Une histoire néoplatonicienne des principes Simplicius, In Phys., I, 1-2, 2017
By: Gavray, Marc-Antoine, Gavray, Marc-Antoine (Ed.), Michalewski, Alexandra (Ed.)
Title Une histoire néoplatonicienne des principes Simplicius, In Phys., I, 1-2
Type Book Section
Language French
Date 2017
Published in Les principes cosmologiques du Platonisme : origines, influences et systématisation
Pages 249-272
Categories no categories
Author(s) Gavray, Marc-Antoine
Editor(s) Gavray, Marc-Antoine , Michalewski, Alexandra
This text explores the place of Physics in the history of philosophy, specifically its role within the philosophical tradition and its relationship to preceding thinkers. The author discusses how Simplicius classifies Physics systematically and places it within the historical context of philosophical inquiries into nature, aiming to situate Aristotle in relation to his predecessors. Simplicius follows two models, Aristotle's Metaphysics Book Α and Proclus' Commentary on Timaeus, to develop his perspective on the history of philosophy. Aristotle traces the successive discovery of principles and causes in natural philosophy, highlighting the significance of material principles and introducing the concept of a cause in relation to the eternal motion. Proclus, on the other hand, presents a systematic history of philosophy based on the study of types of causes, distinguishing three stages of nature philosophy. The first stage includes pre-Platonic philosophers who focused on material causes, the second involves post-Platonic philosophers who considered both material and formal causes, and the third features Plato, who introduced transcendent causes like the Intellect, Ideas, and the Good. Proclus considers Plato as the culmination of this historical development, surpassing the contributions of Aristotle. Simplicius agrees with the three-stage classification, with Plato as the third moment. However, he sees Aristotle's work as more rigorous and precise in examining causes, particularly in discussing material and formal causes and the significance of the first mover in Physics VIII. Simplicius considers Plato's contributions more principled, while Aristotle's work represents a more scientific approach to physics. In summary, the text explores the historical development of philosophical inquiry into nature, emphasizing Plato's and Aristotle's distinct contributions and perspectives on the study of causes and principles in the natural world. [introduction]

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The author discusses how Simplicius classifies Physics systematically and places it within the historical context of philosophical inquiries into nature, aiming to situate Aristotle in relation to his predecessors. Simplicius follows two models, Aristotle's Metaphysics Book \u0391 and Proclus' Commentary on Timaeus, to develop his perspective on the history of philosophy. Aristotle traces the successive discovery of principles and causes in natural philosophy, highlighting the significance of material principles and introducing the concept of a cause in relation to the eternal motion. Proclus, on the other hand, presents a systematic history of philosophy based on the study of types of causes, distinguishing three stages of nature philosophy. The first stage includes pre-Platonic philosophers who focused on material causes, the second involves post-Platonic philosophers who considered both material and formal causes, and the third features Plato, who introduced transcendent causes like the Intellect, Ideas, and the Good. Proclus considers Plato as the culmination of this historical development, surpassing the contributions of Aristotle. Simplicius agrees with the three-stage classification, with Plato as the third moment. However, he sees Aristotle's work as more rigorous and precise in examining causes, particularly in discussing material and formal causes and the significance of the first mover in Physics VIII. Simplicius considers Plato's contributions more principled, while Aristotle's work represents a more scientific approach to physics. In summary, the text explores the historical development of philosophical inquiry into nature, emphasizing Plato's and Aristotle's distinct contributions and perspectives on the study of causes and principles in the natural world. 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Dans cet intervalle, la question de la nature et du nombre des principes cosmologiques est apparue comme un enjeu central de la d\u00e9fense du platonisme, dans sa confrontation avec les \u00e9coles rivales, mais aussi, \u00e0 partir de l\u2019\u00e9poque imp\u00e9riale, avec le christianisme. Au sein de cette histoire, les critiques et r\u00e9ceptions aristot\u00e9liciennes ont jou\u00e9 un r\u00f4le d\u00e9terminant et ont, d'un certain point de vue, pr\u00e9par\u00e9 le tournant inaugur\u00e9 par Plotin : de Th\u00e9ophraste, qui le premier articule la causalit\u00e9 du Premier Moteur et l'h\u00e9ritage platonicien des Formes intelligibles, \u00e0 Alexandre d'Aphrodise, qui critique l'anthropomorphisme inh\u00e9rent aux th\u00e9ories providentialistes des platoniciens imp\u00e9riaux, les ex\u00e9g\u00e8tes p\u00e9ripat\u00e9ticiens ont ouvert des pistes qui seront adapt\u00e9es et transform\u00e9es \u00e0 travers les diff\u00e9rents syst\u00e8mes n\u00e9oplatoniciens. 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Une histoire néoplatonicienne des principes Simplicius, In Phys., I, 1-2, 2017
By: Gavray, Marc-Antoine, Gavray, Marc-Antoine (Ed.), Michalewski, Alexandra (Ed.)
Title Une histoire néoplatonicienne des principes Simplicius, In Phys., I, 1-2
Type Book Section
Language French
Date 2017
Published in Les principes cosmologiques du Platonisme : origines, influences et systématisation
Pages 249-272
Categories no categories
Author(s) Gavray, Marc-Antoine
Editor(s) Gavray, Marc-Antoine , Michalewski, Alexandra
This text explores the place of Physics in the history of philosophy, specifically its role within the philosophical tradition and its relationship to preceding thinkers. The author discusses how Simplicius classifies Physics systematically and places it within the historical context of philosophical inquiries into nature, aiming to situate Aristotle in relation to his predecessors. Simplicius follows two models, Aristotle's Metaphysics Book Α and Proclus' Commentary on Timaeus, to develop his perspective on the history of philosophy. Aristotle traces the successive discovery of principles and causes in natural philosophy, highlighting the significance of material principles and introducing the concept of a cause in relation to the eternal motion. Proclus, on the other hand, presents a systematic history of philosophy based on the study of types of causes, distinguishing three stages of nature philosophy.  The first stage includes pre-Platonic philosophers who focused on material causes, the second involves post-Platonic philosophers who considered both material and formal causes, and the third features Plato, who introduced transcendent causes like the Intellect, Ideas, and the Good. Proclus considers Plato as the culmination of this historical development, surpassing the contributions of Aristotle. Simplicius agrees with the three-stage classification, with Plato as the third moment. However, he sees Aristotle's work as more rigorous and precise in examining causes, particularly in discussing material and formal causes and the significance of the first mover in Physics VIII. Simplicius considers Plato's contributions more principled, while Aristotle's work represents a more scientific approach to physics. In summary, the text explores the historical development of philosophical inquiry into nature, emphasizing Plato's and Aristotle's distinct contributions and perspectives on the study of causes and principles in the natural world. [introduction]

