An Excerpt from Boethus of Sidon's Commentary on the Categories?, 1981
By: Huby, Pamela M.
Title An Excerpt from Boethus of Sidon's Commentary on the Categories?
Type Article
Language English
Date 1981
Journal The Classical Quarterly
Volume 31
Issue 2
Pages 398-409
Categories no categories
Author(s) Huby, Pamela M.
The text discusses an excerpt of a set of leaves from a fourteenth-century manuscript called Laurentianus 71, 32, containing paraphrases of several works. Theodore Waitz uses these leaves for scholia on Aristotle's Categories and De Interpretatione. The heading of the leaves is "Peri tês tou pote katêgorias," and the work consists of two parts. The first part discusses Time, based on Physics 4, while the second part deals with the category of When, which Aristotle only briefly mentions. The author of the work is believed to be Boethus of Sidon, the Peripatetic, who wrote a commentary on the Categories, as mentioned by Simplicius in his own commentary on the same work. Boethus is seen as a conservative who defended Aristotle against innovations, particularly Andronicus of Rhodes' attempt to substitute the category of Time for When. [introduction]

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An Excerpt from Boethus of Sidon's Commentary on the Categories?, 1981
By: Huby, Pamela M.
Title An Excerpt from Boethus of Sidon's Commentary on the Categories?
Type Article
Language English
Date 1981
Journal The Classical Quarterly
Volume 31
Issue 2
Pages 398-409
Categories no categories
Author(s) Huby, Pamela M.
The text discusses an excerpt of a set of leaves from a fourteenth-century manuscript called Laurentianus 71, 32, containing paraphrases of several works. Theodore Waitz uses these leaves for scholia on Aristotle's Categories and De Interpretatione. The heading of the leaves is "Peri tês tou pote katêgorias," and the work consists of two parts. The first part discusses Time, based on Physics 4, while the second part deals with the category of When, which Aristotle only briefly mentions. The author of the work is believed to be Boethus of Sidon, the Peripatetic, who wrote a commentary on the Categories, as mentioned by Simplicius in his own commentary on the same work. Boethus is seen as a conservative who defended Aristotle against innovations, particularly Andronicus of Rhodes' attempt to substitute the category of Time for When. [introduction]

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