Boéthos de Sidon sur les relatifs, 2013
By: Luna, Concetta
Title Boéthos de Sidon sur les relatifs
Type Article
Language French
Date 2013
Journal Studia greaco-arabica
Volume 3
Pages 1-35
Categories no categories
Author(s) Luna, Concetta
The Peripatetic philosopher Boethus of Sidon (mid-first century BC), a pupil of Andronicus of Rhodes, is well-known for his commentary on Aristotle’s Categories, whose fragments are transmitted by later commentators together with testimonia about it. In his exegesis of the Categories, Boethus especially focused on the category of relation (Cat. 7), on which he wrote a speci!c treatise, arguing against the Stoics for the unity of the category of relation. The present paper o"ers a translation and analysis of Boethus’ fragments on relation, all of which are preserved in Simplicius’ commentary on the Categories. [Author's abstract]

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Review of: Thiel 1999: Simplikios und das Ende der neuplatonischen Schule in Athen, 2001
By: Luna, Concetta
Title Review of: Thiel 1999: Simplikios und das Ende der neuplatonischen Schule in Athen
Type Article
Language English
Date 2001
Journal Mnemosyne
Volume 54
Issue 4
Pages 482–500
Categories no categories
Author(s) Luna, Concetta
This is an extensive review of R. Thiel’s monograph Simplikios und das Ende der neuplatonischen Schule in Athen. The author of the review, C. Luna, reproduces the book’s discussion of the location where Neoplatonic philosophers settled after leaving Athens due to the ban on pagan philosophy in 529 AD. They went to Persia and later returned to the Byzantine Empire after the peace treaty was signed. The only known historical account of their location is from Agathias, who states that they were attracted to the wisdom of King Chosroes and stayed at his court. However, they eventually left and, using a clause in the peace treaty, returned to the Byzantine Empire without having to renounce their philosophical or religious beliefs. The text examines two hypotheses as to where they went: Athens or Alexandria, but a new hypothesis is presented based on Simplicius' texts that the philosophers settled in Harran, a city close to the Persian border. The text also discusses the possibility of Simplicius returning to Athens, Alexandria, or Harran. Thiel, believes it is unlikely the philosophers went to Alexandria because the patriarch of the city would not have allowed them to continue their philosophical and anti-Christian activities. [introduction]

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Boéthos de Sidon sur les relatifs, 2013
By: Luna, Concetta
Title Boéthos de Sidon sur les relatifs
Type Article
Language French
Date 2013
Journal Studia greaco-arabica
Volume 3
Pages 1-35
Categories no categories
Author(s) Luna, Concetta
The Peripatetic philosopher Boethus of Sidon (mid-first century BC), a pupil of Andronicus of Rhodes, is well-known for his commentary on Aristotle’s Categories, whose fragments are transmitted by later commentators together with testimonia about it. In his exegesis of the Categories, Boethus especially focused on the category of relation (Cat. 7), on which he wrote a speci!c treatise, arguing against the Stoics for the unity of the category of relation. The present paper o"ers a translation and analysis of Boethus’ fragments on relation, all of which are preserved in Simplicius’ commentary on the Categories. [Author's abstract]

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Review of: Thiel 1999: Simplikios und das Ende der neuplatonischen Schule in Athen, 2001
By: Luna, Concetta
Title Review of: Thiel 1999: Simplikios und das Ende der neuplatonischen Schule in Athen
Type Article
Language English
Date 2001
Journal Mnemosyne
Volume 54
Issue 4
Pages 482–500
Categories no categories
Author(s) Luna, Concetta
This is an extensive review of R. Thiel’s monograph Simplikios und das Ende der neuplatonischen Schule in Athen. The author of the review, C. Luna, reproduces the book’s discussion of the location where Neoplatonic philosophers settled after leaving Athens due to the ban on pagan philosophy in 529 AD. They went to Persia and later returned to the Byzantine Empire after the peace treaty was signed. The only known historical account of their location is from Agathias, who states that they were attracted to the wisdom of King Chosroes and stayed at his court. However, they eventually left and, using a clause in the peace treaty, returned to the Byzantine Empire without having to renounce their philosophical or religious beliefs. The text examines two hypotheses as to where they went: Athens or Alexandria, but a new hypothesis is presented based on Simplicius' texts that the philosophers settled in Harran, a city close to the Persian border. The text also discusses the possibility of Simplicius returning to Athens, Alexandria, or Harran. Thiel, believes it is unlikely the philosophers went to Alexandria because the patriarch of the city would not have allowed them to continue their philosophical and anti-Christian activities. [introduction]

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