-platoniciens
Type Article
Language French
Date 1981
Journal Les Études philosophiques
Volume 1
Pages 35-52
Categories no categories
Author(s) Narcy, Michel
This text discusses the expression of Neoplatonism after Plotinus, which was primarily in the form of commentary on earlier works. However, this method can lead to errors and departures from the original ideas. The article examines how this applies to interpretations of homonymy in Aristotle's Categories, which are inconsistent among commentators. The author suggests that by examining how homonymy is used to resolve specific problems, one can better understand its meaning and transformation from Aristotle to Neoplatonism. The discussion centers on a passage in Simplicius's commentary on Categories in which he comments on Aristotle's remarks about the paronymous naming of beings defined by their quality. The author compares Simplicius's comments to Aristotle's original text, and argues that the former intentionally misrepresents the latter. [introduction]

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