The Authorship of the Pseudo-Simplician Neoplatonic Commentary on the De Anima, 2020
By: Gabor, Gary
Title The Authorship of the Pseudo-Simplician Neoplatonic Commentary on the De Anima
Type Article
Language English
Date 2020
Journal Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy
Volume 35
Issue 1
Pages 1-22
Categories no categories
Author(s) Gabor, Gary
The traditional ascription of the Neoplatonic commentary on the De Anima to Sim­plicius has prominently been disputed by Carlos Steel and Fernand Bossier, along with J.O. Urmson and Francesco Piccolomini, among others. Citing problems with terminology, diction, cross-references, doctrine, and other features, these authors have argued that the commentary cannot have been composed by Simplicius and that Priscian of Lydia is a favored alternative. In this paper, I present some new arguments for why the traditional attribution to Simplicius is, in fact, the correct one. In particular, while addressing some of the terminological facts that have also been discussed by Christina Luna, Peter Lautner, Patricia Huby, and Philippe Vallat, among others, I offer a more secure basis for identifying the author of the De Anima commentary with Simplicius than has so far been proposed. In place of the disputes regarding terminology, which the debate has largely centered upon, I argue that certain unique and characteristic interpretive procedures, which one only finds in the undisputed Simplician works, allow us to identify the authorship of the De Anima commentary with Simplicius securely. Further, comparison of these methodological features with the extant works of Priscian rules out the possibility of his authorship of the commentary. I also provide some suggestions for resolving a few remaining issues of cross-reference between the De Anima commentary and the rest of Simplicius’s work. Finally, I conclude with some words on how that particular form of harmonization pursued by Simplicius’s contemporaries differs from both that of the De Anima commentary as well as his other works. [Author's abstract]

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The Justification and Derivation of Aristotle’s Categories in Ammonius and Simplicius, 2014
By: Gabor, Gary
Title The Justification and Derivation of Aristotle’s Categories in Ammonius and Simplicius
Type Article
Language English
Date 2014
Journal Quaestiones Disputatae
Volume 4
Issue 2
Pages 99-112
Categories no categories
Author(s) Gabor, Gary
Susanne Bobzien recently described “the volumes of the Greek commen-tators on Aristotle’s logical works” as “monumental” but “rarely creative.”2 While to a certain degree accurate, Bobzien’s assessment obscures the occa- sional flashes of innovation in these works. I intend to explore one example here—the question of what justification, if any, late ancient philosophers gave for Aristotle’s ten categories. [Introduction, p. 99]

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The Authorship of the Pseudo-Simplician Neoplatonic Commentary on the De Anima, 2020
By: Gabor, Gary
Title The Authorship of the Pseudo-Simplician Neoplatonic Commentary on the De Anima
Type Article
Language English
Date 2020
Journal Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy
Volume 35
Issue 1
Pages 1-22
Categories no categories
Author(s) Gabor, Gary
The traditional ascription of the Neoplatonic commentary on the De Anima to Sim­plicius has prominently been disputed by Carlos Steel and Fernand Bossier, along with J.O. Urmson and Francesco Piccolomini, among others. Citing problems with terminology, diction, cross-references, doctrine, and other features, these authors have argued that the commentary cannot have been composed by Simplicius and that Priscian of Lydia is a favored alternative. In this paper, I present some new arguments for why the traditional attribution to Simplicius is, in fact, the correct one. In particular, while addressing some of the terminological facts that have also been discussed by Christina Luna, Peter Lautner, Patricia Huby, and Philippe Vallat, among others, I offer a more secure basis for identifying the author of the De Anima commentary with Simplicius than has so far been proposed. In place of the disputes regarding terminology, which the debate has largely centered upon, I argue that certain unique and characteristic interpretive procedures, which one only finds in the undisputed Simplician works, allow us to identify the authorship of the De Anima commentary with Simplicius securely. Further, comparison of these methodological features with the extant works of Priscian rules out the possibility of his authorship of the commentary. I also provide some suggestions for resolving a few remaining issues of cross-reference between the De Anima commentary and the rest of Simplicius’s work. Finally, I conclude with some words on how that particular form of harmonization pursued by Simplicius’s contemporaries differs from both that of the De Anima commentary as well as his other works. [Author's abstract]

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The Justification and Derivation of Aristotle’s Categories in Ammonius and Simplicius, 2014
By: Gabor, Gary
Title The Justification and Derivation of Aristotle’s Categories in Ammonius and Simplicius
Type Article
Language English
Date 2014
Journal Quaestiones Disputatae
Volume 4
Issue 2
Pages 99-112
Categories no categories
Author(s) Gabor, Gary
Susanne  Bobzien  recently  described  “the  volumes  of   the  Greek  commen-tators on Aristotle’s logical works” as “monumental” but “rarely creative.”2 While to a certain degree accurate, Bobzien’s assessment obscures the occa-
sional flashes of innovation in these works. I intend to explore one example here—the question of what justification, if any, late ancient philosophers 
gave for Aristotle’s ten categories. [Introduction, p. 99]

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