L'esperienza estetica fra logica e cosmologia nel Commentario alla Fisica di Simplicio, 2016
By: Licciardi, Ivan Adriano
Title L'esperienza estetica fra logica e cosmologia nel Commentario alla Fisica di Simplicio
Type Article
Language Italian
Date 2016
Journal Athenaeum
Volume 104
Issue 1
Pages 186-200
Categories no categories
Author(s) Licciardi, Ivan Adriano
In this paper I will explain some passages of Simplicius, in Phys. 1, in which the Commentator discusses the Aristotelian expression pephyke de ek tôn gvorimoteron (Phys. 1.1, 184a. 16). Here Simplicius distinguishes ta gnorimotera from to autopiston, such as the def­initions and the immediate premises, and from the dianoetic knowledge, which is syllogistic and demonstrative. Notwithstanding the topic o f these passages is epistemological, here the Com­mentator, through a syllogism in which there is an evident reminiscence o f Plato’s Timaeus, cites the beauty o f the universe as an initial step to raise to the goodness o f die Demiurge. After an articulated investigation (in which are involved, as well, Aristotle’s Rhetoric and above all P osteriorA nalytics), Simplicius concludes that to kalon has the same statute of gnorimoteron hemîn (Arise. Phys. 1.1.184a.l6). The purpose o f the Commentator seems that to conciliate Plato and Aristotle, and the result is an original and creative, but at the same rime exact and careful, way to do the exegesis of Aristotle’s Physics. [Author's abstract]

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L'esperienza estetica fra logica e cosmologia nel Commentario alla Fisica di Simplicio, 2016
By: Licciardi, Ivan Adriano
Title L'esperienza estetica fra logica e cosmologia nel Commentario alla Fisica di Simplicio
Type Article
Language Italian
Date 2016
Journal Athenaeum
Volume 104
Issue 1
Pages 186-200
Categories no categories
Author(s) Licciardi, Ivan Adriano
In  this  paper  I  will  explain  some  passages  of Simplicius, in   Phys.  1,  in  which  the Commentator discusses  the Aristotelian  expression pephyke de ek tôn gvorimoteron (Phys.  1.1, 184a. 16).  Here Simplicius  distinguishes  ta gnorimotera  from  to autopiston,  such  as the  def­initions  and  the  immediate  premises,  and  from  the  dianoetic  knowledge,  which  is  syllogistic and demonstrative. Notwithstanding the topic o f these passages is epistemological, here the Com­mentator, through a syllogism in which there is an evident reminiscence o f Plato’s Timaeus, cites the  beauty o f the universe as an  initial  step  to  raise to  the  goodness o f die Demiurge. After an articulated investigation  (in which are involved, as well, Aristotle’s Rhetoric and above all P osteriorA nalytics), Simplicius concludes that to kalon has  the same statute of gnorimoteron hemîn (Arise. Phys.  1.1.184a.l6). The purpose o f the Commentator seems that to conciliate Plato and Aristotle, and the result is an original and creative,  but at the same rime exact and careful, way  to do the exegesis  of Aristotle’s Physics. [Author's abstract]

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