Simplicius on the Place of the Philosopher in the City (In Epictetum chap. 32), 2004
By: O’Meara, Dominic J., Gannagé, Emma (Ed.)
Title Simplicius on the Place of the Philosopher in the City (In Epictetum chap. 32)
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 2004
Published in The Greek strand in Islamic political thought. Proceedings of the conference held at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, 16 - 27 June 2003
Pages 89-98
Categories no categories
Author(s) O’Meara, Dominic J.
Editor(s) Gannagé, Emma
The purpose of this paper is to propose some discussion of a passage in which a pagan Neoplatonist philosopher of the first half of the sixth century A. D. speaks of the function of the philosopher in political and social life. The Neoplatonist is Simplicius and the passage is found in chapter 32 of his commentary on the Manual of Epictetus. The date of this commentary is uncertain, but it has been argued that Simplicius refers in it to the anti-pagan measures taken by the Emperor Justinian in 529 which put an end to the activities of the Neoplatonist school at Athens and led to the exile in Persia of the school’s head, Damascius, accompanied by his pupil Simplicius and by other philosophers. My translation, given below (II), of the pas­sage in Simplicius’ commentary is preceded (I) by some indications concerning the context in which the passage occurs and will be followed (III) by comments on themes present in the passage. [introduction, p. 89]

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Simplicius on the Place of the Philosopher in the City (In Epictetum chap. 32), 2004
By: O’Meara, Dominic J., Gannagé, Emma (Ed.)
Title Simplicius on the Place of the Philosopher in the City (In Epictetum chap. 32)
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 2004
Published in The Greek strand in Islamic political thought. Proceedings of the conference held at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, 16 - 27 June 2003
Pages 89-98
Categories no categories
Author(s) O’Meara, Dominic J.
Editor(s) Gannagé, Emma
The purpose of this paper is to propose some discussion of a passage in which a pagan Neoplatonist philosopher of the first half of the sixth century A. D. speaks of the function of the philosopher in political  and  social  life. The Neoplatonist is Simplicius and the passage is found in chapter 32 of his commentary on the Manual 
of Epictetus. The date of this commentary is uncertain, but it has been argued that Simplicius refers in it to the anti-pagan measures taken by the Emperor Justinian in 529 which put an end to the activities of the Neoplatonist school at Athens and led to the exile in Persia of the school’s head, Damascius, accompanied by his pupil Simplicius and by other philosophers. My translation, given below (II), of the pas­sage in Simplicius’ commentary is preceded (I) by some indications concerning the context in which the passage occurs and will be followed  (III) by comments on themes present in the passage. [introduction, p. 89]

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