Iamblichus’ Νοερὰ Θεωρία of Aristotle’s Categories, 1997
By: Dillon, John
Title Iamblichus’ Νοερὰ Θεωρία of Aristotle’s Categories
Type Article
Language English
Date 1997
Journal Syllecta Classica
Volume 8
Pages 65-77
Categories no categories
Author(s) Dillon, John
This text discusses Iamblichus' commentary on Porphyry's large commentary on Aristotle's Categories. Porphyry is credited with the setting out and responses to all the aporiai that were concocted by critics of the Categories in the Middle Platonic period, as well as with references to Stoic doctrines in the commentary. Iamblichus added certain criticisms, modifications of Porphyry, relevant passages of Archytas, and some "higher criticism" or intellectual interpretation of nearly all sections of the work. Iamblichus' contribution was to apply his techniques of allegorical exegesis to Aristotle's Categories, where he was able to apply much the same method as he did with Plato's dialogues. Iamblichus' method of commentary is discussed in detail, including his definition of the skopos, or essential subject matter, of the treatise, which concerned all three possible subject matters for the Categories: words, things, and concepts. [introduction/conclusion]

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Iamblichus’ Νοερὰ Θεωρία of Aristotle’s Categories, 1997
By: Dillon, John
Title Iamblichus’ Νοερὰ Θεωρία of Aristotle’s Categories
Type Article
Language English
Date 1997
Journal Syllecta Classica
Volume 8
Pages 65-77
Categories no categories
Author(s) Dillon, John
This text discusses Iamblichus' commentary on Porphyry's large commentary on Aristotle's Categories. Porphyry is credited with the setting out and responses to all the aporiai that were concocted by critics of the Categories in the Middle Platonic period, as well as with references to Stoic doctrines in the commentary. Iamblichus added certain criticisms, modifications of Porphyry, relevant passages of Archytas, and some "higher criticism" or intellectual interpretation of nearly all sections of the work. Iamblichus' contribution was to apply his techniques of allegorical exegesis to Aristotle's Categories, where he was able to apply much the same method as he did with Plato's dialogues. Iamblichus' method of commentary is discussed in detail, including his definition of the skopos, or essential subject matter, of the treatise, which concerned all three possible subject matters for the Categories: words, things, and concepts. [introduction/conclusion]

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