Strato’s theory of the void, 1985
By: Furley, David J. , Wiesner, Jürgen (Ed.)
Title Strato’s theory of the void
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1985
Published in Aristoteles - Werk und Wirkung. Paul Moraux gewidmet. Bd. 1: Aristoteles und seine Schule
Pages 594-609
Categories no categories
Author(s) Furley, David J.
Editor(s) Wiesner, Jürgen
At the beginning of his Corollary on Place (In Phys. 601, 14-24), Simplicius classifies theories about place, as follows. First, there is a distinction between those who make place a corporeal thing and those who suppose it is incorporeal. Only Proclus falls into the first class. O f the latter, some think it is without extension, the rest think it is extended. The first group consists of Plato, who said place is the material substrate of bodies, and Damascius, who said it is that which completes the nature of bodies. The second group is further subdivided, into those who held place to be extended in two dimen­ sions, “as Aristotle and the whole Peripatos did”, and those who gave it three dimensions. The latter can be subdivided again: on the one hand, there is the school of Democritus and Epicurus, who held that place is everywhere undifferentiated, and sometimes persists without any body in it, and on the other hand, “the famous Plato- nists and Strato of Lampsacus”, who said that place is an extended interval (diastema) that always contains body and is adapted to its particular occupant... [p. 594]

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Strato’s theory of the void, 1985
By: Furley, David J. , Wiesner, Jürgen (Ed.)
Title Strato’s theory of the void
Type Book Section
Language English
Date 1985
Published in Aristoteles - Werk und Wirkung. Paul Moraux gewidmet. Bd. 1: Aristoteles und seine Schule
Pages 594-609
Categories no categories
Author(s) Furley, David J.
Editor(s) Wiesner, Jürgen
At the  beginning  of his  Corollary on  Place  (In  Phys.  601,  14-24), 
Simplicius  classifies  theories  about  place,  as  follows.  First,  there  is  a 
distinction  between  those  who  make  place  a  corporeal  thing  and 
those  who  suppose  it  is  incorporeal.  Only  Proclus  falls  into  the  first 
class.  O f the  latter,  some  think  it  is  without extension,  the  rest  think 
it  is  extended. The first group  consists  of Plato, who said place  is  the 
material  substrate  of  bodies,  and  Damascius,  who  said  it  is  that 
which  completes  the  nature  of  bodies.  The  second  group  is  further 
subdivided,  into  those  who  held  place  to  be  extended  in  two  dimen­
sions,  “as  Aristotle  and  the  whole  Peripatos  did”,  and  those  who 
gave  it  three  dimensions.  The  latter  can  be  subdivided  again:  on  the 
one  hand,  there  is  the  school  of  Democritus  and  Epicurus, who  held 
that  place  is  everywhere  undifferentiated,  and  sometimes  persists 
without  any  body  in  it,  and  on  the  other  hand,  “the  famous  Plato- 
nists  and  Strato  of  Lampsacus”,  who  said  that  place  is  an  extended 
interval  (diastema)  that  always  contains  body  and  is  adapted  to  its 
particular  occupant... [p. 594]

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