Cosmología, cosmogonía y teogonía en el poema de Parménides, 2010
By: Bredlow, Luis-Andrés
Title Cosmología, cosmogonía y teogonía en el poema de Parménides
Type Article
Language Spanish
Date 2010
Journal Emerita: Revista de Lingüística y Filología Clasíca
Volume 78
Issue 2
Pages 275-297
Categories no categories
Author(s) Bredlow, Luis-Andrés
The aim of this paper is to offer a fresh reconstruction of Parmenides’ system of the physical world, duly distinguishing the cosmological, cosmogonic and theogonic moments of the theory, whose confusion has been a main source of misunderstanding in earlier interpretations. In particular, the system of wreaths or bands of B 12 and A 37 does not represent the present order of the universe, but the general structure of matter, as well as the initial stage of the cosmogony (section 1), as can be substantiated also from Simplicius’ reading of the fragments (section 2). This distinction will allow a tentative reconstruction of Parmenides’ cosmogony (section 3) and cosmology, whose most striking feature is the position of the fixed stars below the sun and the moon, paralleled in Anaximander and – as I will try to show – in the cosmology of the orphic Derveni Papyrus (section 4).

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Cosmología, cosmogonía y teogonía en el poema de Parménides, 2010
By: Bredlow, Luis-Andrés
Title Cosmología, cosmogonía y teogonía en el poema de Parménides
Type Article
Language Spanish
Date 2010
Journal Emerita: Revista de Lingüística y Filología Clasíca
Volume 78
Issue 2
Pages 275-297
Categories no categories
Author(s) Bredlow, Luis-Andrés
The aim of this paper is to offer a fresh reconstruction of Parmenides’ system of the physical world, duly distinguishing the cosmological, cosmogonic and theogonic moments of the theory, whose confusion has been a main source of misunderstanding in earlier interpretations. In particular, the system of wreaths or bands of B 12 and A 37 does not represent the present order of the universe, but the general structure of matter, as well as the initial stage of the cosmogony (section 1), as can be substantiated also from Simplicius’ reading of the fragments (section 2). This distinction will allow a tentative reconstruction of Parmenides’ cosmogony (section 3) and cosmology, whose most striking feature is the position of the fixed stars below the sun and the moon, paralleled in Anaximander and – as I will try to show – in the cosmology of the orphic Derveni Papyrus (section 4).

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