A Fragment of Aristotle's Poetics from Porphyry, concerning Synonymy, 1982
By: Janko, Richard
Title A Fragment of Aristotle's Poetics from Porphyry, concerning Synonymy
Type Article
Language English
Date 1982
Journal The Classical Quarterly
Volume 32
Issue 2
Pages 323-326
Categories no categories
Author(s) Janko, Richard
An important fragment of the lost portion of Aristotle's Poetics is the definition of synonyms preserved by Simplicius,' which corresponds to Aristotle's own citation of the Poetics for synonyms in the Rhetoric, 3. 2. 1404b 37 ff. I shall argue elsewhere that this derives from a discussion of the sources of verbal humour in the lost account of comedy and humour. Here it is my aim to show that Simplicius definitely derived the quotation from Porphyry, which pushes back the attestation of this part of the Poetics by more than two centuries (although the citation in the Antiatticist, Poet. fr. 4 Kassel, is older still). Furthermore, I shall show that some of the words in the definition are a gloss added by Porphyry for the purposes of his own polemic. [introduction, p. 323]

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A Fragment of Aristotle's Poetics from Porphyry, concerning Synonymy, 1982
By: Janko, Richard
Title A Fragment of Aristotle's Poetics from Porphyry, concerning Synonymy
Type Article
Language English
Date 1982
Journal The Classical Quarterly
Volume 32
Issue 2
Pages 323-326
Categories no categories
Author(s) Janko, Richard
An  important fragment of  the lost  portion  of  Aristotle's Poetics is  the definition of synonyms preserved by Simplicius,' which corresponds to Aristotle's own citation of the Poetics for synonyms in the Rhetoric, 3. 2. 1404b 37 ff. I shall argue elsewhere that this derives from a discussion of  the sources of  verbal humour in the lost account of 
comedy  and humour. Here it is  my  aim to  show  that  Simplicius definitely derived the quotation  from Porphyry, which pushes back the attestation of  this part of  the Poetics  by  more  than  two  centuries (although  the citation  in  the Antiatticist,  Poet. fr. 4  Kassel, is  older still). Furthermore, I  shall show  that some  of  the words in  the 
definition are a  gloss  added by Porphyry for the purposes of  his own  polemic. [introduction, p. 323]

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