Simplicius on the Meaning of Sentences: A Commentary on "In Cat." 396,30-397,28, 1998
By: Gaskin, Richard
Title Simplicius on the Meaning of Sentences: A Commentary on "In Cat." 396,30-397,28
Type Article
Language English
Date 1998
Journal Phronesis
Volume 43
Issue 1
Pages 42–62
Categories no categories
Author(s) Gaskin, Richard
At Categories 12b5-16 Aristotle appears to regard the referents of declarative sentences, such as "Socrates is sitting," as what later writers were to call com- plexe significabilia, i.e., items such as that Socrates is sitting. Simplicius' dis- cussion of this passage in his commentary on the Categories clearly shows the influence of Stoic philosophy of language; but, if we follow the text printed by Kalbfleisch, Simplicius' commentary is seen to be a muddle of Stoic and Aristotelian elements, neither properly understood. It is possible, however, by making a crucial emendation to the text, to preserve the Aristotelian integrity of Simplicius' theory of meaning. On that line Simplicius would be adopting the view that a declarative sentence refers to a thought in the first instance and a complexe significabile in the second instance. This view is plausibly the upshot of combining the Categories text with the first chapter of De Interpretatione. [Author's abstract]

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Simplicius on the Meaning of Sentences: A Commentary on "In Cat." 396,30-397,28, 1998
By: Gaskin, Richard
Title Simplicius on the Meaning of Sentences: A Commentary on "In Cat." 396,30-397,28
Type Article
Language English
Date 1998
Journal Phronesis
Volume 43
Issue 1
Pages 42–62
Categories no categories
Author(s) Gaskin, Richard
At Categories 12b5-16 Aristotle appears to regard the referents of declarative sentences, such as "Socrates is sitting," as what later writers were to call com- plexe significabilia, i.e., items such as that Socrates is sitting. Simplicius' dis- cussion of this passage in his commentary on the Categories clearly shows the influence of Stoic philosophy of language; but, if we follow the text printed by Kalbfleisch, Simplicius' commentary is seen to be a muddle of Stoic and Aristotelian elements, neither properly understood. It is possible, however, by making a crucial emendation to the text, to preserve the Aristotelian integrity of Simplicius' theory of meaning. On that line Simplicius would be adopting the view that a declarative sentence refers to a thought in the first instance and a complexe significabile in the second instance. This view is plausibly the upshot of combining the Categories text with the first chapter of De Interpretatione. [Author's abstract]

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