Définition et description: Le problème de la saisie des genres premiers et des individus chez Aristote dans l'exégèse de Simplicius, 1987
By: Narbonne, Jean-Marc
Title Définition et description: Le problème de la saisie des genres premiers et des individus chez Aristote dans l'exégèse de Simplicius
Type Article
Language French
Date 1987
Journal Archives de Philosophie
Volume 50
Pages 529-554
Categories no categories
Author(s) Narbonne, Jean-Marc
Simplicius uses (and distorts) the concept of hypographe (of Stoic origin) in order to describe the first genera and the particulars which, in Aristotle, are not susceptible to definition. However, a closer examination of the status of science in Aristotle (with reference to the doctrine of incommunicability of genera and the problem of individuation) shows that Simplicius’ attempt is incompatible, or at least difficult to reconcile, with the aristotelianism (of Aristotle). [Author's abstract]

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Définition et description: Le problème de la saisie des genres premiers et des individus chez Aristote dans l'exégèse de Simplicius, 1987
By: Narbonne, Jean-Marc
Title Définition et description: Le problème de la saisie des genres premiers et des individus chez Aristote dans l'exégèse de Simplicius
Type Article
Language French
Date 1987
Journal Archives de Philosophie
Volume 50
Pages 529-554
Categories no categories
Author(s) Narbonne, Jean-Marc
Simplicius uses (and distorts) the concept of hypographe (of  Stoic origin) in order to describe the first genera and the particulars which, in Aristotle, are not susceptible to definition. However, a closer examination of the status of science in Aristotle (with reference to the doctrine of incommunicability of genera and the problem of individuation) shows that Simplicius’ attempt is incompatible, or at least difficult to reconcile, with the aristotelianism (of Aristotle). [Author's abstract]

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