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The author discusses how Simplicius classifies Physics systematically and places it within the historical context of philosophical inquiries into nature, aiming to situate Aristotle in relation to his predecessors. Simplicius follows two models, Aristotle's Metaphysics Book \u0391 and Proclus' Commentary on Timaeus, to develop his perspective on the history of philosophy. Aristotle traces the successive discovery of principles and causes in natural philosophy, highlighting the significance of material principles and introducing the concept of a cause in relation to the eternal motion. Proclus, on the other hand, presents a systematic history of philosophy based on the study of types of causes, distinguishing three stages of nature philosophy. The first stage includes pre-Platonic philosophers who focused on material causes, the second involves post-Platonic philosophers who considered both material and formal causes, and the third features Plato, who introduced transcendent causes like the Intellect, Ideas, and the Good. Proclus considers Plato as the culmination of this historical development, surpassing the contributions of Aristotle. Simplicius agrees with the three-stage classification, with Plato as the third moment. However, he sees Aristotle's work as more rigorous and precise in examining causes, particularly in discussing material and formal causes and the significance of the first mover in Physics VIII. Simplicius considers Plato's contributions more principled, while Aristotle's work represents a more scientific approach to physics. In summary, the text explores the historical development of philosophical inquiry into nature, emphasizing Plato's and Aristotle's distinct contributions and perspectives on the study of causes and principles in the natural world. 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Dans cet intervalle, la question de la nature et du nombre des principes cosmologiques est apparue comme un enjeu central de la d\u00e9fense du platonisme, dans sa confrontation avec les \u00e9coles rivales, mais aussi, \u00e0 partir de l\u2019\u00e9poque imp\u00e9riale, avec le christianisme. Au sein de cette histoire, les critiques et r\u00e9ceptions aristot\u00e9liciennes ont jou\u00e9 un r\u00f4le d\u00e9terminant et ont, d'un certain point de vue, pr\u00e9par\u00e9 le tournant inaugur\u00e9 par Plotin : de Th\u00e9ophraste, qui le premier articule la causalit\u00e9 du Premier Moteur et l'h\u00e9ritage platonicien des Formes intelligibles, \u00e0 Alexandre d'Aphrodise, qui critique l'anthropomorphisme inh\u00e9rent aux th\u00e9ories providentialistes des platoniciens imp\u00e9riaux, les ex\u00e9g\u00e8tes p\u00e9ripat\u00e9ticiens ont ouvert des pistes qui seront adapt\u00e9es et transform\u00e9es \u00e0 travers les diff\u00e9rents syst\u00e8mes n\u00e9oplatoniciens. Reprenant \u00e0 Alexandre sa critique des conceptions artificialistes de la cosmologie platonicienne, Plotin s'oppose \u00e0 lui pour d\u00e9fendre l'efficience causale des Formes intelligibles, qu'il d\u00e9finit comme des r\u00e9alit\u00e9s vivantes et intellectives, en les ins\u00e9rant dans un syst\u00e8me de d\u00e9rivation de toutes choses depuis l'Un. \u00c0 sa suite, les diff\u00e9rents diadoques n\u00e9oplatoniciens placeront la vie au c\u0153ur du monde intelligible, d\u00e9finissant les Formes comme des r\u00e9alit\u00e9s vivantes et intellectives dot\u00e9es d\u2019une efficience propre\u3000: la puissance de faire advenir des r\u00e9alit\u00e9s d\u00e9riv\u00e9es. [author's abstract]","republication_of":null,"online_url":"","online_resources":"https:\/\/uni-koeln.sciebo.de\/s\/mKjzDtZ02WOMlSr","translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"is_catalog":0,"in_bibliography":0,"is_inactive":0,"notes":null,"doi_url":null,"book":{"id":1491,"pubplace":"Turnhout","publisher":"Brepols","series":"Monoth\u00e9isme et philosophie ","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null}}},"article":null},"sort":["Une histoire n\u00e9oplatonicienne des principes Simplicius, In Phys., I, 1-2"]}

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